5 Star Movement surpasses the Democratic Party. And with the ‘ Italicum would win the runoff with 10 point lead (54.7 to 45.3) and could thus govern. Not only. In the ranking of popularity among political leaders Beppe Grillo hooks Matteo Renzi and Luigi Di Maio surpasses it. This is the picture taken by Demos survey for the Atlas of Republic Political immortalizing the political framework redesigned by the recent local elections, won, without a doubt for the majority of Italians (80% of respondents), by pentastellati, the only to have strengthened. Unlike the other parties who lose shots, starting with the Democratic Party Renzi.
For this – writes Ilvo Diamonds on Republic – in the case of the five-star general election would take over 32%, five points above to the April survey. The Democrats instead are just above 30. Lega Nord and Forza Italy do not reach the 12 and also in a coalition with the Italicum not approderebbero the runoff. With these data in hand, in fact, he would disappear the tripolarismo that had arisen. And it would return to a bipolar system with different players.
In case of ballot, however – according to the surveys of Demos – there would be no game. The five star would beat the Democrats with ten points. And with even twenty if the comparison was with Forza Italy – North League. “It also explains – especially – so the growing concern in the majority, to the Italicum, the electoral law passed by this government. That enters into force today. It reproduces, in many ways, the device adopted for the election of mayors. By definitely unpleasant effects and welcome to the Democratic Party. And its leader “analyzes Diamonds.
The scenario that has been created after the vote in local elections over another because now incontrovertible: the M5s now is hardly perceived by the electorate only as an opposition force and anti-system, but as a mature political subject. Two out of three voters, in fact, think that pentastellati are capable of governing in the cities where they have won. The majority, however, do not believe still able to govern the country . But this opinion is slowly changing: more than four out of ten voters think that would be ready to take the leadership of the government.
As for the trust in leaders, reaches Grillo Renzi, Di Maio instead then crosses. And Luigi De Magistris , the second term to the guide of Naples, joined him. But despite the drubbing taken to the administrative trust in the Secretary-premier remains stable at 40%. While the appreciation of his government against increases of somewhere up to 42%. According to the reasons they are mainly two Diamonds. An internal political nature, “reflects the bipolar tension, fueled by anti-political challenge of M5s. Polarizing the consensus and disagreements around the two protagonists: the M5s and Renzi “. The other is more about the government and the challenges it faces on the external front: safety, linked to immigration, and the consequences still unknown triggered by Brexit .
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