(ANSA) – NAPLES, 30 sept – Two people were killed in an ambush that happened a little while ago in Vico Cotugno, in the district of naples Miano, on the outskirts of the city. Next to the two bodies were found on a scooter: it is likely that the two victims, not yet identified, were riding in the middle. On the place came the police. Agents are working to reconstruct the dynamics of the ambush. According to a first reconstruction of the investigators have been exploded several shots of the gun.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Lurking in Naples,killed two people – the associated press.it
The opening of the school year to Sondrio. The words of Mattarella, and Giannini – The Technique of School
Today, Sondrio, opened the school year. The event was attended by the president of the Republic in charge, Sergio Mattarella, and the minister of Education, University and Research Stefania Giannini.
the Spectators of the exception of about 1,800 students from the schools of all the national territory that were selected by the Regional School Offices: their schools have, in fact, created paths and educational projects of excellence, in the course of the school year 2015-2016, on the themes of inclusiveness, respect and value diversity, interculturalism and integration and education to legality, of the struggle to the phenomena of bullying and participation in school life.
On the stage they performed the students of the professional Institute “Da Vinci-Nitti” of Cosenza, Liceo scientifico “Michelangelo” of Florence and of the Institutions that Include “Santa Lucia of Syracuse, “St. John Bosco” of Isernia, “Serafini-Stephen” of Sulmona, the comunità Montana Mont Rose-Pont St. Martin (Ao).
In the course of the ceremony the Orchestra of the Conservatories of Italy, conducted by maestro Leonardo De Amicis, who will perform the national Anthem with the accompaniment of the students of Military Academies “Nunziatella” of Naples and “Peter Teulié” of Milan, of the Military Naval School “Francesco Morosini” in Venice and at the Military School of Aeronautics at the “Giulio Douhet”) of Florence
at The ceremony, also attended by personalities from the world of culture, entertainment, sport and civil society.
In the course of the event it was realized a direct connection from the schools of some of the areas of Central Italy affected by the earthquake on the 24th of August.
the Delegation of the school present at the event in Sondrio, italy.
12.17 Here are the words of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella
12.13 Continue the event in Sondrio, italy.
11.52 The movie with the words of Stefania Giannini
11.41 the words of The minister Giannini
11.29 Continue the event. Applause also for school leaders, teachers and staff Ata.
11.14 Connection with the school of Amatrice, which was rebuilt in record time after the earthquake of August 24. 22 modules built thanks to the collaboration of the Province of Trento.
11.11 Arrival of Mattarella, and Giannini and then execution of the National anthem.
11.07 the Meeting between Mattarella and Giannini before the event
11.02 the ceremony
10.57 Before the start of the ceremony, some of the numbers on the new school year.
10.50 ten minutes you will begin the ceremony. In the meantime, has already arrived the president Mattarella.

Now Ray, “the incoming councillors: Mazzillo to the financial statements, Colomban to participate” – Il fatto Quotidiano
The official announcement of Virginia Ray is expected in the day, but the press agencies anticipate the names of two new councillors of the Capitol. the Andrea Mazzillo, as we know, is the new councillor to the Budget of the Capitol, while the Massimo Colomban – former chief of staff of the Rays – go to Participate. In the aftermath of the mandate put back in the hands of the mayor by the accountant-general of the Common Stefano Stopping and in the days of torment that have seen the resignation of Marcello Minenna, the "spread" of Raffaele De Dominicis (a few hours after the appointment) and the refusal of Salvatore Tutino, come in today, should be complete.
Colomban is the veneto entrepreneur founder of Permasteelisa, the group is leader in the enclosures of the highest towers, and monumental architecture built in the world by Sydney Opera House to Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. the Andrea Mazzillo, however, has already been working in the Capitol as a leader. His contract is past in come the first of August", with the functions of coordination of the staff of the mayor and verification of the implementation of the guidelines". Doctor of Research in Economics and Management of Firms and Public Administrations, he has also worked in Equitalia. In 2006, he ran with the civic list Veltroni, a town hall, and later played in the Pd Host. In recent years it has consolidated the link with the M5S and Virginia Ray that is placed in him great confidence.
But the appointment of Mazzillo, according to rumors reported by the agencies, splits further 5-Star Movement. Reuters writes that the appointment would have infuriated the leader of the M5s in the Aula Giulio Cesare, Paul Ferrara, in front of the other board members has not spared his fierce criticism against him, before walking away from the Capitol, without releasing the comments to reporters.
But the repercussions, continues to Reuters, come up Parliament. "If you Ray had named him in his staff – blurts out a member – it means that she had her own curriculum under the eyes for months. It is a crap incredible."
To arouse strong discontent is the past of Mazzillo in the centrosisnitra. But also the accusation, moved by many parliamentarians from the romans, including members of the now former mini-directory, he was, together with Salvatore Romeo, l'councillor Budget' shadow of Marcello Minenna, "pushed to resign from an unbearable situation", laments another parliamentary year). the Mazzillo, on the other hand, was finished in the crosshairs of the 'anti-Radiation' already for the salary received for his role in the staff of the mayor.
the referendum on the constitutional reform of December 4, you win by convincing the voters of the centre-right Matteo Renzi and his say for a while. The goal is to bring to the polls all the supporters of the government and on the other to convince voters of the centre-right, but also the 5 Star Movement, of the goodness of a reform that – at least according to the presentation presented by the supporters of the Yes – simplifies the legislative process and reduces the cost of the policy. However, it was enough to”appeal” launched by Renzi to the voters of the centre-right – remembering that Forza Italia has voted three times in the reform, changing an “incomprehensibly” opinion – to unleash the controversy. And once again, in this curious election campaign that starts in the substantial absence of Fi and of the M5S, it is a question of controversy, all internal to the party of the premier.
in an interview with the director of Sheet Claudio Cerasa, and later, during an initiative in favour of the ” Yes ” in Perugia, Renzi has clarified his thoughts: “it’s Useless to look around: the votes of the right will be decisive in the referendum. The left, now, is largely with us.” You win right? Open up the sky. “I would not like that the day after the referendum, there ritrovassimo all members of the party of the nation and the Pd emptied of ideas and the voters,” says Roberto Hope. “A bad phrase said by the secretary of the Pd and the chairman of the Board” on Gianni Cuperlo. “The referendum is not the congress of the Pd – meets Renzi -. If you do not get the vote of others to call you exactly in the minority, and I want to be in the majority and change things”.
apart from the extreme case of Massimo D’alema, who is touring Italy to do propaganda against the reform, the minority of Pd is increasingly deployed for No. Just listen to Pier Luigi Bersani, who insists on the “conjunction” Italicum-reform of the Senate: “the revision of The Italicum, and the constitutional reform are not different things. The charm of No lies in this: with No jumps at the Italicum. And if one thinks that the problem is a serious problem, then…”. But Renzi plc does not respond directly. The accounts with the minority bersaniana – support her – you will do after the referendum: “If it wins the Yes okay so we will be tolerant, but if he wins the No Renzi remains secretary of the party and the electoral lists makes him…”. But D’alema, now considered far from the heart of the militants unlike Bersani, there are no qualms. And here He goes down hard: “On the points of the reform D’alema, for personal story, is totally agree. But as has as a goal the destruction of a person and an experience, then it’s his battle. Best wishes. D’alema is an expert of fratricidal strife in the home: buzz to Prodi and Veltroni to believe”. Remains the opening to review the Italicum after the referendum vote: “I struggle,” she admits, Renzi – because I believe that the Italicum is an excellent law, but are ready to make a discussion real. Why the election law is less important than the referendum, as well as my personal career is less important than the referendum”.

