Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hundreds of children lured, pedophile serial arrested in Reggio Emilia – The Republic

BOLOGNA In over ten years has lured hundreds of adolescents, both at the exit from school is through social networks such as Facebook. The protagonist of the story a forty-year-old american, arrested by the police of the nucleus onvestigativo of Reggio Emilia that – explains a note from the Weapon – have “documented hundreds of abuses”.

Up to now thirty the young victims identified. The man has also posted on the net some video sex filmed secretly with the young people. The investigation coordinated by the Prosecutor’s office of Bologna has been renamed “Lost Innocence”. The police reggiani have rebuilt as a ten-year-old man had managed to create a sort of female alter-ego, the “advertised” among the teenagers as her own cousin particularly uninhibited. Dressed as a woman and rigged, from the window of his house threw the banknotes to the minors at the end of school (some only 13 years old), causing them to rise in the house and to enjoy sexual relations with the “dream woman”. The young victims were then convinced, always in exchange for money, to recruit new friends, for what they thought to be a woman.

according to the survey of military reggiani, coordinated by the Bologna public Prosecutor’s office led by the Chief Prosecutor, Giuseppe Amato, and carried out by the deputy Prosecutor, Roberto Ceroni, the 40-year-old – who has requested to obtain the status of a political refugees because it discriminated sexually in the country of origin – adescava the kids with endless amounts of money, who were a more elevated when it was necessary to overcome the resistance of the most suspicious. Always in exchange for money, also, the victims were convinced to recruit new friends, for what they thought to be a woman, for by so doing the man has dropped in the network, dozens and dozens of minors who, in some cases, “marinavano” the school to receive the sexual performance of the “girl” in whose house you visionavano also pornographic films. Sometimes, the children lured gathered under the home of 40-year-old, who was watching from the window the young waiting: man, in fact, he wanted them to be young and without the first signs of adulthood such as the beard.

By the investigation, it is pointed out, has emerged as on some occasions, after having lured the child had rejected the report, unsatisfied with the physical prowess of the kid. Hundreds would have sexual relations entertained in the course of the years with the minors replaced by others more young people as the signs of development are made evident. Some of the meetings, have found the police reggiani, have been movie hidden while in other cases, the 40-year-old, bought from kids, photos and video of child abuse that was done to send through Whatsapp and Facebook. The same Facebook that was used by the south american, with fake profiles of women, to corrupt other minors chosen after a careful selection of the physical.


the locations frequented by the 40-year-old in his own male version as public parks and sports areas in parish in the province of reggio, in which they included in the companies of kids touting the ease of sexual and economic availability of the non-existent cousin. The man, to the measure of the Gip of Bologna was arrested on charges of sex acts with a minor, even infra-fourteen-year-old, child prostitution and child pornography.



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