Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Poletti and the sentence of the controversy: “Young people escape? To some it is better not to have them between the feet” The video – Corriere della Sera

The phrase of the minister of Labour has sparked controversy. | Corriere TV CONTINUE READING ”

“brain-drain”, young workers in search of opportunities abroad because at home they don’t find? “Okay: I know people that is gone and that is good that is where it went, because surely this Country will not suffer to not have them more. Apriti cielo: the last exit of the minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti, sounds rough as a scouring: “it is Necessary to correct an opinion according to which those who leave are always the best – has told in conversation with journalists in Fano -. If they go 100k, there are 60 million here: it would be to say that 100 thousand of talented and intelligent they are gone and the ones that stayed here are all of the “gun””.

“Go off him”

Then, of course, the minister has tried to put a patch: “Obviously I expressed myself badly and I apologize. I never dreamed of thinking that it is good for Italy is the fact that young people if they go abroad,” he declared to Ansa. But in the meanwhile the escape of the many boys in search of employment has taken up the contours that are their own, those of a wound that is bleeding: hemorrhage of energy for the Country. Aggravated by the Inps data just disclosed: the boom of the voucher, increase in redundancies, disciplinary and reduction in indefinite contracts of 89% compared to 2015.

Jobs Act, and vouchers

Of the Jobs Act and the voucher has spoken at Fano, by the minister. On the first, it has ensured that there will be no reverse gears. While the voucher has confirmed that some correction will be: in the first 10 months of 2016 have been sold 121,5 million voucher from 10€, with an increase of 32,3%. A growth that would induce the government to intervene and restate the rules that limit their use.


“Young people humiliated by the voucher and are insulted by Poletti. Go via him, not the youth,” he writes on Twitter Luigi Di Maio of the M5S. And Stefano Fassina tell the Italian Left, defines “it is the opinion of the minister Poletti on the guys and the girls are forced to leave the Italy of the Jobs Act to find a proper job and decent. After having justified the early elections to avoid the referendum the social, now another, serious sign of insensitivity, democratic and social. It’s time to call his position”. “It is not enough that excuses late Poletti. The statements of the minister of Labour are very serious and show arrogance and no knowledge of reality. After a sentence so unhappy, the only dignified exit would be to resign,” said the senator of Forza Italia, the Remigio Ceroni, member of the Budget committee.

“No one has a recipe”

“because the young people have voted in mass up to the constitutional referendum – has roared Pippo Civati member of Can – the line of Poletti is the one to make him pay with declarations silly and nostalgic revolutionaries”. But the minister retorted: “the young people have not voted no to the constitutional referendum for the “fault” of the Jobs Act: “There was the sign of a malaise, a problematic which I think is too simplified to connect to the Jobs act,” he said. “We talk about young people who have very different situations between them, the employed, the unemployed, for which there is a problem related to the great change that we are experiencing”. “The technology, the innovation – he added – they also produce uncertainties. Today we come to a situation where globalization on the one hand and innovation on the other question a lot of things, so people are frighten ed, do not know what will be the future and there is no one in the world that has a recipe for which can say “it will happen this””.

But on the young people go away, Poletti doesn’t think it is fair to say that “to leave our Country to be the best, and that, consequently, all of the others who remain have fewer skills and the quality of the other”. “I think it is useful that our young people can make experiences abroad – he says – but we have to give them the opportunity to return to our country and to express their ability and their energy.”.

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