“Many kids who are studying or working in other Countries of Europe. This, often, is a great opportunity. But it must be a free choice. If you are forced to leave Italy due to lack of opportunities, it is faced with a pathology, which must be remedied”. The said Sergio Mattarella, during the annual salute to Italian
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Rome, from the planters to the Lynx: the measures and the thousands of agents new armoured vehicle – The Republic
Will be a new year’s Eve armored. He imposes the climate of fear in which the West is ripiombato after the bombing of Berlin. More than a thousand between the police, police officers, and financiers should see the first on the countdown of the Circus Maximus, and then, starting at three in the morning, they will shuttle you across the Tiber to the long "Festival of Rome" on the first of January. For 24 hours teams of snipers and agents of the river will be called to ensure the safety of those who will celebrate the first day of the year on the four bridges of the manifestation organized from the Capitol. Another innovation is that of San Silvestro, the cops in the bike. Also provided the now customary barrage, anti-tir to the Fori Imperiali and via della Conciliazione. In this sense, the forces of order will have an eye for the tiber river from the ponte Garibaldi to Castel Sant’angelo, in the stretch affected by the concerts and the events scheduled until Sunday evening. The great mobilisation of the machinery of yet, registered yesterday evening at a meeting in police headquarters, will begin this evening at 19. Once terminated the cleaning services estimates in the areas and in the meeting places considered most at risk (piazza Venezia, piazza di Spagna, piazza Navona, Campo dè Fiori, piazza del Popolo, Trevi Fountain, Gianicolo and the Eur), the focus will be all about the five gates of access to the area of the Circus Maximus. There, the familiar and the legacy of the first Jubilee in the era of Isis, the entry will be allowed only after checking with the metal detector. To ensure the safety of the party on the decks — the images of the attack on the market of the Breitscheidplatz are still in the eyes of those who will have to manage public order in the city in the next 48 hours — have been set up entire rows of planters shatterproof. Also here agents, military Weapon, the guardia di finanza and the army will be armed with body scanners. Each will have his part, including the more than 600 policemen in the service for the feast of the end of the year, and the same citizens: yesterday, the chief Nicolò D’angelo has launched the campaign yet participated #diamociunamano. Anyone at work about San Silvestro and on the first of January, by the drivers Atac operators ecological Loves, is invited to inform the attitudes of suspicious or potential dangers to 112. Why this new year’s Eve — with the help of the alarm triggered by an internal communication of a leader of the police about the possible presence of foreign fighters prepared to strike the night of the 31st of December, moving in a taxi — it will not only toast, fireworks and loud music.
Nothing will be left to chance, beca use Rome (and the Vatican) is by months in the viewfinder of the propaganda of the Isis. In addition to the shooters chosen, then, to those who will have to walk the streets of the historic centre between today and tomorrow may happen to stumble across those departments to the horse, already seen at the Olympic stadium on the occasion of the big match of Roma and Lazio.
you have never stopped and will not stop for new year’s Eve the controls in the squares of the christmas markets in and around shopping centres, while the traffic police will continue to check the truck in the entrance of the city.
- Topics:
- new year’s eve 2017
- security
- terrorism
- Starring:
“Buffaloes” on the web, lite Cricket-Antitrust – The Sun 24 Hours
news buffalo depopulate more and more on the web. But for the president of Antitrust, Giovanni Pitruzzella, this “threat of democracy” you can’t stop it. How? Smascherandole thanks to the vigilance of a network of agencies and the european public, to entrust the task of setting rules to curb the wild west on the net. The proposal advanced by Pitruzzella, in an interview to the Financial Times has sparked a strong arm of iron at a distance with Beppe Grillo, who yesterday took on his blog the role of defender of the autonomy of the web by combining the number one of the Authority at the Gentiloni and Renzi, defined as “the new inquisitors of the web”, desirous of “of a court to con trol and condemn those who scratch”.
One of the fake news, especially after the triumph in the elections to the Usa, Trump, has sparked a strong debate overseas arrived then also in Italy, amplified after the rejection of the referendum. The objective of the Pitruzzella is to fight against the publication of false news. And for smascherarle the most effective way, according to the president of the competition authority, is to rely on the States: users would continue “to use a free Internet”, but would benefit from an entity, the “third”, independent from the government, and “ready to intervene quickly if the public interest is threatened”. “The post-truth – is the central thesis of the Pitruzzella – is one of the drivers of populism and is a threat to our democracies.” A minefield to the control of the network, which infuriates Grillo: “they Want to make a beautiful tribunal of the inquisition, controlled by the parties of the government, that d ecides what is true and what is false”. An accusation to which Pitruzzella yesterday evening, she replied, making it clear that his proposal is not “aimed at creating forms of censorship, but to strengthen the protection of rights in the network”. Against Grillo has lashed out also the chairman of the Pd, Matteo Orfini: “Dear Beppe Grillo. No one is attacking the network. We attack the scoundrels that the flood of hoaxes and lies. By the way, know any?”.
In the past few weeks by the president of the Chamber, Laura Boldrini, to the head of State Sergio Mattarella, the Italian president Giorgio Napolitano up to the same premier all have expressed their worries about the climate, violent and uncontrolled, which develops on the network. But for Grillo, the attacks hide in reality only the fear of having to come to terms with the judgment of the citizens: “The disguised moral – warns former comedian – they are used to tv, where if you go with a ballot false, and the journalists believe it, but if you do it on the web citizens, I say that you are a cazzari, do not be angry”. With his post, which closes with a warning: “This blog will never cease to write and the Network does not stop with the court”.
On the drift of the debate that populates mainly the social network has also been expressed to the minister of Justice, Andrea Orlando, who has proposed their “accountability in contrast to the propaganda of hate”, asking for “removal of those contents that celebrate violent behavior or forms of discrimination”. In disagreement to the secretary of state with charge of Communications Antonello Giacomelli: “The millions of citizens who daily use Facebook or Youtube, they know very well how they work, and I do not think would accept the idea that someone previously decided what to publish and what to censor”.
