Thursday, December 29, 2016

The government, Gentiloni: “Claim continuity with Renzi. Lots and Woods on the team? Are not a goal” – Il fatto Quotidiano

The government remains in office "until he has the confidence of the Parliament". And the presence in the team of the renzianissimi Maria Elena Woods and Luca Lotti was not "an own goal". Said the chairman of the board Paolo Gentiloni at the press conference for the end of the year, in the course of which he claimed "the continuity of the government team" compared to the era of Matteo Renzi, who resigned after the defeat in the referendum. The premier has defended the decision by the minister of Sport and the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council of his government, in spite of Lots, as revealed in the Daily, is being investigated for a revelation of the secret, and aiding and abetting in the context of the investigation Consip and Woods is the patroness of the reform of the Senate rejected with the vote of the 4th of December. the Customers explained that Lots has "of my highest consideration" as well as the general Of the Seven, also he involved in the investigation. "I do not believe that the judicial initiatives which have been the subject require the government to take decisions, that would be my opinion that is unjust and unjustified. After that the judiciary goes ahead and trust in the work of the prosecutor’s office of Rome is total," he said. the Customers, then, defined as "Woods is a very useful resource, of great quality". Specific to have the choice personally ("Which believe it or not, I was the one that I asked her to do this job, and I think I know how to do it well, in the interest of the government") and explains: "I have listened and I agree with the analysis on the issue of the politicization of the referendum, but you can not say that the referendum has been a referendum on the government".

No intention on the part of the premier to submit a proposal to the election law: only look for "as they say in the jargon, to facilitate discussion between the parties, and the Parliament". A continuity, however, remains to be evaluated in terms of cuts of taxes, the promise by his predecessor: "I am Not able to make a serious talk about a reduction of theTax", said Gentiloni. "Of course, the previous government made substantial reductions in tax, and this measure would be a crowning touch for the things done but now after 15 days of the settlement, we must verify the conditions and we can not say things demanding then we run the risk of not being able to maintain".

"The government comes after the referendum," he continued. "That result is not clear, and we have in mind, but should not delete either the job he has done, the government of which I was part of it. To relegate him to oblivion would be from the point of view of the political and of the information a mistake." Continuity "for some it is a limit, there is always desire for something new, I understand and I accept the criticism, but I claim this continuity on the political level". And again: "we Must be aware that the completion of the reforms is not a pique or a claim of continuity, but a need of the Country."

A beat has been given, on the day of the announcement of the new under-secretaries, to the missing-chair for the verdiniani: "is Not a break with Wing, in the sense that the decision we have taken is to confirm the perimeter of the majority that so far has supported the government and confirm the invitation to give a contribution and support on individual measures that can give the other forces, starting from the Wing. As a Enrico Zanetti, concluded Gentiloni, "has made a decision (to exit from the government, editor’s note) that has not been my decision, in fact I would have proposed a confirmation".

On specific issues, the president of the council has dribbled the questions on the Mps, referring to an interview with the minister a Novel Corriere della sera. Then he focused on the node of the voucher: "I am Not a virus that sow black labour", but "we’re thinking about what to change and do it quickly".

In comparison with journalists, commenting the news on the case Regeni, said: "After some initial months where there has also been a misdirection, from Egypt lately I have seen signs of cooperation very useful. I hope to develop and the government will go in this direction". As for the terrorism, after the killing in Italy of the bomber of the Christmas market of Berlin, on the risk for the Italy explained: "there are No countries that are not at risk and we must be honestly aware of. We make all possible effort to prevent the threats. There is a review of our reception system and make more effective the mechanism of return".

The front of migrants returns the continuity of the action of the U, in particular on the threat to veto the Eu budget. "The message was very clear: it is not that Italy wants to stonewall on the community budget, but it certainly uses the means at his disposal to report a problem," he clarified Gentiloni. "I expect and I am confident that with the new offices of the presidency in the Eu do not make decisions that go" against Italy.

Urged on one of the great unfinished of Renzi, the reform of the criminal process, which includes the new rules on prescription and tapping, Gentiloni has promised that within the Epiphany will be decided on the scheduling of the measure to the Senate, and that the reform "will go ahead".

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