Saturday, July 2, 2016

Rays, lite in M5S of Frongia Cabinet Secretary at risk Photo Poisons and power struggles – BBC

If it is not a record, close enough. It took eleven days, those passed by his official proclamation, to send Virginia Rays on a collision course with the “directory” of the Five Star Movement. A furious dispute in the House, in which the mayor would even threatened to resign. Argument, needless to say, the appointment of Daniel Frongia as his chief of staff (announced in official release on June 28) and the former alemanniano Raffaele Marra as vice, on which in M5S arguing for days.

they are looking for alternative solutions . Frongia could get in the bargain as deputy mayor (although initially it had been ‘hijacked’ other role precisely because they do it all Deputy Mayor would alter the internal balance), while Marra could be destined for another management role. Those choices, in fact, touching a nerve center: the “code of ethics” did sign the Rays, in which it says that all ‘proposed collaborators appointment must be approved by the team coordinated by the Movement guarantors. ” It’s not a joke. If it runs counter to this rule (and it seems that the Rays he did), the mayor could be declared ‘missing’ (with a voting procedure among members) and forced to dimettersi.Su this point, Raggi plays its decision-making autonomy and also, ultimately, his stay on the Capitoline hill. For this, the other night, the discussion has been quite turned on: the mayor on the one hand, some Members of M5S other.

the pressure on her is very strong , very clear demand: renege appointments and accept to agree with ‘the staff’ future decisions. Rays in public bulldozing the controversy ( “Voltage? Why should there be”) and try to hold on, strengthened by the fact that M5S, the capital, you play everything (even in key national government) and you certainly can not afford an early crisis. At the same time, in the Movement, there are those who think of extreme solutions: if the Rays continue to “not answer” might end up “disheartened” to Pizzarotti. Futuristic scenarios, for now. Ray has named the first city council to July 7 and by that time must have come, except slips to 12 July.

And the story Frongia is decisive . The appointment order, on the site of the City, there is still no. And he, yesterday, he leaked his “defense”: “The history of the fee is a hoax: it can only decide the junta, which does not exist yet. The salary will be far below the 180-290 thousand euro predecessors. Roberto Giachetti, with Rutelli, took the equivalent of 214,000 euro, more than Obama … “. To exit from the corner, the Rays move the target on ACEA, the multi-utility water and energy. The mayor asks the management “clarification on two executive appointments made three days before the vote,” but makes a gaffe . It is, in fact, two internal executives movements, tells the company.

2 July 2016 (modified July 2, 2016 | 23:25)



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