Friday, December 9, 2016

Colle, via consultations Mattarella tightening times. The new government within the 15 – il mattino di Padova

ROME. A thirty-minute interview each. No official statement. Sergio Mattarella, as the programme has started consultations to resolve the government crisis. The first meeting was with the president of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, the second charge of the State, and among the names that are circulating insistently in the last few hours as a hypothetical guide to a government, institutional or transition. Then it was the turn of the president of the Chamber Laura Boldrini, and then the Head of State emeritus, Giorgio Napolitano. Statements, have not been but it is easy to imagine that the institutional leaders have represented to the head of State all the risks of a crisis to the "dark". There are three hypotheses on the table of the president of the Republic: a government of all political parties, led by the president of the Senate or by another higher authority super partes. Political government, supported by the current majority, but led by the ministers Padoan, or Gentiloni an d Renzi-bis with a new team of ministers. The first option, the Hill, remains that of a reincarico at Renzi.

A point, it seems most of the balance of the other: exactly one week from today, on 15 December, the European Council meets. To that date, the Quirinal would like to have a new government capable of representing Italy at the table of the 27 leaders. A time limit that restricts the range of possible solutions to the crisis: in fact, the only names able to get believably the assignment for that date is the same prime minister Renzi , the minister of Economy Padoan, or the Foreign minister Gentiloni. Mattarella will check all the positions, but the world would be back quickly, perhaps as early as Saturday evening, in the hands of the Pd. Collaboration with the Quirinale means that Renzi, if you do not want to take the responsibility of the bis, must prepare to enter another name. The premier resigning continues to support it intends to do by hand, but look with suspicion on maneuvers inside the Pd of the capicorrente – by Franceschini in Orlando – and fears that give way to a government, Padoan, or Gentiloni it would be easy but not as simple as the then stop in the spring.

The risk of a rupture inside the Pd is very high and the maneuvers to try to continue in the legislature even without the Renzi are not easy. The consultations will continue today, with the smaller parties . One by one, all the parliamentary groups (23) meet Mattarella, but it will still be Saturday, the hottest day when they will rise up to the Hill, the delegation of the Northern League, without

Salvini, the one of Forza Italia (led by Berlusconi), the 5 Star Movement without a Shackle and finally the Pd. Also, the delegation dem will be orphan of his secretary. There will be, instead, Lorenzo Guerini, Matthew Orfini and the two group leaders, Luigi Zanda and Ettore Rosato.



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