New year’s eve, plans anti-terrorism in Rome and Milan. Minniti: “Guard high” – Il fatto Quotidiano
Planters safety and precision shooting to Rome, agents in plain clothes with a special smartphone to Milan. After l'attack Christmas markets Berlin on December 19, and the killing of the bomber Anis § in the area of Milan, the two Italian cities are preparing for the new year’s with new and special security measures anti-terrorism. "The guard is very high," he admitted from Arquata del Tronto, the minister of the Interior, Marco Minniti. "Our security system is also in the story of the Most has proven to be a system that in its normal functioning. At this time it is all in the field, with the objective of ensuring the maximum tranquility to all the italians on new year’s Eve. It is clear, he concluded, ” Minniti – who don’t we lower the guard not even for a moment."
Rome – In the capital, the quaestor Nicholas Angel has provided a plan consists of 24 hours, which will field excellent snipers, patrols horse and police bike to ensure the safety initiatives for the new year. The plan, from 19 to 31 December, provides for the supervision of all the edge to Rome, with particular attention to piazza Venezia, piazza di Spagna, piazza Navona, Campo dè Fiori, piazza del Popolo, Trevi Fountain, Gianicolo and the Eur. To San Pietro will be still in force, the specific plan yet adopted for the year of the jubilee. More than a thousand agents of the police forces, in uniform and in civilian clothes, will among the people. In addition, by the 3 1st of January, the stretch of the Tiber, from ponte Garibaldi to ponte Sant’angelo, you will be totally closed to traffic for the events of the 'birthday of Rome' o n the four decks present in that stretch. At the beginning of the pedestrian are provided planters shatterproof, as for each bridge, there will be police checks, even with metal detector.
Milan In the capital of lombardy will be in the service of 214 agents of the local police by the evening of December 31 to the morning of the first of January. Of these, explained from the Common, 75 will be in piazza Duomo, where the performance of Mario Biondi and Anna. And there will also be a technological innovation, as explained by the quaestor Antonio De Iesu: "We will have 40 agents in plain clothes in and around the city of smartphone of the latest generation that use the Lte technology and that we will see the live in our operations room, what happens in a certain place, directly from those who are on the spot". "It is a technology that operates on the Telecom – has explained the head of police – that activate only in the occasion of great events and thanks to an exclusive part of the transmission bandwidth allows us to have clear images without any fear of overload.
In 2016 offences, a decrease of 6% – Corriere della Sera
Also this year, in Milan, there is a decrease in crimes compared to last year, where he had already been reported a decrease. The combined total of the crimes to the 15th of December marks a 5.9% in going from 146.491 to 137.884. Similar data (-7,0%) for the province of Milan. This is what emerges from a traditional fiscal year-end of the Milan Police station. “The operation of Sesto San Giovanni has greatly motivated our staff,” said the questore of Milan, Antonio De Iesu, referring to the story of Anis Most, the alleged terrorist was killed in a firefight with the police on the 23rd of December last. An extraordinary operation, “precisely because the result of the ordinary activities”.
“Most had no accomplices in Milan”
And speaking of the terrorist, De Jesus reiterated: “The state of the investigation did not reveal any links to Anis § other possible accomplices or supporters in Milan or in the Milan area”. “I know that the fact that the truck started from the Milanese, and that the alleged terrorist is back in Milan may seem like the closing of a circle, but in reality it seems to be just a case”.
The “model Milano”
The goal for 2017 , said De Jesus, is “more machines and less cement”, rationalising and enhancing the resources in order to strengthen the control of the territory. “The statistics I’m passionate about,” he said to the commissioner, stating also that the decrease of 7% in the province it is more significant if one considers that it occurred in spite of the decrease of resources for the forces of law and order. After the year of the Expo, in fact, the expansion of the temporary is finished, and a lot of resources from Milan has been moved to Rome for the Jubilee. The commissioner spoke of Milan as “a virtuous model that should be exported” for the effectiveness of the synergy that exists between the police and between the police and the local public administration, “as did also notice the same minister yesterday”. “Milan is a model of coordination for the forces of law and order, he added, and th e control of the territory, and the crimes of the so-called predators, will be our core business also for the next year.”
The new year’s concert
The commissioner also explained the security measures for the “big concert” new year’s Eve in piazza Duomo. “We will have 40 agents in plain clothes in and around the city with your smartphone of the latest generation that use the Lte technology and that we will see live what happens in a certain place from our operations room. It is a technology that operates on the Telecom, she added, that activate only during large events, and thanks to an exclusive part of the transmission bandwidth allows us to have clear images without suffering from the overhead of the network”. Each opening for access to the area and cordoned it will see the presence of at least 6 representatives of the police with metal detector to prevent it from being introduced in the area of bottles, weapons or dangerous objects. Piazza Duomo is not the only area staffed: other ad hoc services for the new year are provided for example in the area of the Navigli a nd corso Como.
Most robberies in the pharmacy (and more arrests)
The 2017 will further increase the control on the territory, also for the prevention of offences predators and related crime is widespread. Theft and robbery, have already dropped respectively by 4.6 and 6.7 per cent, will reduce further, a particular attention will be given to robberies in the pharmacy, on which present conflicting data. If the 2015 to 2016 has gone from 114 to 175, the arrests of the perpetrators have increased their time: in 2015, ended up in handcuffs 85 people, in 2016, were 125, including some responsible for dozens of episodes.
scams for elderly
with regard To the abuse in the family, the commissioner has recalled the “innovative system”, with the Eva project, which allows for the arrest of the responsible persons in delicate terms. Another goal for 2017, already in 2016, is the reduction of the scams of the elderly: “these crimes Are particularly heinous,” said De Jesus, explaining that most that investigation serves that prevention and awareness. In the coming months, it will continue projects in collaboration with the local administration, to continue to inform citizens so more and more widespread.
Police: “the More visible presence on the streets”
the Traditional year-end meeting for the provincial commander of the carabinieri of Milan, colonel Canio Giuseppe La Gala. “In addition to the activities of the intelligence and control of the land is very important to increase the visible presence on the streets, which is one of the activities that we are increasing the maximum to give a message reassuring the people at this time,” said La Gala. “70% of the crimes in the territory of Milan and its province are being pursued by the police – he added -, this is a fact that makes us understand the commitment to which the Weapon is facing on a daily basis and for which has recently been awarded, through its station Commanders, from the prestigious Ambrogino d’oro”. Among the data released, there is that one of the requests of intervention to the operational centre of the Police: 75.960 the calls which have generated over 30 thousand operations and more than 5 thousand arre sts.
