ROME The Rays of the angle, dismantle the magic circle already amputated with the arrest of Marra. Put away the powerful head of the secretariat, Salvatore Romeo, but save Daniele Frongia, which remains in committee, but not by the deputy mayor. The mayor, however, is not ago commissariare: he refuses to entrust the key role to a lombardiano, De Vito or Ferrara, why would a commissioner, and aims to promote Massimo Colomban, the current councillor to Attend and man of Casaleggio. And’ the end of the day and more dramatic for the 5-Star Movement, which has staged the unpredictable: the clash between Grillo and Casaleggio Jr, with the comedian that at the end of the evening give up and at 21.45 writes on the blog: “Bar to starboard and full ahead”. It is precisely what he wanted the son of Gianroberto. Writes Grillo: “Rome goes on with Virginia Ray, mayor of the Movement 5 Stars. Have been made of the errors that Virginia has recognized: it is a trusted one of the people most wrong in the world. From today you change gear. We must fix the mistakes we made for the avoidance of doubt”. But what does that change? All the acts signed “by the wrong people”, will be re-examined or cancelled, “we will fight with tooth and nail, because Rome changes, but in an environment so corrupt and rotten that we can expect it all.”
Grillo implicitly explains what to do in the event of a warranty call to the Rays: “we will establish a code of ethics that governs the behaviour of the elected representatives of the 5 Star Movement in the event of legal proceedings. We are fighting with all the weapons including the complaints easy. None do you think you can stop as well. We put the bar to starboard and full ahead”.
Near the post of Cricket, one of the Rays: “After a comparison with the guarantor Beppe Grillo we have decided to give a sign of change. Daniele Frongia has decided to give up the role of deputy mayor while maintaining the responsibility for youth Policies and Sport. Salvatore Romeo has decided to resign from the post of head of the Secretariat policy. At the same time, short-term will see the launch of a new due diligence over all the acts already enacted”. Moral: the Ray is saved.
But how did it come to this the epilogue? We start from two images: Beppe Grillo left the hotel roman at dawn. After the troubled summit night with parliamentarians on how to escape from quicksand courts, all take it for granted that will soon be published in the post very hard with Cricket take the symbol to the mayor of Rome. Game over? No. We’ll find out fifteen hours after: the Virginia Rays exit from Palazzo Valentini, seat of the metropolitan City where he is holed up with the group to advise throughout the afternoon. If he goes in the back seat of the car of service of the Town, guided by the escort. Gone are the days in which he was in the Capitol with the Tweezy (vehicles with two seats, electric), led by Frongia. Yes, he has been downgraded: pays for his solid relationship with Marra and will no longer be deputy mayor, but is saved because it is in the bargain. For the pure hard-asking for a reset of the magic circle there i s the result in full.
As the successful Virginia-Rays to avoid excommunication, and to reject the assault of the lombardiani? The answer is in a phone call the night of Davide Casaleggio that, at the suggestion also of Casalino, is a proposal for the Rays to avoid the humiliation of the post of excommunication on the blog, and mistrust in the classroom: remove Romeo from the head of secretariat, Frongia out by the government, agree that the advocates of the movement are in control of your every act, fail to recall the investigated Paola Muraro as a councillor to the Waste. Looks like a commissioner, but it is also a lifesaver to which the Rays clings. Accept the whole package, but not scaricareFrongia. Understand that Casaleggio and Casalino are the only ones who can help her. Cricket is nervous. The wing lombardiana explained to him that the storm of the judiciary is at the beginning, that compromise solutions could be swept up in the movement when they come out new interception . But Casaleggio has decided that Rome can’t fall. Virginia Ray, galvanized, bet: neither De Vito (today president of the municipal Council), nor Ferrara (the parent company), may become deputy-commissioner. They are close to Roberta Lombardi, the one who, well before the inquiry, claiming: “Marra is the virus that has infected the Movement.” The Rays makes the bank with Casaleggio and how can deputy mayor, a councillor, sent by him, the businessman from treviso, Massimo Colomban.
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