Friday, December 9, 2016

The second day of consultations, the Quirinale aims to close immediately. The LIVE WEB –

has opened at the Quirinale, the second day of the consultations for the formation of the new Government. In this long day the president Mattarella will receive 17 delegations of the political forces, formations parliamentary numerically smaller. Tomorrow the president of the Republic will listen to all of the other parliamentary groups.

all the interventions at the end of the talks with Mattarella

11:48 Buttiglione, now the grand coalition - “For the second time the people has rejected the great reform, and at the same time the majority system: now we need a law proportional, the next legislature should be that of the grand coalition between the democratic left and the parties that make reference to the Epp in Italy: On this appeal of Silvio Berlusconi”. This was stated by former minister Rocco Buttiglione, as a representative of the Udc.

11:24, the electoral law gives power to the citizens – “This Country, after three years of reforms, rejected, may have an election law that gives the power to the citizens. Say no to the solutions improvised and do not take account of the judgment of the Consulta of 2014″. It says Pippo Civati of Free Alternative – Can. “We are ready to go to vote, but you do it in terms of respecting the will of citizens. And there is a government that would allow Parliament to work on the solution that’s best and most representative”. On the same wavelength Massimo Artini: “the elections have a sense if there are conditions to get there and taking into account the outcome of the referendum”.

11:01 Svp, change the Italicum in Parliament, immediately – “Rate with the Italicum in this situation is technically impracticable,” said Daniel Alfreider, SvP. “We need a change. The numbers in Parliament there are. We need a government that a number of a new electoral law even without the verdict of the council,” he explained, adding that “the responsibility lies with the Parliament, and if we are in this mess is right for Parliament to healthy the situation. Citizens have the right to know how to vote. The policy change is only possible with the stability and continuity of the long-term. We cannot afford a government that is not in the fullness of powers”, he concluded.

10:36 Pisicchio, serves the new government without adjectives – “The Government has no adjectives. It is a government and that’s it. And’ a government to do, and from the start, starting from the majority that there was and opening the door to other forces. We can’t lose time”. He said the president of the Mixed Group in the Chamber Pino Pisicchio.

10:22 Campanella (It), you see the effect the referendum – The president Mattarella “we have reported the widespread opinion at the Mixed group that it is visible the effect of the referendum just held. We expect that you could with the next government to be able to give the possibility to the Parliament to express in a large majority, an electoral law to return to the Rooms the weight that the Constitution confers on it”. The said Francis Bell-Sel.

10:20 Idv, ok government national responsibility – “We expressed the idea of going to the vote with an election law reform that do choose to the citizens representatives and the Country to have a stable government”. The said Maurizio Roman Idv, saying that his party “is available to a government of national responsibility, but with the widest possible participation for an election law and for the accounts of the State be put in safety.”

Here is the schedule of the consultations at the Quirinale.

The first day of consultations at the Quirinale – Yesterday Mattarella, in the first day of consultations, has met the highest offices of State: the president of the Senate Pietro Grasso, the president of the Chamber Laura Boldrini, finally, the emeritus president of italy, Giorgio Napolitano.

Against a new government, Forza Italia and M5s: ‘you don’t need a government to make an election law’, said Di Maio, ‘you face with Renzi resigning’. Like instead of the minority Pd in the hypothesis of a new executive to guide Dem. But Franceschini smash behind the scenes: ‘I’m’ with the secretary’. Cricket: ‘We are united, without current’. Schifani presents an executive supported by the same political forces that have supported the outgoing government. Facing the hypothesis of the use, for the Senate, the Consultellum, the result of the judgment, which vetoed the Porcellum.

Renzi yesterday returned to the family in its Pontassieve. The hypothesis of a reincarico at the same premier still remains the most rational. So much so that the Hill reminds us that nothing has changed now. It seeks, in short, the task for Sunday.

In Pd is confirmed the line indicated by Renzi in the direction of, and that is a government of national responsibility with all, or vote after the decision of the council. But in the ranks of the Dem, the voltage at the stars and the divisions on the future struggling to be kept under track.


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