Sixteen murders, only two unresolved
more Than 1,400 have been the kg of cocaine seized, with 1740 crashes; 183 men ended up in handcuffs for abuse against women, an increase compared to 101 the previous year. Of the 16 murders recorded in the territory in 2016, 12 were followed by the police, and only two have to date remained unsolved. In addition to underline the commitment to the contrast of the scams to the elderly and to create conditions so that the citizens ‘ perception of safety, the commander, wanted to emphasize the potential dangers of the phenomenon of the binge drinking, and the “binges” of alcohol of fashion among the very young boys. “I don’t want to issue warnings, but to ask for greater responsibility and accountability to both adults and to young people themselves, we are available to go into schools,” he explained to The Gala, adding that in 2016, are in addition 38mila students encountered in the schools of the province d uring the projects of education to legality.
December 30, 2016 | 10:49
Yellow: hikers find a dead body without head on the monte Sagro – The Nation
Massa Carrara, 30 December 2016 – a Bad surprise for some hikers in a ravine about 1,000 metres depth, they found a corpse in an advanced state of decomposition Foce Shimmering, at the Quarry of the Pisans in the district of Monte Sagro. The recovery of the body took place today, when a team of the mountain Rescue service of the Mass – together with some of the components of the Station of Carrara – has reached the place of discovery. The body was then transported to the morgue of the Hospital in Massa, where he is currently at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
On the remains of the corpse is retrieved with a speech by ‘the film’ – the stars of the Alpine Rescue service of the Speleological Tuscan and specialists of the State Police – have already been laid down by the judicial authority, Mass-specific verifications and in-depth medical and legal. The investigations are followed step-by-step from the leader of the Squad, Antonio Corcione: the director participated in the survey, and coordinated the intervention of agents specialize in working alpine and the operation of great difficulty to the place where were found the remains, was followed with the cooperation of the commissioner of Carrara.
The body is missing the head, an arm and part of the basin; it is not possible to understand at the moment if you are a man or a woman or what nationality it is. The Mobile team are not cases of loss unresolved on the territory of the province. “This is not a hiker – said the head of the mobile squad Antonio Dulvi Corcione – because the remains of the clothes found are not compatible with those of a person who was walking the paths of the mountain. It is not excluded that the body may have been torn to pieces by wild animals; it was there over six months.”
Hoaxes on the web, Beppe Grillo attacks the Antitrust laws: the “Post truth, as the new inquisition” – The Republic
BEPPE Grillo is attacking the president of the Antitrust Giovanni Pitruzzella after the interview released today on the Financial Times on hoaxes on the web and on the need of “a network of independent national bodies able to identify and remove the false news”. To the guarantor “the Post-truth politics is one of the driver of populism and a threat to our democracy”. Grillo condemns the words of the Pitruzzella from his blog: “the Post-truth, as the new inquisition. Pitruzzella is not a crazy loner”. Are “all united against the web: now that n obody reads the most newspapers and who reads them does not believe their bales, the new inquisitors, they want a court to control and condemn those who scratch”, we read in the post that opens with an image in which Customers, Renzi and Napolitano, ‘condemn’ the former comic. replica Pitruzzella. “My – replied to Grillo, the president of the Antitrust – it is not a proposal that aims to create forms of censorship, but to strengthen the protection of rights in the Network”. “If we want to control the political power,” he added, Pitruzzella – if we want to highlight what is wrong with politicians and people of the economy are, we must have a Network that is credible. And to be credible, we must have mechanisms that can serve to get rid of the buffaloes. The buffaloes don’t need it, democracy is a system of transparency, but because there is transparency it is necessary that the information is true, otherwise there is the fog. And the mist is not beneficial to the democracy”. Orfini: “the Attack on the people of the buffalo”. “Dear Beppe Grillo, no one attacks the
network. We attack the scoundrels that the flood of hoaxes and lies. By the way, know any?”. Is the irony on the Twitter account of the president of the Pd, Matteo Orfini, in response to the post of the leader M5s.
- Topics:
- antitrust
- the guarantor antitrust
- concurrency
- blog Grillo
- financial times
- the buffalo web
- m5s
- the buffalo network
- the network
- Starring:
- Giovanni Pitruzzella
- Beppe Grillo
- matteo orfini
New year’s eve in Rome, the general tests of the feast at the Circus Maximus – The Republic
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Bari, drama on the farm: 11 years and dies, intoxicated by the fire in the bedroom – The Republic
Was still sleeping at dawn, when the fire that has developed in her bedroom, and the surprise in his sleep. A little girl of 11 years old, of Bulgarian origin, died at the hospital in Monopoli, where she had been rushed to. Cause of death: carbon monoxide poisoning. The small living with his parents and brothers and sisters of legal age in a residence within the castello Marchione Conversano, in the district of Putignano. The father was already outside, at work, in the agricultural company that had hired him. While they arrived the firefighters that had to work a long time to turn off the flames, so that it has been postponed to the afternoon, inspection of the carabinieri of Monopoli. It is their task to investigate on the dynamic of the terrible episode. The little girl was rescued by an ambulance of the 118 and accompanied to the hospital, where in spite of treatment died shortly after arrival. According to the first reconstruction, the fire would have been caused by a short circuit of the television set inside the room, and it would be propagated to the presence of a stack of cards and papers.
- Topics:
- province of Bari
- Starring:
Ferrero: good-bye to William, Willow, invented the ovetto Kinder – The Republic
Rome, 30 dec. – Farewell to the inventor of the ovetto Kinder: William Willow is off Wednesday evening in a clinic of Pavia at the age of 83 years. This has been confirmed by sources of Ferrero, the company which was entered in 1960 as a sales representative and in which he had long been one of the most close co-workers of Michele Ferrero, father of Nutella. Willow was hospitalized following a stroke. Originally from Turin but living since years in italy, his name is linked to the idea of that egg with chocolate under the frosting with the milk and the inside of the surprise that has bewitched millions of children in Italy and in the world. He, however,’ in this regard was coy: ‘The inventor and’ Ferrero I am the perpetrator’, he used to say about the ovetto Kinder. After retiring in 2007, in recent years, the year was busy with the fondazione Color Your Life to develop the talent of young people with projects, which were attended b y thousands of students .