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Renzi: if you want the swamp to take the other, and we want to change – Rai News
The premier of Perugia and Florence: the Italicum? The most important reforms. D’alema “expert” fratricidal conflicts” in the house. If the referendum wins the no, nothing will change for decades

In Perugia and Florence, Matteo Renzi speaks about the campaign for the referendum on constitutional reforms. “It will be a battle very difficult, you try to mystify, it says that it is an attempt to take power, almost that we were faced with a derived authority, but we must respond with the smile, house-to-house: it must be clear to all what could happen, if he wins the no, nothing will change for decades”.
“What has changed my life is that in these 8 years I’ve always felt to not be alone. I have always felt in the difficulties the idea that a part of the way there same by tapping a great responsibility. I don’t know that it will last. But I know that we are made for change. If you want the swamp, the usual faces, the mess-ups, you take the other”. And still: “I promise you, dear Italy, that I will, but you promise me that we will do all we can, and we will not rest until it changes”.
Then: “Italy is called to choose and it is up to us. The challenge will be difficult because I have never
seen so much deception, so many lies”.
The premier defends run-off election, but also adds “do not want to enter into polemics”, to find “the reasons that unite us,” explains that “is ready to change the Italicum because the constitutional reforms are more important”. In his stop in Perugia for the electoral campaign in view of the December 4, reiterates the opening to the changes of the voting system and seems to turn in particular to the centre-right has decided to no to the reform “in an unintelligible way”. Excludes the League, but on the other forces, the president of the Council calls for a repentance, and it says at the same time available to dialogue on the electoral law.
Renzi does not go beyond. He wants you to look at the referendum, “the future”. And at the same time praises the “giants” who have written the Constitution. He wants us to realize that the alternative to a yes “it is the marsh”, “it is my responsibility to do it to understand”.
No underestimation of the importance of the appointment of December 4: “Is that who will win the” yes “or win the” no “will have consequences, is a decisive moment, the referendum is not derived from the beta but the reduction of seats”, he pressed. For thirty years, “have failed to change anything, there are those who want to redo the Bicameral”, but if it fails, the consultation “we’ll keep the bicameralism and equal”.
Finally, the president of the Council addressed to his party: “The referendum is not a congress”. To Hope and to bersaniani that criticize the thesis of broadening the consensus on the referendum on the right says: “that’s why they are a minority… We want to be the majority”. The closed on D’alema: “it is an expert in the fratricidal strife in the house. Ring the bell to Prodi and D’alema to know what we are saying.” Renzi insists: “If D’alema had put the same commitment against your fellow party against the centre-right, this Country would have been different.”

The alarm of the man of accounts before leaving: the Capitol at risk of default – The Huffington Post
There is a report that is shaking the Capitol. Located on the table of the mayor and was left by the general Accountant of the municipality of Rome, Stefano Stopping, which has given the mandate in the hands of Virginia-Rays: a letter registered on the 28 September. In reality, Stopping he had already placed his mandate in the second half of July, but from then on, there would never have been convened by the first citizen, so at the beginning of this week has once again put the contract without delivering a report on the state of the accounts of the capitoline: “So there are the conditions for work”, he said Stopping to people close to him. The image of the Capital that is out of the dossier is of a city on the verge of default, with debts of investee companies which are adding up day by day. The 5-Star Movement rejects any kind of responsibility and Luigi Di Maio, so: “If a bureaucrat if he goes, there is to be happy”. However, the criticality of the undeniable inherited add it to the current situation of stalemate in which it pays the Municipality for over 100 days and all of this weighs in view of the budget law. The deadline is around the corner, but also is not far away.
By December 31, the Municipalities must draw up and approve the budget for the following financial year and the three-year budget forecast. This step is nerve required because in this document, the directors indicate what financial resources it intends to raise and how you intend to use them. Failure to respect this right means to address the dissolution of the municipal Council and to the commissioner. Weigh today is also the absence of the commissioner to the financial statements. For this with the resignation of Stopping, some politicians have run the real risk of the second administration in a row for the Capitol.
It was yet another chaotic day. While the city council discussed the motion to withdraw the candidacy of Rome to the Olympics of 2024, with the pushing and shoving that is annexed, the Capitol hill news has spread has leaked that instead were not to the mayor, the resignation of the accountant-general, who "regularly work". "Another lie," says the opposition. It is likely that the first citizen has wanted to play on the subtle difference, in point of law, that there is between "return the mandate" and resignation. The political but, above all, practical is the chaos that there is in the Capitol. "The accounts of Rome are at the mercy of events – says Alessandro Onorato, a councillor of the List Marchini – no one is taking care of the budget balancing. A general accountant serious and honest, in the moment in which he does not have a clear political line, because on him they weigh the responsibilities of the accounts of the Capital, it is evident that he puts in alarm, the first a citizen and then if you don’t have the answers resigns". It also intervenes in Stefano Fassina, the Italian Left, an expert on the economy: "we run the Risk or do a budget improvised that does not correspond to the priorities of the city, or we risk even to reach a provisional basis". "Another masterpiece-Rays and Cricket," says the Pd.
The Capitol – we learn in the evening – is already thinking about the substitute of Stopping: his counterpart in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, Marco Iacobucci. Contacts, we would have already been. The fact is that you have to hurry because, according to the Text only of the local Authorities, if the budget is not approved by the municipal Council within the time prescribed by law (i.e., December 31), the municipal Council is subject to dissolution proceedings and the Joint is subjected to temporary management. For the Capitol is an extreme scenario because there is already talk of a postponement of the terms for all the Municipalities. However, the capacity of a local government to plan investments and expenses without Budget councillor and without the head of the financial service, is very limited.
