Thursday, December 29, 2016

Paolo Gentiloni at the press conference of the end of the year, a government (limp) continuity with Matteo Renzi – The Huffington Post

"The continuity of this team of government with the previous government Renzi is considered by many to be a limit. I understand and I accept the criticism, but I claim this continuity…". Paolo Gentiloni, the premier only 15 days, he decides to be a meal for more than two hours to the journalists of the parliamentary press in the traditional press conference of the end of the year. The result is the portrait of a president of the Council "service", an expression that Customers often use as a premier who does not take commitments, absolutely faithful to the mandate 'the political' that is received by the ex-premier Matteo Renzi. "Cancel the work of the government Renzi, or relegate it into oblivion would be a mistake", says Gentiloni. Already, but what continuity is he talking about? Now, to say the least. Continuity but without “muscle tone” with Europe, without even the taste of the political also only the minutes of a challenge to Brussels on imm igration and the fiscal compact, not to mention Mps. Continuity up to the point where he wants to and says Renzi.

While Gentiloni speaks, trying affannosi slalom between affirmations and negations, 'if and but', 'I can’t', Renzi follows the press conference at the tv. The new premier is forced to move in a difficult bottleneck of words without perspective. Because he does not know if the prospect of his government is short (as he would like Renzi) or no particular deadlines (how would the Hill). And then it can, between spoken and unspoken, yes, but also no.

"you can see the early voters as a threat, the government is doing its part until he has the confidence of Parliament…". But also: "governments do not have an expiration date, but you keep it alive artificially… The only thing that can make the premier, I guess, is do his job well…". Shame that this work cannot esplicarlo in all its urgency, and – why not – power. Too many variables in the field. Above all, there is Renzi or his shadow. "For nearly 15 years, I have a relationship of respect and great collaboration with Matteo Renzi and I think that this is an asset for the government," give up the neopremier.

it is for this reason that the continuity is revealed only up to a point where he decides Renzi. Gentiloni, to say, makes no mention of the intention to seek Europe, the revision of the Fiscal Compact. Yet this was the workhorse of the U for the new year. The Fiscal compact, which was approved in 2012 for a trial period of 5 years should be at the end of 2017", said Renzi in the referendum campaign. No echo in the words of the new premier.

And again: Renzi had announced the veto of the Italian to the Eu budget in the absence of solidarity among the countries of the east on migrants. Also here there is no continuity, indeed. Super-soft, Gentiloni pointed out: Italy does not want to "stonewall" on the Eu budget, but to "use the means at its disposal to report the problem…".

as if to indicate, for duty and character, that the political government that could beat their fists on the tables of europe were to Renzi and not this of Customers. "In recent years, Italy has had more attention at the international level: for me it presents a challenge that is not easy to continue to have it…", says it was no accident that the head of the new government.

not To say of the crisis of the Monte dei Paschi. Failed the option of the market, preferred by Renzi at least until the referendum on 4 December, it was the government Gentiloni to the need to adopt a hurry-the solution state, with the decree 'save saver' "the implementation of which will be long and complicated," says the neo-premier. Well. This is also an example of discontinuity, strength of things, but it is. And what about the intervention to the surprise of the Ecb, which now suggests to the government to spend not less than € 8.8 billion to save Mps? The request is "opaque," says Pier Carlo Padoan to the 'Sole24ore'. Gentiloni confirmed and foresees "a long path" of "dialogue" with the central Bank, "tap to get used to the idea…".

The "hindsight" does not make sense, as he says himself prime minister, but it is not difficult to imagine that with Renzi at Palazzo Chigi also the case with Mps and the dialectic (if any) with the Ecb would have taken a different turn. At least in tone. Now instead of “more than muscle”, the tone in the Eu in general is “walking”, stresses Gentiloni recovering at least a little bit of irony. In the sense that “we have put a foot in the door…,” he says, talking about immigration and reluctance of europe.

Elusive on the reform of the criminal process: “We are considering with the minister of Justice and the minister of Relations with parliament, as the best solution to adopt. We have a cahier of measures on the justice, all very important, as the bankruptcy law, the civil code, the code mafia. The greater or lesser duration of the government depends not from me, but the message is very simple, the reform will go forward…”.

And also on the case of Mediaset-Vivendi, the trait d’union between the government and a 'born-again' Silvio Berlusconi, remains vague: Mediaset is "an important industry, and the fact that it is the object of climbing does not leave indifferent the government, but ours is a political assessment. The government monitors from the political point of view, but it is not the government that has instruments of intervention. For this there are the authorities of independent assurance…".

the Jobs Act, pending the judgment of the Constitutional Court on the referendum (January 11), Gentiloni does not draw back but it does not advance: "There is something to correct in the voucher, we are currently evaluating, but does not say that they are the cause of black labor". And here also, a signal discontinuity, there is: it is understood that the new premier love to use the Italian expression, "labour reform, then we gave it this English name…". Small digression on the renzismo.

Promises but no. Above all it keeps the perspective at range, short and complicated. Breaks with Verdini, a caesura with the 'Afghans first' can say. "You are not able to make statements on the reduction of personal income Tax", comes to admit in the final press conference, which almost sounds a render of the front to over thirty questions that had to deal with. Winding. As when pushing a "contribution of the government to facilitate, accompany and stimulate the discussion on the electoral law", except to explain that "there will be a proposal of the government," but "if the situation were to go for long, remember that a democratic system must have the electoral rules fully functional and usable”. How? You do not know. The initiative is in the hands of the secretary of the Pd.

But Gentiloni is net in the defence of Luca Lotti and Maria Elena Boschi, the two bastions of the fort renziano, confirmed to the government, the first neo-minister, the second secretary at Palazzo Chigi. Them to the government "is not an own goal" in the challenge Dem to subject to considerable debate, he says, "the Woods is a useful resource. Believe it or not, I asked I stay." As to the Lots and case Consip: "Lots and Seven (the general of the Carabinieri also investigated, ed.) enjoy of my highest consideration. At the time the judicial initiatives do not impose on the Government a decision. They would be decisions that are unjust and unjustified”.

the curtain falls on the 2016, Gentiloni shaking hands before going. Program, yes, some of the initiatives on "work and the south," needed to face the election campaign. But also here not down in the technical, narrow in a role of median, while from the head of a government. Especially forced to admit: "I feel unnatural enough…".

Gentiloni praised, in the Woods

Gentiloni wand Poletti

Gentiloni defends Lots


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