(30 December 2016)
other news
Alarm drought at Palermo, January 3-water fractional: will be utilized on alternate days – News Italian
Sicily is a new emergency water, and more specifically to Palermo dove the water back to every other day, a situation that has really put in the knee some districts of the city. Not happened for over a decade, or when they were installed on the ceilings of the houses the tanks for the collection of water. Unfortunately, rather than a step forward, they are made well 13 steps back, returning to the old situation so many years ago seen that the reservoirs are back to being empty, and for this reason, from next January 3, it will return the shift of the water, or the water will be consumed on alternate days. The reason for this? It was dams are results full to 33 percent of their capacity, a capacity that was considered to be insufficient to ensure the normal supply of the distribution system operated by Amap.
"The continuing situation of low rainfall that affects for months now Sicily has led to a substantial reduction in the water reserves in the provinces of Palermo, Enna and Caltanissetta", has informed yesterday the Town of Palermo through a note. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, December 28, has played an important meeting at the regional ministry of Energy attended by the representatives of the authorities concerned, and in that occasion, it took note of the inadequacy of the resources available in the reservoirs, both those present in Palermo and the 4 that are present in Poma, Rosamarina, Piana degli Albanesi and Scanzano which currently have a availability of less than 73 million cubic meters of water against a maximum capacity of more than 200 million.
In this regard has been programmed into a reduction of water withdrawal dto all the reservoirs and hence to a reduction of the water will affect the following circuits, namely: Cruillas Abbey-the Sanctuary, Giusino, Castelforte, san Lorenzo, Petrazzi, Lanza Di Scalea, piazza Leoni, Strasbourg – Nebrodi, Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg – Sud, Strasbourg – Ausonia, Boccadifalco High, Pitre-Airport, Ambleri, Bonagia–Villagrazia 900, Bonagia–Belmonte Chiavelli Low Bonagia–Santa Maria Di Gesù.
Intervened on the matter, the mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando who said: "It comes with all the safety, – of an exceptional situation, due to the combination of three factors, all independent of the action of the Amap and the Municipality: drought, the reduction of the capacity of the Dam Rosamarina decided by the National Service for Dams, for safety reasons, and the impossibility of use of the reservoir of Scillato for the well-known problems caused to the pipes by some landslides". Therefore, starting from day 3 will be started on a shift in Palermo and the water will be utilized on alternate days; the rosters at least for the moment will have an experimental character, and will be subject to change in case of resumption of rainfall. the "in View of the gravity of the situation and the urgency of intervening in our offices are working in the minimum time for the preparation of the project and we are evaluating the possibi lity to request the intervention of the civil Protection", declared the Wing.
Water every other day as thirteen years ago. The nightmare of the taps dry, which seemed to have been averted, back to loom on Palermo, as it was the first time since 2003. Blame for the drought: in September and November it is not raining as it usually happens, and the reservoirs that feed the water mains of the city were dried up. The basins are empty to 70 per cent, and so by Tuesday, about 150 thousand citizens, from Cruillas to Pallavicino, San Lorenzo, in viale Strasburgo, receive water one day yes and one day no. The condos will have to reactivate the tanks, the families of tanks allowed not to have decommissioned as a theme the same Amap. Similar measures also in Agrigento, Enna and Caltanissetta.
But how long will the emergency? Impossible to predict it. “It has to rain,” say the technicians of the Amap. Yes, but how much? “At least a week at a fast pace but not torrential”.
Blame for the drought, then. But not only: to aggravate the situation, there is also the black-out of the reservoir of Scillato unusable for six years because of a landslide: the Region, which had first promised to pay, has lost the european funds that would have financed the intervention. It will be the Amap, to shoulder the burden of the expense.
The measure, at least during a first phase, it will cover only some areas of the city. First of all, the area Strasbourg-piazza Leoni, a slice of Palermo between the Favorite, via the Alps, via Resuttana and via Nenni (the roads of the perimeter that are excluded): limitations there will be in via Ausonia viale Strasburgo, via Belgium and via of the Nebro – of, via Monte San Calogero in via Liguria. And still in most of the neighbourhoods of San Lorenzo, Villagrazia, Cruillas, Bonagia, Santa Maria of Jesus, and Belmonte Chiavelli. Via Lanza di Scalea, via Castelforte, via Marinai Alliata, via Pitrè and Boccadifalco. In the area of Strasbourg, for example, the water will be delivered in days equal to from 3 to 15.
But why were chosen precisely these areas for the rationing? “Because they are the ones that draw most from the basins dry,” explains the engineer Giuseppe Arcuri of Amap. Remain outside at the moment, the Politeama and the historic center that are supplied also by the Hiatus and by the source of Gabriel. But if the drought were to persist to the prohibitions may be tightened. The decision to reduce the provision was taken during a meeting held at the regional department of Energy, as provided by the department of Vania Contrafatto, monitors the level of the reservoirs since the summer. Reservoirs that are dry.
To put an end to the emergency should it rain for at least a week, but not so torrential in “Seven days of continuous rain and moderate enough: the heavy rain is useless,” explains Amap — this year, you missed out on the fall as had not happened for a decade.” In the four reservoirs Poma, Scanzano, Rosamarina and Piana degli Albanesi, the availability is around 65 million cubic metres of water in front of a maximum capacity exceeding 203 million. The basins are filled, on average, at 30 percent. Too little to ensure the normal supply. The weather forecasts are uncertain: “we do Not know how long the high pressure — say the engineers of the aqueduct — we hope for rain soon”. But can you really hope only in the rain, to avoid the disaster?