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Rome, surveys on receipts and non-profit organizations: asked for the condemnation of the former mayor Marino – The Republic
The Prosecutor’s office of Rome has requested the sentence of three years, one month and ten days of imprisonment of the former mayor Ignazio Marino, in shortened procedure, which sees him accused of embezzlement and forgery in connection with the use of the credit card assigned to him in his time by the city administration and for the offence of competition in the scam for the remuneration of employees dummy when the surgeon dem was the legal representative of ‘Imagine’, a non-profit organization founded in 2005 to bring medical aid in Honduras and the Congo. The request of worth has been advanced to the gup Pierluigi Balestrieri (who will decide in the next hearing is still to plan) by the pm Roberto Happy and Pantaleo Polyphemus. In reference to the case of tickets (12 euros spent, according to the pm for 56 dinners consumed between 2013 and 2015 in many restaurants in Rome and other cities), the former mayor Marino has asked the abbreviated (in the case of a conviction provides the discount penalty equal to one-third) conditional on the acquisition of expertise, handwriting, thanks to which it would be possible to trace who actually has put his signature on those expenses, and a note to his former head of cabinet, in which was explained what accounted for the so-called ‘expenses’. As to the non-profit, Marine is accused by the Prosecutor’s office had arranged between the 2012 and the 2013 certification of compensation related to the services provided by the employees fictitious or subjects non-existent, inducing the error, he and three others, the financial administration and the social security and providing the non-profit organization an unfair profit for a total of 6 thousand euro consisted in non-payment of social security contributions due for the work performance. The Attorney general’s office of Rome Capital, represented by the legal Henry More to the story linked to the misuse of the credit card that was assigned by the municipal administration, he advanced against the former mayor Ignazio Marino, a claim for compensation from six hundred thousand euros a hundred thousand euro for the damage functional and the other 500 thousand for the damage to the image. The lawyer has considered that they have less of the extremes to be able to complain even financial harm direct, referring, specifically, to 12 thousand euro, and the Marine would have spent between 2013 and 2015 on the occasion of 56 dinners consumed in good part in the restaurants of Rome. This is because the acts of the proceedings there is proof of the return of the sum object of the complaint of the former mayor.
- Topics:
- the capitol
- Starring:
- ignazio marino

The Bee flies, the agreement on pensions – Italy Today
Def, Padoan reassures the Eu. The senate, and delay the criminal process
An agreement worth 6 billion euros in three years. The first signature on the agreement of the government and the trade unions, to a change in the law Fornero, has been affixed. The advance self-financed (Ape) there will be, but it will also be the fourteenth for those who earn a monthly allowance of up to one thousand euro.
The range of beneficiaries rises from 2.1 to 3.3 million, or 1.2 million pensioners will receive an average of 40-50 euros per month. For the minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti have been set some stakes are important and the comparison will continue. For the trade unions is a step forward, however, towards a destination still to reach. Specifically, the government and trade unions are working on the extension of the possibility to cumulate the contributions, greater benefits to workers early especially when they have reached the age of heavy and arduous professions, on the involvement of employers in supporting the costs of the Bee, which will be tax-free (as a tool to govern the processes of company turnover). “The comparison of the government and the trade unions will continue to define the audience that will take advantage of the Bee social”, that is, facilitated or funded directly by the State, explained the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Tommaso Nannicini, explaining that the comparison will continue on workers early.
Pensions, check the Rita
a new tool, called Rita (Pension, Supplementary Temporary Advance) that is the possibility to access in advance the supplementary pension at the funds, in the phase of exit from the job, and with a taxation lower than the 24 percent expected for the current advances. Harsh reaction of the M5s. “The unions are slowly bowing his head, facing the blackmail of the government according to which citizens will have to take out a mortgage to go into retirement with a few years in advance”, stated the parliamentary pentastellati, on the other hand we are faced with those same initials that struck the yes and no half an hour, when the Monti government devised the disastrous “Fornero ” reform”. “The loan might be paid for 20 years, with cuts of up to 25% on the amount of the pension,” continues the press release, “the Uil today peeps with a soft voice that the funds are insufficient. In reality, banks and insurance companies are already rubbing their hands in front of the new business that will ensure generous interest in the time of the rate reset”.
Def, Padoan reassures the Eu
In Brussels, “in the meantime, we ask for permission to get possibly up to 0.4% more of a deficit to finance exceptional events, but “we will do so in full agreement with the european authorities, we will go on as always with full respect for the rules and agreements established by the Eu”, stressed the minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, the day after the approval of the Def. “The Gdp is expected to grow in 2016, 0.8% and in 2017 by 1%; the deficit/Gdp ratio will amount to 2.4% this year and next year to 2%, but with a possible extension of a further 0,4%”, announced by the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, at the end of the Council of ministers has given the go-ahead to the update note. It is the further indebtedness of 0.4 percentage points “for the earthquake and for the management of immigration” the object of the litigation. A request that formally in the text of the update note of the Def is not there is because the doma nda flexibility “is a one-time” and “we used last year,” he specified Renzi. “For me it’s a mistake,” he added, “there is a 0.4 percent maximum of the exceptional circumstances, that is something other than the flexibility and relates to elements that no one can contest that you are the earthquake, and immigration”. Also in 2017, then, the deficit could reach to 2.4%. Not only. “With what face” he would later say the president of the Council during a trsmissione radio, “I’d say that I’m not putting money on the schools, because the Eu does not want to? Would try the populists and those who hate Europe”. For Renzi is already made, even if for Padoan no: “Mayors, spend and then come back to the engineers in the technical offices to design, because if we lose the stability of the schools with which face we look at our children?” The measures on pensions or on the superammortamento “there will be” Budget law “and does not depend on the negotiations with Brussels,” he pointed out.
Renzi causes the Eu
As to the risk of claims from Europe, “that beard, what a bore, what a bore that beard…”, he joked Renzi, quoting a famous line from Sandra Mondaini. Space to the “dreams”. The reduction of the taxes “will be there” with the intervention on the Iri, and Vat, provided for in the law of Stability, in addition to the linked in discussion on self-employment. Missing the corporate income tax down to 24%, and the Iri for the small,” while “it remains in the heart in the dream put the hand of the personal income Tax, the objective for 2018, and we have to go in that direction”. Yesterday, Renzi is back even on the Bridge on the Strait. “It is not that because he has said Berlusconi, then it is wrong. This is an example of the culture of hate which I never understood many of our and 5 stars”. “I,” said Renzi, “at the Leopolda I said that having to choose between the broadband and the Bridge over the Strait I was for broadband and that I had to finish the Sa-Rc and the railway lines in Sicily, and I confirm it, but after two and a half years of the government is that the broadband is to race in all the Regions, the Sa-Rc runs at four-lane and on the 22nd of December will be finished, in Sicily the money for the viaducts, and railways are reality, and then, being a guest of the company in a lawsuit with the State after winning the race, I said that if it becomes a tool to join from Milan to Palermo, you can think”.
