Last Tuesday, in the municipality of Fermo, capital of the province in the central and southern Marche, there was a violent attack due to which, just yesterday afternoon A young man of 36 years named Emmanuel Chidi NAMD, Nigerian asylum applicant, died at the hospital where he was hospitalized.
as leaked the first rumors about the case it seems that the thirty-six he was walking with his wife when suddenly a man 35, known as ultras of the local football team, he just insulted the girlfriend of 36-year old Nigerian calling monkey. At the moment there seems to be clear what really happened after this insult, but according to a first reconstruction of the police seems that Nigerian reacted to this insult uprooting a pole of road signs and beating 35-year old who had insulted his wife .
then, shortly after these violent blows, the 35 year-old Italian would get up from the ground and he started beating violently thirty-six to the point of reducing it almost dying. It was immediately raised the alarm and the man was accompanied to the hospital where he arrived already on how and where the doctors treated the wounds and they did everything possible to save his life but unfortunately all attempts to end were unsuccessful and right in the afternoon of Wednesday, the Nigerian 36-year old fell asleep forever . Unfortunately the many blows to the head which is received in the neck were fatal for the 36-year old and there was nothing to do.
On the delicate matter here that is expressed Mgr. Vinicio Albanesi who commented saying “It was a free and cold provocation, I believe that it is the same around the bombs in front of churches.” the Nigerian companion also was beaten, and precisely because of the aggression received reported bruises on the arms and a curable leg in seven days . The Mayor of Fermo, Paul Calcinari, has expressed his thoughts on the matter stating “As mayor of a welcoming city and always open to integration, it seems to me to fall into a nightmare with what happened and the pain of a life that you go breaking “ condemning what happened especially ” as it emerges from the episode, or the creeping racism that can not and should not be accommodated in the way absolute in our city. “
the first of Fermo citizen then concluded by saying ” Without prejudice to the procedural dynamic that will follow and the decision that the I believe that the judiciary will take what happened, as well as bringing the inconceivable end of a human life, creates a serious damage to the reality fermana. “ the police are still investigating on the 36-year old Nigerian death to understand what really happened.
Dead after one day in agony for a racial slur. The heart of Emmanuel Chidi Namdi, 36, a Nigerian, in an irreversible coma after a fight had Monday afternoon, in Fermo, in the center, with two ultras of the local team with sympathy for the extreme right, yesterday afternoon it stopped forever Murri in the hospital intensive care unit. Beside him, torn by grief, his wife Chimiary, 26, who yesterday told investigators that she was the first to suffer aggression and Emmanuel, that is a few meters, intervened to defend it.
“… African monkey, african … are a monkey.” He is a man of a meter ninety, red T-shirt, shorts and sneakers, shaved head and tattoos on his leg and an arm, to ask you these insults and, soon after, to strattonarla. Next door is a lower kind, he shaved and with similar clothing. They are known in town for their behavior. Chimiary beginning does not say anything, but then begins to cry when the alien hands gripping the arm and neck. Emmanuel is already there, he intervened to stop the aggression, and he also cries: “Leave my wife, let her.” From here the versions diverge completely.
The woman claims that her husband was shot by the man highest first with a pole of road signs, torn by force from the asphalt, and then with a vicious kick. The alleged assailant argues that he had to defend himself from the anger of the Nigerian and then he was forced to use all means to avoid more serious consequences.
The position of the two ultras, especially after the death of Emmanuel, she continues to escalate more. There are three eyewitnesses of the incident. People who were nearby and they told exactly the way they did things.
Along with these, even the versions of the municipal police officers will help to reconstruct how the facts are, and how it was possible that Emmanuel both fell to the ground without regaining consciousness. Everything, however, took place in the afternoon, around 17, when the Marche town is never empty as it appears usually after lunch. The investigations of the police flying squad of Ascoli Piceno, coordinated by the deputy prosecutor Francesca Perlini, are exploring all the statements and the testimonies and the connections with a history of where the two are possibly already carried out a wave. There is reticence, of course, on the allegations yesterday, from the community of Capodarco, have rained a ton from the mouth of Don Vinicio Albanesi, which housed the Nigerian couple in Fermo archdiocesan seminary for eight months, within the project managed by his Foundation Caritas in veritate.