it is Not just a matter of weather and bad luck. To aggravate the picture already dramatic, we bring you the sensational any bureaucratic delays: the pipeline that carries the water from the source of Scillato is out of use for six years because of two landslides. Would ensure 700 litres per second. For repair serve 5 million that the Region had before the insured to finance with european funds. That, however, has lost: it will be the Amap, to shoulder the burden of the expenditure going on mortgage. “In view of the gravity of the situation — says the president of Amap Maria Prestigiacomo — we are evaluating the possibility to also request the intervention of the civil protection”. And then there is the case Rosamarina: the reservoir largest, with a capacity of 100 million cubic metres, due to a structural problem yet to be ascertained, this summer has had to download to the sea 40 per cent of its reserves. In the Municipality there is concern among the families st arted to spread the panic. And nobody can say how long you will need to come back to fill the containers.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Paolo Gentiloni at the press conference of the end of the year, a government (limp) continuity with Matteo Renzi – The Huffington Post
"The continuity of this team of government with the previous government Renzi is considered by many to be a limit. I understand and I accept the criticism, but I claim this continuity…". Paolo Gentiloni, the premier only 15 days, he decides to be a meal for more than two hours to the journalists of the parliamentary press in the traditional press conference of the end of the year. The result is the portrait of a president of the Council "service", an expression that Customers often use as a premier who does not take commitments, absolutely faithful to the mandate 'the political' that is received by the ex-premier Matteo Renzi. "Cancel the work of the government Renzi, or relegate it into oblivion would be a mistake", says Gentiloni. Already, but what continuity is he talking about? Now, to say the least. Continuity but without “muscle tone” with Europe, without even the taste of the political also only the minutes of a challenge to Brussels on imm igration and the fiscal compact, not to mention Mps. Continuity up to the point where he wants to and says Renzi.
While Gentiloni speaks, trying affannosi slalom between affirmations and negations, 'if and but', 'I can’t', Renzi follows the press conference at the tv. The new premier is forced to move in a difficult bottleneck of words without perspective. Because he does not know if the prospect of his government is short (as he would like Renzi) or no particular deadlines (how would the Hill). And then it can, between spoken and unspoken, yes, but also no.
"you can see the early voters as a threat, the government is doing its part until he has the confidence of Parliament…". But also: "governments do not have an expiration date, but you keep it alive artificially… The only thing that can make the premier, I guess, is do his job well…". Shame that this work cannot esplicarlo in all its urgency, and – why not – power. Too many variables in the field. Above all, there is Renzi or his shadow. "For nearly 15 years, I have a relationship of respect and great collaboration with Matteo Renzi and I think that this is an asset for the government," give up the neopremier.
it is for this reason that the continuity is revealed only up to a point where he decides Renzi. Gentiloni, to say, makes no mention of the intention to seek Europe, the revision of the Fiscal Compact. Yet this was the workhorse of the U for the new year. The Fiscal compact, which was approved in 2012 for a trial period of 5 years should be at the end of 2017", said Renzi in the referendum campaign. No echo in the words of the new premier.
And again: Renzi had announced the veto of the Italian to the Eu budget in the absence of solidarity among the countries of the east on migrants. Also here there is no continuity, indeed. Super-soft, Gentiloni pointed out: Italy does not want to "stonewall" on the Eu budget, but to "use the means at its disposal to report the problem…".
as if to indicate, for duty and character, that the political government that could beat their fists on the tables of europe were to Renzi and not this of Customers. "In recent years, Italy has had more attention at the international level: for me it presents a challenge that is not easy to continue to have it…", says it was no accident that the head of the new government.
not To say of the crisis of the Monte dei Paschi. Failed the option of the market, preferred by Renzi at least until the referendum on 4 December, it was the government Gentiloni to the need to adopt a hurry-the solution state, with the decree 'save saver' "the implementation of which will be long and complicated," says the neo-premier. Well. This is also an example of discontinuity, strength of things, but it is. And what about the intervention to the surprise of the Ecb, which now suggests to the government to spend not less than € 8.8 billion to save Mps? The request is "opaque," says Pier Carlo Padoan to the 'Sole24ore'. Gentiloni confirmed and foresees "a long path" of "dialogue" with the central Bank, "tap to get used to the idea…".
The "hindsight" does not make sense, as he says himself prime minister, but it is not difficult to imagine that with Renzi at Palazzo Chigi also the case with Mps and the dialectic (if any) with the Ecb would have taken a different turn. At least in tone. Now instead of “more than muscle”, the tone in the Eu in general is “walking”, stresses Gentiloni recovering at least a little bit of irony. In the sense that “we have put a foot in the door…,” he says, talking about immigration and reluctance of europe.
Elusive on the reform of the criminal process: “We are considering with the minister of Justice and the minister of Relations with parliament, as the best solution to adopt. We have a cahier of measures on the justice, all very important, as the bankruptcy law, the civil code, the code mafia. The greater or lesser duration of the government depends not from me, but the message is very simple, the reform will go forward…”.
And also on the case of Mediaset-Vivendi, the trait d’union between the government and a 'born-again' Silvio Berlusconi, remains vague: Mediaset is "an important industry, and the fact that it is the object of climbing does not leave indifferent the government, but ours is a political assessment. The government monitors from the political point of view, but it is not the government that has instruments of intervention. For this there are the authorities of independent assurance…".
the Jobs Act, pending the judgment of the Constitutional Court on the referendum (January 11), Gentiloni does not draw back but it does not advance: "There is something to correct in the voucher, we are currently evaluating, but does not say that they are the cause of black labor". And here also, a signal discontinuity, there is: it is understood that the new premier love to use the Italian expression, "labour reform, then we gave it this English name…". Small digression on the renzismo.
Promises but no. Above all it keeps the perspective at range, short and complicated. Breaks with Verdini, a caesura with the 'Afghans first' can say. "You are not able to make statements on the reduction of personal income Tax", comes to admit in the final press conference, which almost sounds a render of the front to over thirty questions that had to deal with. Winding. As when pushing a "contribution of the government to facilitate, accompany and stimulate the discussion on the electoral law", except to explain that "there will be a proposal of the government," but "if the situation were to go for long, remember that a democratic system must have the electoral rules fully functional and usable”. How? You do not know. The initiative is in the hands of the secretary of the Pd.
But Gentiloni is net in the defence of Luca Lotti and Maria Elena Boschi, the two bastions of the fort renziano, confirmed to the government, the first neo-minister, the second secretary at Palazzo Chigi. Them to the government "is not an own goal" in the challenge Dem to subject to considerable debate, he says, "the Woods is a useful resource. Believe it or not, I asked I stay." As to the Lots and case Consip: "Lots and Seven (the general of the Carabinieri also investigated, ed.) enjoy of my highest consideration. At the time the judicial initiatives do not impose on the Government a decision. They would be decisions that are unjust and unjustified”.
the curtain falls on the 2016, Gentiloni shaking hands before going. Program, yes, some of the initiatives on "work and the south," needed to face the election campaign. But also here not down in the technical, narrow in a role of median, while from the head of a government. Especially forced to admit: "I feel unnatural enough…".