Rome, Ray is held on the Balance sheet
the Rays only yesterday has revoked the regional Budget Raffaele De Dominicis taking place. The effect of the measure signed by the first town, therefore she will return the powers to the financial statements, Assets and Investments, first assigned to the former attorney-general of the Court of Auditors of the Lazio region, which in fact has never been in office. “The names of the councillors will arrive in a week,” said the mayor of Rome. “I unpacked the proxies as from my initial idea because of the reorganization of companies must be managed independently from the budget and assets. When it comes to names, I will tell you,” he added. To those who wondered if one of the two will be women, he responded, “I will not assure you anything. Even with the quotas? I point to the quality”. Why not make note of the list of names Ray has answered that “obviously there are people who probably do not intend to disclose at the time of their availability”.
criminal Process, slide the reform
The reform of the criminal process slide because of the tensions within the government majority. The first signal came from the interview with the minister of justice Andrea Orlando has heard the request of the vote of confidence on the part of the government. Renzi has excluded “tend to be” confidence on the package of justice in the Senate, because it would be an act of hostility towards the Anm: “The issue,” he explained, “is simple: we’ve made rules that I consider good, but to put the trust on a matter for which the chief of the judges, dr. Davigo, who said even heavy things on me, but that I have the duty to listen to, because he has his reasons, and says that they are harmful and useless, then trust on the acts to the justice that the judges say harmful first put it there I think two or three times.” Therefore, “you have to go into the Classroom and there you will see”. Evident in the diversity of attitude compared to Angelino Alfano: “we Think that the trust does not run special risks. It is evident that if it were to be warped to a secret ballot, the sense of this legislation at the approval stage, we do the final vote, we might not give it”. “Yes, we were asked to put the trust, has admitted the holder of the interior ministry and the former minister of justice, “but the final evaluation of the opportunities is the responsibility of the chairman of the Board”. Within this measure there are elements such as the reform of wiretapping and the concerns of centrists “is that a secret vote may be made of agreements between giustizialisti of 5 stars and giustizialisti internal to some sectors of the Pd”.
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Pensions, measures to 6 billion in 3 years – The Sun 24 Hours
Advance pension an experimental basis for two years with the mechanism of the bank loan insured. No-tax area for retirees to 8.125 euro. Fourteenth for the other 1.2 million workers and average increase of 30% of the bonus for the 2.1 million individuals that are already benefiting from it. Ricongiunzioni free. And easier access to a pension for "early" and "demanding". These five points of the package of welfare that will enter in the Budget law for the effect of the report signed yesterday by the government and the trade unions, although with many caveats and with more than one node is still to be dissolved, at the end of the round that has seen the protagonists of the minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti and the undersecretary to the Presidency, Tommaso Nannicini, with the leader of the Cgil, Cisl and Uil.
The starting open
The government has put on the plate 6 billion in three years, with a progressive way: in 2017 the funding package will be more content (probably between 1.5 and 1.7 billion) and then grow gradually. But that the real level of resources available for the next year is only one of the issues still open. For this reason, the Government and trade unions will come back to see you before the launch of the Budget law expected in mid-October. “When you retrieve a climate of fair comparison between the Government and the social partners is of great value to the Country”, said the president of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia. “The hope – he added – is that there will be solutions in a logic of confrontation with an attention to inequality and poverty, without making the mistake of not looking at the factors of competitiveness of the Country”.
us Yesterday, you are limited to sign a protocol, because on some points you have recorded convergence with the trade unions (equation no-tax area to that of the employee’s work is the fourteenth of pensions up to one thousand euro, the pile free of the different periods), other remain to do technical insights (Bee social, demanding jobs, early), other issues trade unions, however, remain cold (Epas voluntary and renovations). Among the issues still to be resolved are the definition of the audience of the Ape social and of the categories of workers that will be able to access this tool. The government has proposed to the Epa at zero cost (with tax bonuses) for workers in disadvantaged groups – in the state of unemployment; for the heaviness of the work for which the age, the higher the risk of injury or occupational disease; for health; for the presence of family members with severe disabilities – with a gross pension of up to 1,500 euros (1,200 to I, net), but for the trade unions, the bar should be placed at least at the altitude of 1.650 euros gross (1,300 euros net). The Cgil, Cisl and Uil ask that you widen the pelvis to work hard to which to ensure the Bee social. “The amount of the income bridge facilitated and the audience will be identified after comparing with the unions,” he explained Nannicini, which he judged to be “plausible” a 30% increase in the allowance for those who already receive the fourteenth. To not raise costs too much the government is inclined to grant an enlargement of the audience split: ok for some categories (machinists and workers in the construction sector), at-risk other (nurses and primary school teachers). Here, the decision not to write digits, at least for the moment.
On the face of "premature", it is assumed that an intervention soft, with benefits targeted for the under-16. Too little for the Cgil, Cisl and Uil. The report provides for the elimination of the current penalties provided for early access before 62 years of age and the guarantee of the output with 41 years of contributions for the unemployed without social safety nets, and persons with disabilities. The minister Poletti is confident that she will “bring the agreement into law of the budget with the continuation of the confrontation”. In the "phase 2" will address the topic of pensions of young workers.
“has done a good job – said Susanna Camusso (Cgil) – but it is not concluded. If we think of the expectation that there is in the Country, would have needed more resources. There will be sharing, on our part, in the basis of the replies of the government on the issues that are still open”. Also for Annamaria Furlan (Cisl) “the work is not finished”, however, “we must not forget that we have recovered some of the iniquities of the law Fornero, in the direction of social cohesion”. For Carmelo Barbagallo (Uil) “six billion, are still insufficient, but this time they were put of the money for pensions, unlike the past when you were”.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Pensions, government and unions closer to an agreement on the changes by the Epa to the fourteenth – Il fatto Quotidiano
From the Ape to the fourteenth: six billion in three years for the pension. After four months of confrontation, the government and trade unions signed a minutes shared on the changes to the pension scheme to introduce in the law of Stability. During the meeting, which was held on Wednesday 28 September with the social partners, the minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti has confirmed the intention to allocate to these measures, the 6 billion euros in 3 years, although there are still some knots to be untied, especially the audience for theAdvance the pension facilitated (Epa). In fact the report paves the way which should lead to the ability to go in the old-age pension with 3 years and 7 months in advance through the loan. the pension that the worker will sign with theInps. "The government is working to find the maximum sharing possible", said the minister of Labour, during the meeting, which was attended by the secretaries Susanna Camusso (Cgil), Annamaria Furlan (Cisl), Carmelo Barbagallo (Uil) and the trade unions of pensioners, in addition to the undersecretary to the presidency of the council, Tommaso Nannicini.
"After four months of confrontation, we signed a memorandum of understanding with the government on pensions. Were the ten years that we couldn’t do it – she commented to he helped.en Ivan Pedretti, secretary general of Spi-Cgil – and for this I think that today is an important day". There are still some knots to be untied, and in particular on the Ape, the demanding jobs and workers early. "We will work on in the next few days but I think we managed to make a good agreement, continued Pedretti. That said: "You give the answers to the retirees and to the pensionandi with interventions on the fourteenth, no tax the works
strenuous on the workers early and on the ricongiunzioni expensive".
