the new entry finale, the one that lets in Virginia Rays to square the circle of his council that will be presented today – in a closed Capitol in demonstrations and the live stream on Beppe Grillo’s blog rather than on the site of the City – is a young researcher, class ’78, telematic University “UNINETTUNO”. Her name is Linda Meleo, PhD at the Luiss in “Law and Economics”, which he wrote in 2013 an essay on “Sustainability in Rome” for Italianieuropei and curriculum mentions in the drafting of the 2009 annual report “Furniture City”, designed to ANCI where it was the subject “of supply and demand of urban mobility and the costs and investments for urban mobility starting from the municipal budgets.” The delegation on Transport, which also involves putting your hands on the “bandwagon” Atac, it’s up to lei.Con the last name, caught in extremis by the top hat, the junta is made. Will be five women (as anticipated by Courier ) and five men. Besides Meleo and rays (which will hold delegation, delicate, on the staff), there are Paola Muraro Environment (despite the written warning Ama for 200,000 euro of an old advice), Flavia Marzano the Smart City, Laura Baldassarre in Social and School.
the slide on the Roma
Five, in the end, even men. Stay out Andrea Lo Cicero, who was sentenced by the controversies of the past days (from the phrase homophobic than on “Gypsy of m …”), which comes in motion and leaves before the end of the junta informal. It is the only one who speaks: “I’m as excited as a child.” But it will not be commissioner for him, only a testimonial role. Proxies on Sport, however, go to Daniel Frongia, in the bargain as a deputy mayor, despite the latest opinion requested by the ANAC Rays Raffaele Cantone. Request of 4 July, perhaps not coincidentally, “Independence Day”. Those of Canton is a double reading: a current standards the task to Frongia as chief of staff could also be assigned (albeit as a staff figure of the mayor, not as apical manager) but the same Canton writes that that standard should be reviewed. In any case, by Raggi, it is a political message to his “opponents” exterior and interior.
the role of the Morgante
Frongia with the delegation to Sport has another side: he will end one of the most important dossiers, one on the candidature of Rome to the Olympic Games 2024. the other men are those already known: Paul Berdini Planning, Luca Bergamo for Culture, Marcello Minenna that will have the ‘ super-department “in financial statements, subsidiaries and equity, Adriano Meloni (indicated by Davide Casaleggio) in Commerce and Turismo.Cinque and five: gender equality, enshrined in the Rome Statute Capital (and on which the Five Star have” deep thinking “in the last hours) it is guaranteed. And any appeals to the TAR, as happened to Gianni Alemanno, averted. Also because, out of the council, it will have a decisive role Daniela Morgante, magistrate of the Court of Auditors, which will be appointed chief of staff. Today, at the first meeting of the Assembly Capitolina, however, begin the skirmishes with the opposition. First of all, the ‘battle’ of the benches: M5S you want to sit to the left of the Presidency (in the Capitol there are two opposing stands, not a semicircle as in Parliament), where there were those of the Democratic Party. That, not to be “evicted” altogether, they will huddle in the few remaining places. For the “first” in the classroom, there will also Giorgia Meloni, Roberto Giachetti (who has renounced the compensation as supervisor), Alfio Marchini and Stefano Fassina (who “blesses” the choice of Minenna the Budget), beaten in the mayoral candidates the Rays. That, yesterday evening, finally made the junta, it went to celebrate the birthday of Luigi Di Maio on a boat on the Tiber. Toasting, perhaps, with its mandate as mayor that begins
7 July 2016 | 07:51
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