Gentiloni praised, in the Woods
Gentiloni wand Poletti
Gentiloni defends Lots
Florence, the child dies of meningitis C, which was not vaccinated. The other two cases in Naples and in the Liguria region – The Republic
New case of the deadly disease meningococcal C in Tuscany. A child of 22 months of Porcari, in the province of Lucca, died last night at the pediatric hospital Meyer in Florence because of a sepsis, an infection spread throughout the body, meningococcal C. The small was not vaccinated. But are the other two cases of meningitis recorded in Italy in these hours. A boy of 18 years died in the hospital San Leonardo di Castellammare di Stabia, province of Naples, and a woman from peru, 34 years old, a resident of Chiavari is hospitalized in serious condition at the S. Martino hospital of Genoa. The boy of 22 months was arrived yesterday at the hospital of Lucca, with a very high fever and in view of the gravity of the situation, doctors decided to transfer him to the pediatric Meyer, where he arrived around 21 in the ambulance. His conditions were desperate, you tried to resuscitate him, but it was useless. The Asl has enabled immediately the procedures for antibiotic prophylaxis to all contacts of the child, mainly family members and health care personnel. “I Am deeply saddened by the death of this child,” said the department of Health and Stefania Saccardi – and I express my closeness to the family. Unfortunately, the child was not vaccinated. Just yesterday, presenting new measures of the Region against the meningococcal C, I stressed the importance of the vaccine, really the only means to protect themselves from the spread of this bacterium is particularly aggressive. After this death, I renew once again my appeal and invite the parents to comply with the calendar of vaccination and to make their children all the required vaccinations. And even adults to get vaccinated against the meningococcal C”.
- Topics:
- florence
- lucca
- meningitis C
- Meningitis Tuscany
- Starring:
The government, Gentiloni: “Claim continuity with Renzi. Lots and Woods on the team? Are not a goal” – Il fatto Quotidiano
The government remains in office "until he has the confidence of the Parliament". And the presence in the team of the renzianissimi Maria Elena Woods and Luca Lotti was not "an own goal". Said the chairman of the board Paolo Gentiloni at the press conference for the end of the year, in the course of which he claimed "the continuity of the government team" compared to the era of Matteo Renzi, who resigned after the defeat in the referendum. The premier has defended the decision by the minister of Sport and the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council of his government, in spite of
No intention on the part of the premier to submit a proposal to the election law: only look for "as they say in the jargon, to facilitate discussion between the parties, and the Parliament". A continuity, however, remains to be evaluated in terms of cuts of taxes, the promise by his predecessor: "I am Not able to make a serious talk about a reduction of theTax", said Gentiloni. "Of course, the previous government made substantial reductions in tax, and this measure would be a crowning touch for the things done but now after 15 days of the settlement, we must verify the conditions and we can not say things demanding then we run the risk of not being able to maintain".
"The government comes after the referendum," he continued. "That result is not clear, and we have in mind, but should not delete either the job he has done, the government of which I was part of it. To relegate him to oblivion would be from the point of view of the political and of the information a mistake." Continuity "for some it is a limit, there is always desire for something new, I understand and I accept the criticism, but I claim this continuity on the political level". And again: "we Must be aware that the completion of the reforms is not a pique or a claim of continuity, but a need of the Country."
A beat has been given, on the day of the announcement of the new under-secretaries, to the missing-chair for the verdiniani: "is Not a break with Wing, in the sense that the decision we have taken is to confirm the perimeter of the majority that so far has supported the government and confirm the invitation to give a contribution and support on individual measures that can give the other forces, starting from the Wing. As a Enrico Zanetti, concluded Gentiloni, "has made a decision (to exit from the government, editor’s note) that has not been my decision, in fact I would have proposed a confirmation".
On specific issues, the president of the council has dribbled the questions on the Mps, referring to an interview with the minister a Novel Corriere della sera. Then he focused on the node of the voucher: "I am Not a virus that sow black labour", but "we’re thinking about what to change and do it quickly".
In comparison with journalists, commenting the news on the case Regeni, said: "After some initial months where there has also been a misdirection, from Egypt lately I have seen signs of cooperation very useful. I hope to develop and the government will go in this direction". As for the terrorism, after the killing in Italy of the bomber of the Christmas market of Berlin, on the risk for the Italy explained: "there are No countries that are not at risk and we must be honestly aware of. We make all possible effort to prevent the threats. There is a review of our reception system and make more effective the mechanism of return".
The front of migrants returns the continuity of the action of the U, in particular on the threat to veto the Eu budget. "The message was very clear: it is not that Italy wants to stonewall on the community budget, but it certainly uses the means at his disposal to report a problem," he clarified Gentiloni. "I expect and I am confident that with the new offices of the presidency in the Eu do not make decisions that go" against Italy.
Urged on one of the great unfinished of Renzi, the reform of the criminal process, which includes the new rules on prescription and tapping, Gentiloni has promised that within the Epiphany will be decided on the scheduling of the measure to the Senate, and that the reform "will go ahead".
Remains high the alarm to meningitis, and after the case of a child, not vaccinated, who died in Florence, is reported another case in Chiavari, where a woman of 34 years would be hospitalized in critical condition. The diagnosis is confirmed for the 18-year-old died in Castellammare di Stabia.