NEW IN the report – the One of Wednesday was not a meeting to reach an agreement. Rather it was to discover the cards and understand the points on which there can be sharing, and those in which it is far from understood. In the minutes, meanwhile, is also provided for the so-called Bee social, the advance pension provided to the total load of the State for certain categories of workers in need. By the definition of bonus additional tax or monetary transfers direct, they will be guaranteed an income bridge paid for by the State for a amount fixed. Are still not well defined, audience, and amount. Among the changes, those regarding the fourteenth: it is now recognized pensioners, with total income personal up to 750 euros monthly, will also be extended to those with incomes up to one thousand euro per month (2 times the minimum). This is 3.3 million people, or almost 1.2 million more than the current audience of beneficiaries. For those, however, who already have the benefit (and we’re talking about 2.2 million people), the amount will be increased, even if not yet defined the rise on the basis of the tiers of contributions paid. On the whole, for the increase of those who already receive the additional amount you will spend 30% of the budget dedicated to this chapter. The other node is the one of the workers early: for those who have worked 12 months actual, even if not continuous, before the age of 19 years, the output would be as early as 41 years of contributions if you belong to the categories of workers in difficulty, such as unemployed without social safety, the disabled and those who have done strenuous activities. The other chapter is one of the demanding jobs: it allows the'advance retirement of 12 or 18 months by eliminating the exit window provided by the Fornero reform. The access to early retirement can happen if you carried out an activity tiring for at least 7 years in the last 10 or for a number of years equal to half of the entire working life. It remains open the question of the enlargement of the audience.
THE ACCOUNTS OF the MINISTER – If the comparison of work and pensions began at the end of may, the verbal comes after the launch of the Def update and in the view of the drafting of the Budget law. The accounts to hand? About six billion euros, Poletti has explained that "this type of forecast is confronted with the general framework of the available resources and, since we expect the interventions of the structural type, which develop their effect over a period of time. We have a distribution that starts from a lower level and grows as you use the tools". The document, stressed Poletti, "a photographer shares but also the diversity expressed in the course of the comparison". That’s why you will need a study onthe identification of the audiences of beneficiaries of the bee, in the shape of on loan free expected for some categories of workers, disadvantaged workers early to enable you to retire with 41 years of contributions.
trade UNIONS "On pensions has done a good job, but is not yet concluded," said the secretary general of the Cgil, Susanna Snub, which emphasized the importance of having a separate workers, focusing in the exit who has carried out the activity more strenuous. More prudent to the secretary-general of the Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo: "The six-billion allocated was not sufficient and we must not forget the esodati and the rest of the platform". Even for the general secretary of the Cisl, Annamaria Furlan, "the work goes on". But he stresses: "After so many years, retirees can see a little bit of justice". Satisfied of the distinction on the different works of the secretary general of the Filca-Cisl national, the Franco Turri: "The agreement reached today on pensions represents an important conquest for the workers ofconstruction. Having identified the criteria related to the age of retirement and the increased risks of illness and injury, he explained, will allow tens of thousands of construction to retire before and without penalty, as repeatedly called for by the Filca and Cisl". Disappointment also from the fire "even with this time have been forgotten in the area of pensions", as underlined by the secretary-general of the union of fire Conapo, Antonio Brizzi. "We are the Body of the State’s most penalized, he added, ” without due recognition of operational services for pension purposes. But, be careful, do not ask for privileges but only what is already recognized all the other Bodies, including the mechanism of 6 shots pensionable that they have all the armed forces of the police, otherwise we will become the poorest pensioners. By the time we ask in vain at the premier Renzi and the ministers Alfano, Madia, and Poletti, from which we hope a meeting". Brizzi has said it is also "displeased with the fact that you have not heard these requests to the fire department by trade unions Cgil-Cisl-Uil, present at the negotiations."
“my idea is that if you win the no you need to go ahead with this government”: the minister of the Interior Angelino Alfano – in the studio for #Corrierelive with Tommaso Labate and the deputy director of Corriere della sera Antonio Polito – sweeps away any hypothesis of expulsion in advance of the government Renzi. And he stresses: “It is made an initial error, confusing a part with the whole. This government passed many important steps and may not be subjected to the judgement for the constitutional reforms. In the moment in which it should fall this government, there would be an alternative”.
“Now we have to draw the antirenziani”
Not that Alfano has not tried in recent months to change his mind to Renzi. “Since the first time I tried to make him understand that with that customization, and ended up repressing all the work done up to now. At a time when Gdp growth was 0.8%, tourism growth, and that, in a general context where the zero risk does not exist, we have achieved the objectives of security, confuse everything as much as we did with the referendum, it was a mistake”. According to Alfano, now that Renzi has admitted this mistake, you need to concentrate on the anti-check out: “We can have many antipatizzanti of the president of the Council which can, however, understand that the reforms are important. The great democracies must offer two things, physical security and economic and we are succeeding, we are a Country where asset security has worked. Net of all beg you, we have done over 160 thousand personal searches from 1 January 2015, 116 evictions, of which 9 imam: it is not demonstrable that they are the cause of the non-occurrence of a negative event, but not the opposite.”
the green items that drop? “This is part of the majority”
“we will vote on the the ddl of the reform of the criminal process as it is”, confirmed the minister, the leader of the popular Area. Justice Alfano, aim to play the same game in the labour market: “As the labour market, we have obtained the elimination of the article 18 and Renzi has broken with the Cgil, now justice, we need to bring home the result. Although on this topic the secret votes in the classroom can be a temptation too strong for segments that are hyper giustizialisti. While the trust does not run particular risks”, to Alfano, who rejects the theory of the minister Andrea Orlando. Even with the vote of the green items that drop? “Verdini is a part of all the effects of the majority, it is only the halo of hypocrisy that is to say “no”.
“Salvini giving me less discomfort of a wet bathing suit”
Salvini twitted “Afano resign”? “I don’t know because he speaks evil of me, I never talk ill of him – minimizes Alfano – If one always speaks of a person means that the mind is always on: since it is not mutual, it doesn’t bother me. The wet suit gives me much more hassle of Salvini, he takes care of me because he knows that through the area that I represent, the centre-right can have an outlet moderate. As the League has sucked up six or seven points from the European to today’s Forza italia, it can happen the opposite, as happens in France with the component Juppé”.
“” extremists”
“I know certainly that in Italy there is an aggregation extremist is made from the Alloy and from Cricket: if it had happened in a fest of the Pdl or Forza Italia or the Pd that the journalists were rounded up and abused, you would not be screamed at-risk for democracy? I believe that there are some leaders in head to 5 star to have the blindness of ideological some of the old communists, and the fierce violence of some of the first fascist”.
The front of the battle with Salvini passes on immigrants. But, to Alfano, we have to distinguish between three different plans. “In our Country there are subjects that I have chased after the work of intelligence because they are dangerous for national security: expelled for reasons of national security, even if they were regular. Should be distinguished from irregular migrants, who have not sought asylum or have been denied, and who must be repatriated.Impossible to do without the bilateral agreements that it should subscribe to the Europe. Finally, there are those who have made a valid request, and must be divided between the european Countries as agreed. We have activated the hot-spot, we have closed the borders to the North, we have made the booking, and a reception system suitable. But Europe has disappointed on this front”.
“Tomorrow we will present the ddl unlock-bridge”
Alfano holds us to claim that, from the minister, is carrying out all the important points of the program signed when he was secretary of the Pdl in 2013. Close including: “the bridge on The strait is a historical battle, also because the High speed is the key to development of Sicily, I am opposed to the idea that Sicily should remain isolated. To do things we had no time since 1861, it is not that we have to do everything now. Tomorrow there is a conference of group leaders, we will discuss the possibility of proposing the scheduling of a ddl sbloccaponte and the inclusion in the order of the day in the Chamber”.
