Sunday, December 11, 2016

Crisis of government, Mattarella convenes Gentiloni. The Foreign minister at the Quirinal.

The choice of Sergio Mattarella dropped on Paolo Gentiloni. This morning around 9 the presidency of the Republic has released a note in which he informed of the meeting request for 12: 30 at the Palazzo Quirinale, the foreign minister of the outgoing government Renzi. Gentiloni is currently at the Quirinale.

The consultations were completed yesterday, with the conversation between the president and the delegation of Pd, but has not provided names of possible chairpersons of the council for the after Renzi, complicating the choice of Mattarella. In the early morning he wanted to, however, accelerate the pace, summoning a representative of the dem, given yesterday for favorite in the obtaining of the assignment, in a sign of continuity with the previous executive.

in the night Matteo Renzi had posted a long text on Facebook where it was assumed the change of tenant to Palazzo Chigi, while the background continued to give a few solid chance at a bis: "those who come To the Chigi after me, I leave my greatest wish of good job and all my cheer: we are in Italy, not against each other". The president of the outgoing board, who resigned after the defeat at the constitutional referendum, he added: "I suffered to close all the boxes last night, I’m not ashamed: I’m not a robot. But I also know that the experience the scout teaches you that you do not arrive if not for share".

The tones may not appear to be those of a farewell to politics: "The italians who want to a future of ideas and hopes for our Country, I say that we will never grow tired to try again and again. There are thousands of lights that shine in the Italian night. We will try again to bring them together – says – Making the most of mistakes that we have done, but without stopping to take a risk: only those who change helps the Country beautiful and difficult as well. And "we are the ones who try really – highlights – That when they lose not blame the other. who think That hate is less useful to build. And that’s when the evening roll up the blankets to the children think that yes, it was worth it. Yes, it’ll be worth it. Together."

The convocation of Gentiloni on the part of Mattarella, has sparked the reactions of the M5s, Lega Nord, Fdi. While Forza Italia ask that you approve the electoral law and to return immediately to the vote.

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