A child of 22 months, died at Meyer Hospital of Florence struck by meningitis. The laboratory of immunology of the Meyer confirmed the diagnosis of sepsis from meningococcus type “C”. The small had come to the children’s hospital of the florentine in the late evening of yesterday to the edge of an ambulance from the Lucca area. Its condition at the time of arrival, were desperate, and the doctors have tried long to resuscitate him, but unfortunately the baby didn’t make it. As can be seen, the child had not been vaccinated. Immediately activated as prophylaxis for relatives of the child. The death of the child leads to 7 deaths from meningitis type C in 2016. In total there were 60 cases of meningitis C recorded in Tuscany, from 2015 to today, 31 last year and 29 in the current year.
the Diagnosis is confirmed for the 18-year-old Agerola -, And died of meningitis, the 18-year-old Agerola (Naples), arrived yesterday evening in serious condition at the hospital San Leonardo di Castellammare di Stabia (Naples). The diagnosis was confirmed by tests carried out by the hospital stabiese, in collaboration with the hospital Cotugno of Naples, which have established the positivity for ‘neisseria meningitidis’. To tell you the Asl Naples 3 South, which is at the head of the hospital San Leonardo di Castellammare di Stabia
A peruvian 34 years old, is hospitalized in an intensive care unit in the S. Martino hospital of Genoa meningitis meningococcal. His conditions are critical. This was made known by the Asl4. The woman, who resides in Chiavari (Genoa), felt sick in the evening of Christmas. After visited the emergency room at the hospital of Lavagna (Genoa) was transferred into conditions that are already critical in Genoa. To reduce the risk of infection family members and people who attend the house of the woman were subjected to antibiotic prophylaxis.
suspect Case in neapolitan, who died at the age of eighteen – The body of a 18-year-old of Agerola, died yesterday afternoon at the hospital San Leonardo di Castellammare di Stabia for unknown reasons is waiting for the autopsy room mortuary of the hospital. At the time, for a suspicion that it may be a case of meningitis, the morgue was closed. The corpse of the boy should be subjected to post-mortem examination in the hall cemetery at Castellammare di Stabia. The guy is now in a state of unconsciousness in the emergency department of the ‘San Leonardo’ in the afternoon yesterday. In addition to the state soporoso, it had small spots of blood (petechiae) on the skin. Waiting to ascertain the cause of death, all areas of the emergency department, who welcomed the young were subjected to prophylaxis. The walls and the premises were disinfected by spraying. Also the relatives and those who have had contact with the 18-year-old were subjected to pro phylaxis. The doctors, to the arrival of the guy in the hospital, they immediately provided all the medical care of the case. The cat scan revealed no abnormalities, but the boy died almost immediately, and futile were the attempts of the doctors of the resuscitation to try to revive it. The hypothesis on the death of the boy three: “it might be meningitis – explains In De Nicola, director of the intensive care ward of the hospital stabiese – or even coagulation decant disseminated, or even a form of intoxication. The symptoms are the same”. The withdrawal of the liquor would have been able to immediately confirm the possible diagnosis of meningitis, but the boy died before the examination could be made, therefore, only the autopsy will reveal the cause of death.
Meningitis, who died a child of 22 months, the Meyer Hospital of Florence – Il fatto Quotidiano
Still a victim of meningitis in Tuscany: a child of 22 months died at Meyer Hospital in Florence. The laboratory of immunology confirmed the diagnosis of sepsis, meningococcal type C. The little a native of Lucca, had come to the children’s hospital in the late evening of Wednesday, December 28 aboard an ambulance. Its condition at the time of arrival, were desperate, and the doctors have tried a long time resuscitated, but unfortunately the baby didn’t make it. As has been shown, was not vaccinated.
Other two children have recently been admitted to the Meyer in Florence after being affected by meningitis type C, managing to save. The first case involved a small eight years 22 November. The child had been "protected" from the vaccine, which was administered in 2009, which has mitigated the aggressiveness of the infection. Hospitalized instead of from the 17th December a child of four years, he is vaccinated, but initially was in a serious conditions in the intensive care unit of the pediatric hospital. On the 26th of December, the director of health Meyer, Francesca Bellini, has announced that health conditions of the small improved, explaining that now is located in the department of sub-intensive therapy.
The meningitis type C continues to claim victims in Tuscany. In 2015, they are dead 7 people: the six who had contracted the strain C, and strain B. In 2016, they have lost the life other 6 people, all to the strain C, before the death of the little 22-month-old. From the beginning of the 2015 to November 2016, in Tuscany, there were 58 cases of meningococcal C: 27 just in the last 12 months. This type of use is most prevalent: in two years by 74 cases in total meningitis in the region, 58 were precisely of the strain C. The most recent victim was the 45 died on the 21st of November in the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in Florence.
suspect Case in the neapolitan – A 18 Agerola passed away yesterday afternoon at the hospital San Leonardo ” Castellammare di Stabia for reasons that are still unknown. Pending the autopsy, the hypothesis on the death of the boy three: "it Could be meningitis – explains the In De Nicola, director of the department of Resuscitation – coagulation transfer to a disseminated or a form of intoxication. The symptoms are the same".
Three people were killed in the fire of a boat in Loano. It happened this morning. The boat was moored in the harbour: on board four people: two men and two women. On-site fire brigade, 118 and the harbor, which managed to save only one person. The victims are German.
The saved person is a woman of 51 years old that is able to dive into the water. The flames would have prevented others from exiting from the cabins, making useless any attempt to save them. The victims are the sister of the survivor and the companions of women. The rescuers have tried in every way to extract people from the boat, also trying to cut the hull. The victims were trapped in the cabin of the bow.
The fire brigade, in view of the intensity of the burning, were also present with the wagon autoprotettori for the reserve of the air and one tanker. The fire was developed at around 6. The boat went to the fire is one of the yacht Maiora 22 m, called Southern Comfort, and flying the flag of germany. The boat did stop in the tourist port of Marina di Loano for a year.
Investigations for murder and fire-premeditated – About the fire that this night has killed three of the four occupants of the Southern Comfort, a yacht by 22 meters moored within the Marina di Loano (Savona), it will open a case of culpable fire and culpable homicide. He said the deputy prosecutor Massimiliano Bubble, that will also listen to the German 51 years old, the only survivor of the tragedy. “At the moment it is very difficult to understand,” said the magistrate, ” because the wreck is still burning and is partially sinking in. The Coast Guard, the fire brigade and the police have all committed to run the first technical findings and to understand the cause of the fire. You will need to perform assessments to very specific and targeted”.