Parisi: “let’s See what he wants to do Berlusconi of him”
“I Am one of those who voted Parisi in Milan, in the sense that Milan’s popular it is a list that we signed. Without too many turns of words, considering that the final is the application, I consider Parisi the round of the final. In Fi there is a large area that says no, in the League, and within Fdi, there is another strong area that says no, now we must see what it says Berlusconi. The route from the sixteenth to the end it is up to him. If it will arrive then in the final, we set ourselves to the problem. I am very gratified by two things: by the fact that I have taken on the responsibility of a break to try to kick-start the economy and remove them from the stall of the constitutional reforms, and opi I was the datyo the task of ensuring the safety of the italians, so far mission accomplished. I don’t have a problem of representation, but a problem is there: we have a 40% of voters who are in the hands of political leaders who want to leave the Eu, or the euro, or that have connotations of fanaticism worrying. This urges me to fight some policies are indispensable, but also a wing moderate who does not want to vote for Pd, but not even the extremists
The real enemy? The extremism of 5 Stars
“I Think the true breakthrough of the centre-right will be when you will locate a system for identifying a leader. Berlusconi has guided because he had more means and more votes. If you open a race to see if the leadership is moderate, or you can subscribe while belonging to a wing lepenista, I participate. With The Green Items That Drop? The lists I have already made with him, we are not to Zelig, it’s not that I was ricciolone, and are now without hair.” According to Alfano, you have to look at the evolution of the political system in order to understand who are the enemies of today. “From 1948 to 1994, the Dc has explained to the people that the danger was from the communists, from 94 to 2013 Berlusconi has set the campaigns saying “or here or there,” the border was always between the right and the left. Now, with the tripolarismo and an aggregate of extremists, which comes to 40%, with the hope that I would start is to have locate in this extremism the new enemy to shoot at. There is the pole buildings, the pole of the U and the pole of 5 Stars. I hope that Berlusconi not to miss the opponent: today is the fanaticism of some of the components grilline and only after Matteo Renzi”.
“Berlusconi? If Strasbourg it rehabilitates, senator for life”
Wishes the public to Berlusconi? “Yes, he will do it, I also heard last week, and I never denied anything. When there are traumas and ruptures the scar has to heal, but for me it has already happened. I have not changed my mind about him, I still think that he merits the Senate for life, for his merits: we are talking about the political leader of the most long-lived of the republican history, as well as the business man and the man of sport. They sent him away with an order of the court. That hope, having always supported the non-retroactivity of the law, is that Strasbourg re-enable it. And at that point it could become a senator for life.”
September 28, 2016 (change the 28 September 2016 | 18:42)

Rome, assaulted with slaps and kicks: “You gay, you suck” – The Republic
he Was strolling in a street just behind piazzale Flaminio, with its close-fitting trousers and long shirt. Three have caught my eye and decided that he needed a “lesson” that faggot shit”. And so they took Mark (fictitious name) for your hair, have a string of pulls him by darting the shirt, have thrown it to the ground, they slapped and insulted. Three guys a little older than him, between 25 and 27 years old. Continued fathers kicking and screaming: “you suck, you gay you have to do all the same end, and all those who meet the will”. who Knows how it would have ended had there not been some passers-by, in two or three tried to stop the attackers, another has called the police on patrol near piazzale Flaminio. The attackers then get out of sight using while Mark, in shock, was rescued by those people who had avoided the worst. “The police have dissuaded from making a complaint,” says Fabrizio Marrazzo, a spokesman for the Gay Center. “They said that not having suffered ‘substantial damage’ was useless.” Tomorrow, Mark the complaint, however, is the present, assisted by the lawyers of the Gay Center Michelina Stefania and Mario Miano, to the commissioner of the Villa Glori directed by Ermanno Baldelli. “In Rome there are too many cases of homophobia, our city, shows a level of alarm,” says Marrazzo. “The mayor Ray encounters these young people, the message of the Capital city against any form of violence must be clear and strong and also to boost the efforts for a law against homophobia”.
- Topics:
- rome city hall II
- Commissioner of the Villa Glori
- homophobia
- homophobic assault
- gay
- Starring:
- fabrizio marrazzo
- Michelina Stefania
- Mario Milano
- Ermanno Baldelli

Disappeared from home, a 13-year-old: in the course of the research – PisaToday
Missing from home for a day Michele, a boy of 13 years whose disappearance has been denounced by the parents yesterday, 27 September, after a time, came out from the house in the morning to go to school, never arrived at the destination. Alerted the Police, are in the process of research on the part of the agents.
The case if it is occupied, the transmission of the Rai ‘Who has he seen?’. The mother said that the “I was a victim of bullying”, while a signal came in transmission reported: “I met him yesterday morning (27 September), I asked for the train for Florence.”
The young man is high of 1.60, black eyes, brown hair. Wearing una blue jacket, a white shirt, plaid large red and blue with long sleeves, long pants, beige, shoes ‘Camper’ red skin. Has a backpack ‘Eastpak’. As a particular sign has a mole on the upper lip to the right.

Yara Gambirasio, the judges: “the Murder of advances of a sexual nature. Bossetti evil” – Il fatto Quotidiano
"it is Not possible to identify a motive for certain" he had told the pm of Bergamo Letizia Roger, asking for a life sentence to Massimo Bosetti. But the judges of the Court of Assizes, which have inflicted the fine pena mai to the mason of Mapello, the murder of Yara Gambirasio is "matured in a the context of the advances of a sexual nature, most likely rejected by the girl, who can unleash the defendant a reaction of violence and sadism that had never given the test to then".
three months after the verdict, the court presided over by Alessandra Bertoja has put in black and white the reasons that have led to the recognition of his responsibility for the crime aggravated by the cruelty and by the diminished age of the victim. The judges instead, they acquitted "because the fact does not subsist" from the accusation of calumny against the former links, in which he had pointed the finger. A non – charging that has been worth a mini off of a penalty: the prosecutor had asked for the defendant also isolation day for six months.
In the 158 pages of reasons of the judgment for the judges to define the massacre of the gymnast "of unprecedented severity". Were the lawyers of the civil party, asking for a compensation of 3 million 200 thousand euro, to introduce in the discussion of the "driving sex". "The letters that Bossetti was sent to a detainee are indicative of his sexual tastes, in line with the research found on the computer of the family: in both we talk about intimate details like. Bossetti is a liar; for the serial, whose memory comes and goes, depending on his or her convenience," she said at the legal.
