The chairman of the Board, Paolo Gentiloni, arrived in Norcia. The city of San Benedetto, heavily damaged by the earthquake of 30 October last, is the first of the three stages of the journey that this morning will bring the premier to visit San Ginesio (Macerata) and the town of Amatrice (Rieti). In the city of rieti, destroyed by the earthquake of August 24, will be a point with the journalists at the new table in the food area. In the past few weeks Gentiloni, minister of Foreign affairs of the Government Renzi, had visited another city affected by the earthquake, Tolentino, in the province of Macerata. “Technically it’s been done a work of great quality”, said Gentiloni in Norcia, after the visit of the historical centre talking primarily about the construction of the basilica. The premier thanked the mayor, the Region, the local authorities and wished merry Christmas to the whole citizenship. “The reopening of the historic centre of Norcia is a sign of willingness to resume, rebuild and, above all, to look to the future. I am glad if I can encourage you with the commitment of all Institutions,” “To keep the promise of proximity to the territories affected by the earthquake it will take a commitment of months,” said Gentiloni. “In the piazza of Norcia has a double impression, which is dictated by the impact of the destruction, but on the other hand as you are working with the cage around the facade of the Basilica and the tower made safe”. Gentiloni stressed that “the commitment and the work of the police, fire department and all the volunteers, also technically of the highest quality”. “And then he added,” the encouragement to the mayor, to Region, to local authorities and then a wish of Merry Christmas, that is the main thing to do in these days.”
After that, the chairman of the Board, entered the red zone of the town hit by the earthquake of San Ginesio, off limits for the journalists who are following his visit. But before he made a tour of that part of the historic center is still accessible, surrounded by the crowd and authorities, to which is added the president of the regional council of Marche Antonio Mastrovincenzo, walking in the midst of people without any particular formalities. “Viva gli Alpini!”. So the premier has greeted the volunteers of the Alpine troops of the Italian civil Protection that provide assistance to the earthquake victims of San Ginesio. Gentiloni has visited the hostel and the town hall, which now houses some of the elderly people evacuated from homes destroyed or Rsa, and stopped to talk, then she received the gift of a calendar of the volunteers of the local civil Protection unit titled “React”.
December 24, 2016 (change on December 24, 2016 | 11:24)
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