Savona, a yacht of 20 meters in the fire in the marina of Loano. The three deaths – The Daily Fact
Three people were killed Thursday morning following a fire on one of the yacht about 20 meters moored at marina di Loano, in the province of Savona. The alarm went off at dawn, and there were fire of Albenga and Final, while the harbour master is conducting the investigation. The victims, two men and a woman of German descent, were initially given to disperse, while the fourth guest of the boat, a 51 year-old woman, was rescued after being thrown into the sea. Has been accompanied in the hospital in Pietra Ligure in a state of shock, but not life threatening.
The victims are the sister: the survivor and the companions of women. The three were trapped in the cabin bow, and the flames would have prevented exit from the cabins, making useless any attempt to save them. The rescuers have tried in every way to extract people from the boat, also trying to cut the hull. Due to the strong wind, at a distance of four hours from the alarm, are still extinguishing the flames and are not able to climb aboard the yacht.
ROME – Silvio Berlusconi declares the position of Italy vis-à-vis the new government, on the eve of the announcement of the appointments of the secretaries part from the position on the electoral law . “We do not see another solution than that of a proportional electoral system that guarantees the correspondence between the parliamentary majority and the popular majority. And only a law proportional in a political scenario tripolar can guarantee that the majority in the parliament, identify with the majority of the citizens,” wrote the ex-Knight in a message to Paolo Russo, coordinator of Forza Italia in the city of Naples, on the occasion of the tr aditional toast to the end of the year. “I hope – says Berlusconi – that the government Gentiloni expressed in concrete for the purpose of facilitating an agreement on this matter, which of course it is up to the Parliament, and of parliamentary the Pd to prove that you have understood the lesson of the defeat in the referendum and will become part of a shared path on the rules.” The leader of Forza Italy goes on to say that they will support this government in the measures useful and positive, even if it’s an executive similar to the previous one. “The government have to deal with some emergencies both domestically and internationally. We will see him at work, and we will evaluate each measure proposed by the government itself, supporting it with our vote where we believe it is positive and useful in the case of Italy and the italians. This is our way of being in the opposition, an opposition that sets us apart from the policy ” the worse, the better, of the opposition of the left. Of course it is a government very similar to the previous one, to which we can not and do not want to assure you of our support, while appreciating the style, sober and balanced, here expressed by the President of the Board.” The ex-Cav is a real electoral campaign: “the defeat of the renzismo and to the apparent inability of the Five-star hotel to offer itself as a credible alternative to the government – he continues – only a policy proposal with serious, credible, based on a program of liberal and reformer, on christian principles and on the values of the party of the european people, can allow Italy to exit the crisis and at the same time defeat the disaffection with politics that has resulted in half of the italians to desert the polls. And especially against these italians that we have to carry out a campaign of persuasion and engagement”. And announced measures in the case in which Fi you go back to the government: “In the so-called relative poverty there are retirees who, after a lifetime of work, they would have the right to spend with serenity and in dignity their old age. For this reason, the increase of minimum pensions to a thousand euro is one of the first measures that will take our government. We are credible in promising this, because we have, in fact, in 2001, when we increased pensions to a minimum of one million lire, a figure which then meant a big step forward”.
- Topics:
- forza italia
- election law
- m5s
- Pd
- government Customers
- Starring:
- Silvio Berlusconi
Rome, dean of the school: “Alarm returned” – The Republic
The alarm seems to be indented. The strain of meningitis has been defined not contagious and we are more peaceful. For the indications which they give us – we are not doctors – families I would say that may be more quiet. We acted like we were asked and as it was the right thing to do”. So Marina Campitelli, dean of the school Cesare Battisti, in Rome, on the case of the teacher of the institute she directed dead the day of Santo Stefano with meningitis.
The funeral of a teacher, Maria Pia De Nigris, 59 years old, married and with a son of 27 years, will be held tomorrow in the church of St. Francis Xavier next to the school, to Garbatella
Collapse building Rome: mother and daughter among the missing Acilia – LOOP.it
It would have been on the ground floor the explosion in the building at Acilia. And speculate upon the fire, that they are digging through the rubble with the aid of the nucleus of the Nbcr. According to what you learned from the investigations carried out by firefighters would currently appeal, the mother with her child of two years. There are rescue vehicles and teams of firefighters, in addition to the personnel of the civil protection. (PHOTOS OF the RELIEF efforts)
“they’re trying to still some people,” says the commissioner of the X town Hall, Domenico Vulpiani.. On each other investigate the police station of Acilia and in the company of the Host. The hypothesis is that the explosion and the
collapse to have been caused by a gas leak. (VIDEO)
Two so far for the wounded: a woman of 68 years who reported trauma by crushing, and has been transported cosceinte with the at the Gemelli hospital in code red, and a man, transferred to the Grassi hospital in Ostia in code yellow for wounds lacerocontuse and trauma on the entire body. (VIDEO SAVE)
The prosecutor’s office of Rome has launched an inquiry into the collapse of a building of two floors in via Giacomo della Marca, to Acilia. The pm Mario Palaces you are going on site for an inspection and proceeds to the disaster negligent.
Witnesses: “a roar,shook all over” – the VIDEO – “I heard a roar, at the beginning I thought it was gunfire, then the explosion of the tires of a car. The house shook, I also dropped the bottle from the table.” This is the story of one of the witnesses today has seen the collapse of the building at Acilia, on the outskirts south of Rome. “I fell tears in my eyes, the dad of the family got involved in the explosion is working with me, he says,” while the mother is a teacher and he was in the house with her little daughter. The older son was out of the house and when he came back he let go in a desperate cry”. “I heard a bang absurd – tells another neighbor -. I was with the grandchildren, and I brought all the flowers home, it was terrible”. “I have opened up the doors and windows inside the house – continuously repeats an old road, I immediately thought of the earthquake, then I le arned of the collapse”.
The mayor of Rome Virginia, Ray has met with the father and the brother of the girl, still missing together with the mother after the collapse of the building Acilia, on the outskirts south of Rome. Ray is meeting with the police was engaged in rescue work and removal of rubble. At the time, as is evident from the findings of facts, are only the woman and the daughter of two years to be dispersed .
“From the first investigations to be carried out by our technicians, the plant of which the company placed along the boundary wall of the building collapsed, and then in the outside place, are found to be healthy”. It is what makes known a spokesperson of Italgas, with respect to the collapse of a building in the case of Acilia, south of Rome, and is probably due to a gas leak.