"Bossetti evil, seviziò his victim"
Yara was attacked and wounded and then die of cold in the field of Chignolo d’isola, where it was found three months after his death on the 26th of November 2010. The cruelty inflicted upon the victim, to the magistrates, "reveals the evil hearts" of the accused. "The inhuman in terms of objective and primarily physical cruelty in terms of subjective and moral satisfaction of the instinct to cause pain and the absence of feelings of compassion and pity". According to the judges Bossetti "has not acted in an uncontrolled way, leading to a plurality of slices, but it has been working on the body of the victim … for an appreciable period of time, turning it, and lifting the clothes, and drawing, while the girl was still alive, linear cuts, and partly symmetrical, in some cases superficial, and in other cases districts are not viable and, therefore, likely to cause bleeding and pain but not immediate death. Then write the judges – has left the victim to agonize in a field that is isolated and where it was not found that months after".
the reliability of Dna evidence
For the judges, moreover, is "absolutely reliable" the profile nuclear genetic of the Unknown 1, that investigations have determined to be the Maximum Bossetti, as "characterized by a high number of Str markers and verified using a plurality of analysis carried out in accordance with the standards developed by the international scientific community". "It is the presence of the genetic profile of the accused, writes the Court, presided over by Antonella Bertoja – to prove the guilt of the accused: this figure, which is devoid of any ambiguity and insuscettibile of the alternative reading, is not contradicted or placed in doubt by the evidence acquired in the opposite sign, and in fact is indirectly confirmed by additional elements, of the value of a merely circumstantial, compatible with that given, and between them."
The tabulated phones and the particles of lime
"The discovery of the genetic profile of Bossetti and its location to prove that he is the author of the murder; by telephone records shows that on the evening of fact" – November 26th, 2010 – "it was not elsewhere; from the intercepted conversations between these that he that evening he returned to the home later than usual, and that even in the immediate term, not only four years away, he said to his wife what he had done and where it had been." Not only that, they write the judges: "his professional activities explain the unusual concentration on the corpse of the particles of lime and tiny spheres of metal (in the body of the victim, ndr), the result of machining can be warm or locally hot, which only clothing, and means of the workers of the iron and steel industry and the housing sector may be contaminated".
"it Is true that the dynamic, the fact remains largely obscure, but this does not detract from the given evidence represented by the discovery of the Dna on the panties and pants" said the judges. "The location of the genetic profile" of Bossetti on the clothing of the 13-year-old "is proof not only that thedefendant and the victim were in contact, but that he is the author of murder, and, in the face of such data, the remaining uncertainties about where they met, about how the victim was induced to climb on his means, or what the succession of shots does not detect".
"I hope that Matteo Renzi is a joke, indeed it will definitely". Otherwise? "Otherwise, it is an attitude that is unfair beyond offensive". Is furious Renato Accorinti, the mayor of Messina is seen to rain from the nothing the re-opening by the premier to the construction of the Bridge across the Strait. "Renzi, I saw a short time ago in Calabria for the inauguration of the power line, Terna: he said that he was not totally opposed to the Bridge, but that first we wanted the infrastructure. Then or today, it’s a joke or he takes us around," says the first citizen of peloritani, reached on the phone by he helped.en.
Yet the meaning of the words of the premier, it seems clear: to revive the project of the Bridge.
"But what is the Bridge? What is he talking about? Here we have a railway system by the second world war, single-track, diesel. On the Messina – Catania motorway, we came to a landslide and the highway is still broken. Messina and Catania, two metropolitan cities that are not connected between them. What they would have done if a similar thing occurred between Turin and Milan?"
What would they have done?
"I Would have immediately restored the motorway network: now! Here we do not talk on the phone because I am in the car and as there are repeaters to the fall line (that in fact falls 4 times in a few minutes, ed). There are the roads, the ports, the commercial ports, highways: we do not have the basics to be able to live and speak to us of the Bridge."
Yet, according to the premier the Bridge would be a useful infrastructure to the South.
"The roads are useful, the schools are useful, these cultural works are useful. I’m not against the cement: the cement when it is used well it is a synonym of development. But the Bridge is useful to what? Do not say ” poppycock".
Useful to remove the Calabria from the isolation and to move closer to Sicily, so at the very least supports the chairman of the board.
"But what insulation? Japan is isolated only because it is an island? We need infrastructure that will lead us from the middle ages to modernity, for half a century, we are left to ourselves. We need the bases for development, to be able to launch into the world the natural beauties, architectural and artistic".
However, the premier claims that the Bridge could create jobs: you have talked about 100 thousand new employees.
"that’s enough, this theory of the job has really broken my balls. It is annoying and populist more than that to be false. Also make holes in the ground and then hire people that covers them creates the work: it is an offence to our intelligence. They don’t understand that if rilanciassero really the South would have the entire Country to benefit from: the south is the jewel of Italy, forgotten by all. It’s like having a leg that is going gangrene, and caring".
You speak of the South, forgotten by the State, of the middle ages, but perhaps some of the blame on the have the citizens of that Noon so underdeveloped: o is among those who download all the responsibility on Rome?
"it’s clear that we have our faults. The politicians, our politicians, first of all you are guilty: the bandits who, for decades, if they are ripped off, selling off our future and our survival. Is what I’m going to say the Anci".
What he is going to say the Anci?
"That the Anci is – or should be – only from Trento to Trapani. It is, therefore, the time has come to create a section of the Italian municipalities in the South who has a home in the South. Where there are only decades of political bandits, but also people who have a lot of desire to work. Are the citizens of the South of Italy that built the rest of the Country: those who emigrated to the North, abroad, in Belgium".
Here are now may work for building the Bridge…
I can assure you that will not happen ever. Renzi should say what he wants but it was enough for a simple No Virginia-Rays and the Olympic games of Rome have evaporated. I am the mayor of Messina and for the years I have guided the activists, who said No to the Bridge: we started at 10, we arrived to be 25 thousand to the streets of the city while still having parties and newspapers against. But then what do you think they solve it with a bridge of 3 kilometers to be connected are two regions where there is absolutely nothing?".
and Yet, Bettino Craxi, until Renzi, passing obviously by Silvio Berlusconi, the Bridge on the Strait is practically never out of the political agenda in italy: according to you, as ever?
"Because it is easy to populism In the collective imagination of a new bridge is always a positive thing. Shame this is only a work from the enormous costs, overtaken by history and also by the economy. In your opinion, how ever, is not got no private to get the money? Speaking of project financing, but to manage it does not ought to ever to anyone, only to one who builds with public funds. Without considering the earthquake risk".
That is another of the great questions raised by the contrary to the great work.
"Matteo Renzi know what you should do? Should call the geologist Mario Tozzi and have him explain that where they want to place the pillars there is the earthquake fault more dangerous than the Mediterranean: if it does unfold and then build the Bridge."
The premier had also said that before the Bridge was to get the water to Messina: it’s never arrived?
"it’s precisely. Know what happened here? Have never put in the safety of a mountain, which is fallen down, damaging the aqueduct. We have found a solution to restore everything with a bypass but the mountain still has not been put in yet. What do they do on the higher floors? They do understand that it is the fault of the mayor: but in which Country the infrastructure is the responsibility of the municipalities? This attitude is criminal: we can’t go on like this. Another Bridge".
