Monday, December 12, 2016

The”experiment” Gentiloni, the middle way between Renzi and Mattarella – The Sun 24 Hours

The personality a little cumbersome Gentiloni becomes an experiment, an attempt to march the agreement on the electoral law without its challenges, with more neutrality. The reverse of what happened on the Italicum when Renzi is put on the table the confidence in the Government forcing the parliamentary vote. In this sense, the neo-premier is a middle way between the leading Pd and Mattarella, the continuity of a political line, but the discontinuity in the stileSi discusses if and how the next Government can be a photocopy of what Renzi but on one point there is complete discontinuity: the style of the new premier. Tell that Paolo Gentiloni has been chosen for its dullness, for his talent not to be a shadow to those who leave, but regardless of the reasons, real or alleged, that have brought the leader in the Pd to indicate its presence to the Palazzo Chigi will be a novelty after more than two years of living dangerously between a challenge and the next until the defeat. With Gentiloni not there is a change of political line and, of the rest, he was among the first to side with Renzi from the primaries against Bersani.

But it is true that is the less bulky of the renzismo as you heard her first statements at the exit interview with Sergio Mattarella. Has confirmed that it will move on the groove of the previous Government but without the tone and language of the first. And without the same ambitions. He used words like “accompany”, “to facilitate” and not to drive or handle to the objective of the electoral law.

A change of form that may also be of the substance when it is no longer in the Palazzo Chigi to produce conflict and hostility. In this sense, Gentiloni is an experiment. The middle way between Renzi and Mattarella, who do you think is needed to put a "more" neutral in its relations with the Parliament, to help an understanding about the rules. The reverse of what happened to the Italicum when Renzi is put on the table a vote of confidence on his Executive.

Today, the style of the "step back" of Customers, represents a character, but it is also an indication of the Quirinale, becomes an attempt to march on the dossier, the most warm without the goal of splitting the political front, and the launch of racing in a speed which then can stop again.

The field will be cleared from the rite of the "or with me or against me", they disappear the owls and the long faces, the exercise of power is never disguised, and even emphasized by the check out will be moved to another location. Will not be the Government but of Nazareth, the headquarters of the party where the leader Pd prepares its collected at the congress and to the primary.

What really will bring this exchange is to see. The fear of some that the thrust of renzismo that so many things has made – net of fatal errors – you can run aground in the stretch of the calm of a new prime minister is a topic. But it was also one of its main stumbling block. That have built rods more and more high, at the end, cut the legs and breath. And have crowded the scene of so many enemies, so many slogans guerreschi, has made us lose sight of the substance of what he had accomplished. Too much noise, too many decibels, have polluted the scene with a rate of excessive emotionalism that has clouded the reasoning of common sense on which you orient the “silent majority” from which Renzi is expected to win.

From the red switches to the pastel tones and the political stage that was crowded of the”jumble” of the enemies is now empty. Perhaps you will see better what we have around. The banking crisis, an open table with Europe on the accounts and immigration, the election law has to be rewritten. Problems more than duels. The objectives become such, Parliament resumes its role and its responsibilities without the burden of a challenge against the marsh, without the story of the destruction. This is the gambling contemplated between Gentiloni and Mattarella, decant a spirit of revenge, of someone who has lost the 4 December and to lessen the load of those who want to impose a victory at any cost. How can resist to these two thrusts, the new premier is the bet. And the grey seems to be the color that goes best with this chance.

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