Saturday, December 17, 2016

Marra stopped in Rome. Ray: ‘We were wrong’. Wrath of the Cricket –

the leader of The Movement 5 Stars, Beppe Grillo, has left early this morning – around 5.30 am, the hotel romano which saw him yesterday, the protagonist of a long series of meetings with the parliamentary pentastellati called for the “crisis” of the board spoke following the arrest of Marra. Cricket, according to reports, he took a train for about 6 to Genoa.

Continues the showdown between the Cinquestelle after the arrest of the right arm of the mayor of the capitol-Rays, Raffaele Marra, that took place yesterday on charges of corruption. The first is the roman town has made a public defence doing a mea culpa and admitting that ‘we were wrong’, but Cricket has resumed with strength: ‘Marra you I said now he’. In the evening the hard internal comparison at the top of the Cinquestelle with the ‘orthodox’ on the counter-attack. Paola Taverna, Carla Ruocco and Nicola Morra emphasise that ‘it is not enough to apologize and Roberto Fico clarifies that ‘Marra is not only a technician’. In the viewfinder there is also Di Maio, prodigal in support of the Rays.

Raffaele Marra has always been unpopular with a portion of the 5-Star Movement for its political past, having also worked with Gianni Alemanno, and Renata Polverini. The police have searched the room of Marra in the Capitol.

“we Probably have the wrong, Marra was already a leader and we trusted,” said mayor Virginia Ray at a press conference in the Capitol. “We will replace immediately Marra, we have full confidence in the judiciary”. “I’m sorry for the romans, for the M5S and Beppe Grillo, which had shown some concern” about Marra, he added. “I want to be clear, the administration goes on. Dr. Marra is not a politician and my right arm are roman citizens. It is for them that we work every day without a break. Let us go forward with serenity.”

“On Marra you I said now remedied”. This as we know that Cricket said to the mayor Virginia Rays in the course of a telephone call in which the two discussed the case Marra after the arrest of the manager. “You need to verify that all the acts made by Marra”. This then is the invitation that Cricket has made to the mayor . Therefore, in the next few days the mayor will be to sift through all of the cards signed by Raffaele Marra in the quality of municipal officer.

After a nearly four-hour meeting at the Hotel Forum the ‘big’ 5-Star come out from the council of emergency’ with Beppe Grillo with the tight-lipped and dark faces. It is the sign that, with the arrest of Raffaele Marra, the Movement enters in a phase greve, where the cap that prevented the rendering of accounts internal now skipped. The risk is twofold: that some action of Marra in the course of the management of Virginia’s Rays ends up in the maps of pm and that the chaos of the Capitol to open a ‘chasm’ in the internecine wars that, in some way, the victory of the referendum seemed to have lessened. Why, with the arrest of the right arm of the mayor, there is no doubt that the ‘orthodox’ claim revenge and, at the same time, that the line of Luigi Di Maio, the prodigal in support of the Rays, ends up in the crosshairs, and its leadership is in the balance.

the Tavern-Rays? it is not enough to apologize – “No, not enough!”. He says the senator M5S Paola Taverna, who question whether it is sufficient for the mayor of Rome to apologize and say that Marra is just one of the 23 thousand employees of the Municipality. The tavern was by Grillo at the Hotel Forum along with senator Nicola Morra, Di Maio and Fig.

Enough with the excuses of the Rays? “No, I do not think” to respond to reporters Carla Ruocco leaving the Forum, along with Nicola Morra and Roberto Fico. And the Fig, in responding to the chroniclers says: “it is clear to me Marra is not only a technician”.

Blog Grillo Marra available Scarpellini, M5S no – “Raffaele Marra will also be put at the disposal of Sergio Scarpellini, but the 5 Star Movement no. And to prove it are not the words but the facts. Thanks to the 5 Star Movement have been cancelled contracts halter that the Room had signed with the real estate romano, generating a saving of more than 32 million per year to the Chamber of deputies. The money saved by Italian citizens, and, in contrast, lack of income for Carvers”. So the M5S in a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo. “Also in the Capitol, thanks to a motion filed in 2013 by the then directors of the 5 Star Movement, have been spared a further 10 million euros arising from the rental of buildings off Loria and way of the Virgin,” continues the post entitled “The 5 Star Movement is not at the disposal of the Scarpellini”.

has been arrested by the vehicle manufacturer and real estate Sergio Scarpellini. The story, which has led to two arrests linked to the investigation on the purchase and sale of the houses Enasarco, and it dates back to 2013. In that period, Marra was the head of the department of housing policy of the Municipality of Rome. The entrepreneur Scarpellini would corrupt public administrators, through real estate, to reap the benefits for his company. Marra, in June 2013, at the time Director of the Department of investments and control of the Group of Rome, would have bought an apartment Works, with checks drawn from the bank account of the developer.

In order for custody of the gip states that there is “a real and present danger of repetition of delicts” Marra “in consideration of the role in the concrete is currently coated in the Municipality of Rome, of the unquestionable trust and confidence it enjoys from the part of the mayor Virginia Ray”. The judge pointed out: “Despite the press campaign that also occurred in his disfavour, was not removed from power, but was appointed Director of the Department of personnel”.

Only a few months ago, Raffaele Marra was at the center of the chaos of appointments in the Capitol, challenged inside of Five Stars. The officer, initially appointed deputy head of cabinet of the mayor, it was then moved to the guidance of the Human Resources as chief of staff of the Capitol.

But that’s not all. The Authority anti-corruption (Anac) and the public prosecutor of Rome investigate the appointment to the tourism department of the Capitol of Renato Marra, brother of Raffaele. Another thorn in the side of Virginia’s Rays, after the story Muraro.

The political debate is red hot, with chain reactions that did not wait. Orfini has accused Grillo, Of the Baptist and Maio of being “politically responsible”. The League, with the secretary Matteo Salvini, calling for the resignation of the Rays and the vote in Rome. Meanwhile, following the arrest of Marra, the flash mob in Siena on each other’s Mps for the first time in the balance, it was confirmed, but without the ‘big’, that is, without the parliamentarians.


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