ROME – Silvio Berlusconi declares the position of Italy vis-à-vis the new government, on the eve of the announcement of the appointments of the secretaries part from the position on the electoral law . “We do not see another solution than that of a proportional electoral system that guarantees the correspondence between the parliamentary majority and the popular majority. And only a law proportional in a political scenario tripolar can guarantee that the majority in the parliament, identify with the majority of the citizens,” wrote the ex-Knight in a message to Paolo Russo, coordinator of Forza Italia in the city of Naples, on the occasion of the tr aditional toast to the end of the year. “I hope – says Berlusconi – that the government Gentiloni expressed in concrete for the purpose of facilitating an agreement on this matter, which of course it is up to the Parliament, and of parliamentary the Pd to prove that you have understood the lesson of the defeat in the referendum and will become part of a shared path on the rules.” The leader of Forza Italy goes on to say that they will support this government in the measures useful and positive, even if it’s an executive similar to the previous one. “The government have to deal with some emergencies both domestically and internationally. We will see him at work, and we will evaluate each measure proposed by the government itself, supporting it with our vote where we believe it is positive and useful in the case of Italy and the italians. This is our way of being in the opposition, an opposition that sets us apart from the policy ” the worse, the better, of the opposition of the left. Of course it is a government very similar to the previous one, to which we can not and do not want to assure you of our support, while appreciating the style, sober and balanced, here expressed by the President of the Board.” The ex-Cav is a real electoral campaign: “the defeat of the renzismo and to the apparent inability of the Five-star hotel to offer itself as a credible alternative to the government – he continues – only a policy proposal with serious, credible, based on a program of liberal and reformer, on christian principles and on the values of the party of the european people, can allow Italy to exit the crisis and at the same time defeat the disaffection with politics that has resulted in half of the italians to desert the polls. And especially against these italians that we have to carry out a campaign of persuasion and engagement”. And announced measures in the case in which Fi you go back to the government: “In the so-called relative poverty there are retirees who, after a lifetime of work, they would have the right to spend with serenity and in dignity their old age. For this reason, the increase of minimum pensions to a thousand euro is one of the first measures that will take our government. We are credible in promising this, because we have, in fact, in 2001, when we increased pensions to a minimum of one million lire, a figure which then meant a big step forward”.
- Topics:
- forza italia
- election law
- m5s
- Pd
- government Customers
- Starring:
- Silvio Berlusconi
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