Virginia Ray has accepted the commissioner the council of the M5s in the Capitol. After more than four hours to the summit of the majority, the mayor of Rome, in a note announced the resignation of two of its faithful followers: the head of the secretariat, the political Salvatore Romeo and mayor Daniele Frongia. The latter will only be held the proxies for the Sport. Finally, will be soon launched "a new due diligence over all the acts already enacted". A few minutes after Beppe Grillo comes out with a blog post: "Bar straight and forward," it says. "They were made of the errors that Virginia has recognized: it is a trus ted one of the people most wrong in the world. From today you change gear. We must fix the mistakes we made for the avoidance of doubt".
In these hours, the leader M5s had not excluded any hypothesis: it goes from the block to the first town on the withdrawal of the logo. From hours expect a post published on the blog to give the line the final, but continues to be postponed. the Cricket has left Rome at dawn with the train of 6.05 direct to Genoa. After a sleepless night, still in the Movement, lack of certainty on the management of yet another crisis at the Capitol. The group of parliamentarians and councillors for the most orthodox is very hard on the matter: if the mayor wants to remain must close with Marra-Romeo, what is known as his "magic circle", and open up more to the national Movement. In these hours, however, in telephone calls between Genoa and Milan, and in talks that Cricket has made in person at the hotel forum, which does not exclude anything: the fear is, in fact, that there may be other developments in the judicial proceedings and that the M5s could get even more damaged by this situation.
The other game for the Rays to play pin in the Capitol. In these hours the counselors are meeting with the mayor. Yesterday night there was already a confrontation, and the mayor has discovered to have cracks even on the team. the Ten directors have warned the mayor agree with the orthodox line and to be ready to sfiduciarla. She, according to the story collected by the agency Adnkronos, in front of what feels like a "lack of confidence", he said: "I do not feel more a part of the M5s, I do not recognize myself any more." A reconstruction quickly denied by official sources of the Capitol: "he never uttered those words." The mayor is thinking about how to react, and doing the accounts in his cabinet who could follow it even without the logo. Among those who do not want to learn, there are the president of the Assembly capitolina Marcello De Vito, a political opponent of the Rays within the Movement, and the leader of th e Movement Paul Ferrara. Not only. Many of the board members pentastellati would be ready to give up, Virginia. The hypothesis of continue in any way, tells someone, it is impractical. "You didn’t even finished saying the word, we already have no with the head." The most critical ask the Rays a real step-change: which is to put on the plate the heads of the faithful deputy mayor, Daniele Frongia, Salvatore Romeo, another obscure bureaucrat in a few months, she has climbed the peaks of the Campidiglio, and Renato Marra, the brother of Raffaele promoted from second-in-command of the department to the Tourism department.
The day was very hard and makes you feel its aftermath. No one speaks, even the big armored: Fig, Friday, very hard with the mayor and committed to carve out a starring role in the upcoming elections, failed to make the appointment of 11.30 with The Interview on SkyTG24. "Bet cancelled, and I’m sorry", he communicates in a tweet Maria Latella, host of the address book. The arrest of Marra has unroofed a Pandora’s box in which for months have remained to boil the discontent of the many who have long denounced the opacity of the city council. And among the protagonists now under indictment, there is the member of parliament Luigi Di Maio, throughout the summer, has defended the mayor, while protecting it even in September, when it was triggered, the grain Muraro. And yesterday, at the Hotel Forum is finished on the bench of the accused: the chronicles tell of a vice president of the Chamber silent all day long, accused by colleagues on a pilgrimage from the Shackle of having asked for autonomy for the mayor and have given hedging policy "ray magic" while Marra increased its power at the Palazzo Senatorio, day after day.
In the Movement today there is the silence, waiting for there to be evolution. In the late afternoon, the deputy Manlio Di Stefano has published a long post on Facebook where, even without mentioning the matter directly, does not hide his bitterness: "I am proud of never having bent the head," she writes, "I am proud of our path, but our path is based on the refusal to compromise, on the cultural revolution at the expense of the vippismo, on the ideas instead of ideologies and righteousness of behavior. Those who want more out of the door and bring with him his friends, we don’t need it. Courage: good people, the M5s is us."
To talk about is the ex-M5s mayor of Parma, Federico Pizzarotti: "Maybe you should make less videos that are set and stay much more human," he said interviewed by the Tgr Rai Emilia Romagna, "as we have tried to do us and I think that was a key to winning". And he added: "This story confirms, the things that I have always said that honesty you does not give a logo, that if you only part of the interest you can only build foundations very weak, that then inevitably the collapse of things". According to Pizzarotti, in Rome, "or we depart from a situation of this kind, or finally is going to collapse". Also because in the directory M5s "to download the nth the mayor, as it was for me, as it was for Comacchio, to Gela, for the Fourth, rather than, instead, make an admission of guilt, represent the fact that the administration is difficult. And that you need to change step".