Thursday, December 29, 2016

Florence, the child dies of meningitis C, which was not vaccinated. The other two cases in Naples and in the Liguria region – The Republic

New case of the deadly disease meningococcal C in Tuscany. A child of 22 months of Porcari, in the province of Lucca, died last night at the pediatric hospital Meyer in Florence because of a sepsis, an infection spread throughout the body, meningococcal C. The small was not vaccinated. But are the other two cases of meningitis recorded in Italy in these hours. A boy of 18 years died in the hospital San Leonardo di Castellammare di Stabia, province of Naples, and a woman from peru, 34 years old, a resident of Chiavari is hospitalized in serious condition at the S. Martino hospital of Genoa.

The boy of 22 months was arrived yesterday at the hospital of Lucca, with a very high fever and in view of the gravity of the situation, doctors decided to transfer him to the pediatric Meyer, where he arrived around 21 in the ambulance. His conditions were desperate, you tried to resuscitate him, but it was useless. The Asl has enabled immediately the procedures for antibiotic prophylaxis to all contacts of the child, mainly family members and health care personnel.

With the case of a child of Porcari go up to 60 the diagnosis of meningococcal disease C in Tuscany, from 2015 to the present. Were 31 last year and 29 this year. The dead were 13, respectively 6 and 7. The epidemic continues, even though the Region now for a year and a half he has started a campaign of extraordinary vaccination, thanks to which about 750mila tuscan have been covered against the disease. Since, however, you continue to get sick (and in 12 cases it happened to vaccinated people, who have not had serious consequences) the department of Health has decided to take far more drastic measures, especially with regard to young people who are the “reservoir” of the disease as carriers. Next year will be made two references to children and adolescents.

“I Am deeply saddened by the death of this child,” said the department of Health and Stefania Saccardi – and I express my closeness to the family. Unfortunately,

the child was not vaccinated. Just yesterday, presenting new measures of the Region against the meningococcal C, I stressed the importance of the vaccine, really the only means to protect themselves from the spread of this bacterium is particularly aggressive. After this death, I renew once again my appeal and invite the parents to comply with the calendar of vaccination and to make their children all the required vaccinations. And even adults to get vaccinated against the meningococcal C”.

meningitis C
Meningitis Tuscany


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