Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The capitol, rejected for the first time in the budget. Oppositions: “home, home” – La Repubblica

For the first time in the history of the Capitol, the budget goes haywire. To drop the axe on the maneuver 2017-2019 is the Oref, the review body economic-financial of the Town. The rejection came after four hours of suspension of the works in the classroom Julius Caesar, and was announced by the president of the Assembly capitolina Marcello De Vito after a heated conference with the leaders of the opposition. The slam has immediately produced its effect: the meeting today of the municipal council was closed in advance and it was sconvocata the one expected for tomorrow.

The review body, as we read in the text of the opinion, “believes is not sufficient, the areas of public finance are required to respect the financial balance in relation to the needs that could be compared to the recognition of off-balance sheet liabilities, contingent liabilities, however, present, and to all the issues highlighted in this opinion, and expresses an opinion that is not favorable, on the proposal of adoption of the budget 2017-2019, and its annexes”. The Budget councillor Andrea Mazzillo must, therefore, start from the beginning of the process that led him to compile the financial statements. A statement that, in all probability at this point will not be approved within the deadline of 31st December. The concrete risk is to enter into a temporary management, with strong limitations on spending capacity.

A separate chapter is dedicated to the in-house company of the Municipality. According to the Oref, there is a need to “rationalise the perimeter of the subsidiaries and associates Capital of Rome, providing for the sale of the investments and/or the dissolution of companies which are not strictly necessary for the pursuit of the institutional goals of the institution, leading to savings
expenses, and reductions of risks arising from the management of the same society”. The recommendation is now a classic for the auditors, who had previously expressed themselves in the same terms on the subject of municipal bonds.

at The news of the negative opinion of the opposition, have been released, underlining how this is the first time that the Oref gives a negative opinion to the forward-looking statements. Alessandro Onorato, leader of the List Marchini, has to be heard to the assumptions of the “default” because “the fund liability is busted, does not cover off-balance sheet liabilities and contingent liabilities. The municipalities are out of control, has done well in the Oref to say it clearly. Now it is necessary to redo the budget.” “The request that we make,” he added, Michela Di Biase Pd – is send immediately to the opinion again in committee because it is not possible to proceed to the vote of the budget. We expose you to a possible statement of the Court of auditors. In the substance in the device is said to not respect the spaces of public finance”. Hard well as the comment of Fabrizio Gera, the parent company of Brothers of Italy: “Af ter five months of absolute inability of the administration, the grillini I reach a historic record in the history of the city of Rome: the rejection of the Oref on the budget. Mayor commissioner, now ‘red’ and the majority in the disarray. Here is who the 5 Star hotel”.

chants and protest had already been there in the aula Julius Caesar in the early afternoon. After the suspension of the sitting, Forza Italia, Pd, and the Brothers of Italy had found on the throne of the president of the Classroom by starting to ring the bell and singing: “The five stars, we want the five stars. But the majority, meanwhile, had already assembled in another room of the palazzo Senatorio to examine the opinion of the Oref, arrived at lunch time, together with the councillor for the Budget. “Do you know where I am, missing the whole of the majority, the board and the secretariat. We are a three-hour outage without a reason. Lack of politeness and institutional, but the people who rule Rome? It is not the interest of their approve

the budget? Do not accuse the opposition if you do not approve,” said the director of the Pd, Antongiulio Pelonzi. “A scene never seen by the majority that is not in the classroom and the opposition, yes. The mayor has asked for a sense of responsibility, but they are arguing behind the scenes and the sense of responsibility has only the opposition, it’s a shame,” explained Andrea De Priamo, director of Brothers of Italy.

now ray
the budget the municipality of rome
marcello de vito


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