“we have never had problems of coexistence and, just yesterday, I had experienced the embrace of the Islamic community that found itself at the end of Ramadan,” he said Mayor of Fermo, Paul Calcinaro. “Chimiary is exhausted, destroyed, inconsolable. Here in the hospital’s intensive care unit are proposing the donation of organs Emmanuel, to give life, maybe, four our compatriots “, the moving post by Massimo Rossi, a former president of the province of Ascoli Piceno, still incredulous for ‘it happened. “I still grieve more – said the president of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini – that this horrible deed was done in my region, which has always been a land of solidarity and hospitality.”
In the evening the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, telephoned to Don Vinicio Albanesi, who had known as a young scout, to express his closeness.
They were strong Chimiary and Emmanuel. Their love story began in Nigeria and survived a thousand sorrows, even physical. The daughter killed by the fundamentalists of Boko Haram, fled across the desert, to a crossing from Libya to Italy marked by an abortion. They were stronger than everything and smiled almost in disbelief that the day of their wedding in Italy, even if only informally “because they did not have all the necessary documents” recalls Don Vinicio Albanesi. On January 6th it was the founder of the Ca- podarco communities – both as a pastor and president of the foundation that manages the DO- reception facility there were hosted – to officiate the ceremony. Christian liturgy, yes, but no civil effects. Without documents can not. But to them it was fine too.
The church of San Marco to the Marshes welcomed them and their heart was bursting with happiness. They believed not to be able to crown their dream so quickly, away from despair and torment. “They had to get married in their own country, among their people – says Don Vinicio – then persecution and attacks by terrorists of Boko Haram have forced them to flee.” Chimiary and Emmanuel lose their loved ones, their house was hit by bombs and suddenly no longer exists. The assault on one of the Christian churches of the place and the subsequent explosion also killed the parents of the couple. Escape to another world, to a new life, it is the only chanche. Also because she is pregnant and the thought that her son might be born among the bombs and the destruction convinces both to leave Nigeria.
“were missing just two weeks to the wedding when Chimiary and Emmanuel decided to travel like so many others of their countrymen, “continues Don Vinicio. And it’s a known history of wandering and hardship, along the route that crosses the Niger and Libya, between desert and sea to the Mediterranean and beyond, dangers everywhere especially among the smugglers. Chimiary lost her baby after being beaten by one of these torturers in one of those hellish places where migrants are waiting to go on the boats. The child in her womb dies during the trip, while the coasts are approaching. two young lovers manage to get to Sicily, and from there are transferred in the Marches, in Fermo, in the reception center run by Caritas in Veritate Foundation.
The peace that reigns here is not comparable to anything of what they experienced until then. The wedding vows are the Archbishop’s seminary (where yesterday was held a wake) and more and hence the Little Sisters of Jesus Caritas and Red Cross volunteers accompanied them to the church. “The exchange of rings has consecrated a bond that has been able to withstand bombs and escape a thousand times in a tragedy,” said the Red Cross volunteers. And they are crying.
Chimiary and Emmanuel wanted a normal life. They found barbarism.
SI had sworn eternal fidelity on Epiphany, Chimiary and Emmanuel. They had done this with a unique Christian liturgy, devoid of civil effects. The two did not have the necessary documents to contract a marriage regularly but this was not an obstacle for Don Vinicio Albanesi, a pragmatic priest, little shape and a lot of substance. They were to be married in their country, Chimiary and Emmanuel. Then the persecutions, the clashes, the attacks perpetrated by Boko Haram terrorists. The decimated families, the houses destroyed by bombs. Their home was gone. They are expecting a son, and became convinced that Nigeria was not the safest place to put it to the world. Two weeks before the wedding, Chimiary and Emmanuel chose to travel, following the example of thousands of their countrymen, and pursuing the possibility of a better future. With the courage of the past, the two put on one of the most dangerous human routes: the long way of the desert and the sea, crossing the Niger and Libya, until you see the Promised Land beyond the Mediterranean. Thousands of kilometers, and even abuse, violence still: the journey of life had asked them a very high toll in money and suffering. Chimiary had lost her baby as a result of beatings in one of those camps where migrants remain parked at the mercy of unscrupulous jailers, waiting to set sail aboard a boat.

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