Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Poletti cannot remain a minister: let us do to dislodge us.

I know that to engage in politics is a hard work, to see Giuliano Poletti is still the minister after a referendum which – as a welcome side effect – I had to bring down the government, Renzi is yet another confirmation that we are in the Land of the Leopard.

And I also know that many of us do not really have the strength to get to the words because the outrage is already consumed by the facts, by governments who think only of pensioners instead of young people, who liberalizzano the voucher by removing even the prospect of an open-ended contract. Weaken article 18 was also permitted, but only in the perspective of the single contract for all. Instead, the instability remained and the government has spent billions to pretend a boom in employment, paid dear taxpayer: 60.000 euro for each new job additional compared to the previous year, according to the calculations of the Cgil.

I know there is Christmas and many of you have better things to do. However, Giuliano Poletti cannot remain the minister of Labour of this Country. If it needs to go. Not tomorrow, today. And if not hunting, Matteo Renzi, because it must simulate the distance from this executive drone, or the new premier Paolo Gentiloni, we have to do to dislodge us.

let’s stop with this idea that always touches others take the initiative. In case you were lost, you remember what he said Giuliano Poletti yesterday: "we Need to correct the opinion according to which those who leave are the semprand the best. Sand go 100 g, there are 60 million here: it would be to say that the 100 g good and smart are gone and the ones that are left here are all of the gun. Allow me to dispute this argument". And then he argued, for its part, in this way: "I Know people that is gone and that is good that is where it went, because surely this Country will not suffer to not have them more.

It is justified, said he was badly expressed. I don’t think. It is expressed very well, with all the clarity that the cultural level and the curriculum allow. He said what he thinks. "Speak evil", in the house Poletti, means to avoid the hypocrisy of disguising their ideas. The minister, however, was "badly expressed" is because think wrong. And those who think like him can not and should not make the minister in this Country. Those who are convinced that the guys who are emigrating – to the researchers or the pizza – they do it because they are restless, over-ambitious or irresponsible does not have the right to affect the employment policies in Italy.

In the absence of competitive elections, there are many ways to stop Poletti or the party that supports you, the Pd. The only one’s being heard. In the other phases of republican history, strong waves of indignation have pushed the policy to be fair, I think, for example, the decree "salvaladri" and to the people of the Fax. We are still democracy, if hundreds of thousands or millions of people consider (with good arguments) Poletti inadequate to the minister, someone will have to listen to us.

Write them in your profiles, Faceboook, on Twitter: #PolettiVattene.
And send an e-mail to the Ministry of Labour and palazzo Chigi, by placing a copy of the Daily (segreteria@ilfattoquotidiano.it). Be able to use these addresses: ufficiostampa@lavoro.gov.it ; presidente@pec.governo.it or other which you find on the web. We will post your messages on the newspaper.

we Must insist. Until Poletti does not resign.


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