Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Rome, elementary school teacher dies of meningitis: alarm Cesare Battisti – Rai News


A teacher at the elementary school of Rome ‘Cesare Battisti’ in Garbatella, died yesterday in the Capital for meningococcal meningitis. By news the Asl RmC, in an e-mail sent to parents by the school. Dozens of pupils undergoing antibiotic prophylaxis. Until last Thursday, the last day of class before the christmas holidays, the woman was regularly in the classroom in his school. Hospitalized on Christmas day at the San Giovanni, the teacher had been transferred to the Policlinico Gemelli hospital, where she died the following day. You wait for confirmation from sources hospital.

The Asl, through the school, has sent e-mail to the parents of the pupils of the teacher, dead recommending, after consulting with the physician or pediatrician, the assumption of a specific antibiotic to those who have had close contact and in a place that is closed for more hours per day with the teacher. The woman, 52 years old, he taught mathematics for about 30 years and was well-known in the district.

The tam tam on the chat class, between grief for the death of the teacher and the fear of a possible infection, it is triggered in the evening today. Cesare Battisti, immortalized in the TV series ‘I Cesaroni’, is part of the school complex ‘Institute Piazza Sauli, and has a population of approximately 450 pupils.


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