Twitter: @pipitone87
“the Bridge on The Strait of Messina can create 100 thousand jobs. We are ready for that. If you are in the conditions to bring the cards and fix what is firm for ten years, we will unlock it”. Matteo Renzi speaks during the ceremony for the 110 years of Salini Impregilo in front of an audience of entrepreneurs and at the same number one, Pietro Salini, – that by the General Contractor (check Eurolink 49%) is seen sliding from his hand, the work in 2012 under the Monti government – and to some surprise raises the historical project. “What I ask of you is that, after the part of the reforms, we can go back to plan for the future. You have to unlock the sites, and serves as broadband, because the network of tomorrow will not be a dam in Italy, neither the highway of the Sun, but the note on the bandwidth, the gigabyte society, to speed,” said the premier before stepping into the negotiations with Brussels with a duration of up to an exceedingly great evening to tick 0.1% higher flexibility for “exceptional events”. Bringing the deficit for the 2017 to 2.4% compared to 2.3% in the agreed during the afternoon with the european Commission (for the macroeconomic framework, see page 3).
A few weeks now, from the crucial referendum on constitutional reform, it is clear that the words of Renzi, on the Bridge over the Strait will be interpreted as a way to make the crack in the electorate of the South and maybe in the historic centre-right. Arouse for another, the “confusion” of the left of the Pd, and the invective of Beppe Grillo, who commented on the announcement by defining the premier a “crippled moral.” Even criticism from the League leader Matteo Salvini, who asks, rather, “make it work, trains from Trapani to Ragusa put us 10 hours.” And even criticism by the leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber Renato Brunetta, despite the Bridge over the Strait has been, for years, the "dream" of Silvio Berlusconi. Placet, instead, by the allies centrist government, with Angelino Alfano planning to asking immediately for a Ddl ad hoc. The priority, you know, in environments to check out, it is still the Salerno – Reggio Calabria (will be ready by 22 December, we will be riding in the car with Delrio,” said Renzi), the high speed up to Apulia and Calabria and the railways of sicily. But to say no as of now in a work like the Bridge would say no to the future – is the reasoning – as the M5S has done over the Olympics.
the Bridge on The Strait fits into reality for Renzi in a more complex bet on the infrastructure of the Country, being almost the symbol, and on the recovery of investment on which Renzi has placed great emphasis in his speech, the Salini Impregilo: “you Have to understand that investments are a priority, Europe must start afresh from the investment. If a Country has $ 89 billion of trade surplus, one case, namely Germany, is not doing only harm to herself but also to Europe”. And, not surprisingly, the revival of the great works done a few hours before diving in the negotiations with Brussels for the launch of the Def. “The deficit/Gdp will be 2% – announces finally, Renzi, down in the press room at the end of the Council of ministers in the evening -. As regards the Gdp, we are at 0.8%, and this is a conservative estimate to Padoan, and 1% in 2017″. 0.4% additional put into the account is for exceptional circumstances and must be scomputato by the Pact of stability, stresses Renzi, and in the case of Italy the exceptional events are the costs for the reconstruction after the earthquake in central Italy, and the costs for the emergency migrants. “On the issue of migrants – has marked the premier – we are seriously in credit with Europe”. Renzi is also pushing to “suggest” to the title to the reporters present in the press room: “The title, the summary is: the deficit goes down, the Gdp goes up, the two of them with a trajectory that is less wide as we wanted, but they both continue to go in the right direction.”
at The press conference the night was, of course, also present the minister of the Economy Pier Carlo Padoan, who ensured that the privatisation will go ahead. But without possibility to sell: “The privatisation programme goes ahead, has been slowed for the volatility is particularly high this year in the financial markets. We are not with water in the throat, we do not want to sell. We have a path which will continue into 2017″.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Video hard chat in Pozzuoli, the first complaints for violation of privacy.
the First complaints to the case of the girl of 19 years of Pozzuoli that’s not going to sole after spreading on WhatsApp of his video hard. The police has sent a notice to the section of the public Prosecutor of Naples, which deals with offences, coordinated by the prosecutor added Fausto Zuccarelli. According to the Bend of the offences envisaged are a violation of privacy and defamation and have been formulated after the family of the girl has filed a complaint.
At the moment, however, there is no entry in the register of suspects. This is because the file has not yet been assigned and then not proceeded to a first examination of the judiciary for any inscriptions. Also do not know the names of the persons reported by the commissioner of Pozzuoli, which investigates to find out who spread the video. Reassembling the framework of the story the police flegrea have been aware of the existence of the video hard even before the complaint to the postal police in Milan by the Wild Lucarelli. The girl, even today it is presented to the school.
The section is coordinated by the added Zuccarelli is the same one that is handling the case of Tanya, the 31-year-old who committed suicide in Mugnano (Naples) for the diffusion in the network of video hard: the magistrates of the procura partenopea proceed for the same offences – breach of privacy and libel – while the investigators of the prosecutor of North Naples probe to incitement to suicide.
“What I ask – said Renzi – is that, after the part of the reforms, we can go back to plan for the future. It is necessary that the local authorities come to put their offices in a condition to work and do projects, from schools to roads”. And it also serves as “a work of bureaucracy simplified, to allow the building sites and are ready to leave to finally be unlocked. And need a massive infrastructure of broadband to build the gigabit society”.
And then, according to the premier, “we must continue the great works, from the Bari-Lecce to Naples-Palermo, with the Strait of messina Bridge, in an operation that is useful, creates jobs, and puts us in the conditions to remove the isolation of Calabria and have the Sicily closer.” Finally, Renzi has also cited the Variante di Valico and on the Third pass between Liguria and Piedmont. And addressed to Pietro Salini, number one of the group, invited: “If you are in the condition to unlock the cards and place the one that is firm for 10 years, we are”.
Cricket: “the Work expensive that will never see the light” – “The crippled moral said to be ready to open the purse-strings (of public money of the citizens) to restart the project of the Bridge over the Strait, a work that is expensive, useless and full seismic area”. And’ how he writes Beppe Grillo on his blog, adding: “it is a work that will never see the light, already cost around 600 million euros to the taxpayers, for which the Mountains are appropriated 300 million for the payment of the penalties for non-implementation of the project”.
“According to the plan, approved by the board of directors of Stretto di Messina s.p.a. – continues the leader of the Movement, the cost of the work would be 8.5 billion euros, half of the income of citizenship with which the M5s would save 10 million italians from hunger. A bridge the 3,000 meters with an aerodynamic profile has never been done before. Not just the record of 80 billion increase in the public debt in the first six months of this year, I want to create another without bringing any benefit to the citizens”.
And then on Twitter the leader of the M5s notes the dose. “Renzi 2012: 8 billion of the #pontesullostretto they gave to the schools’. His word is worth 0. The 4/12 is approaching,” writes Grillo.
Boldrini: “I do not consider it a priority” – Criticism is also the location of Laura Boldrini. “For me, the Strait of messina Bridge not a priority,” says the president of the Chamber. “For me, the prioritaà would revive the work in the South, to secure our territory. If we have few resources, we have to use to secure our territory”, he stresses.

Free way to the Final, Gdp at 1% in 2017, and a deficit of up to 2.4% – The Republic
ROME – The growth will stop at 0.8% this year and 1% next year, and the deficit/Gdp ratio will amount to 2.4% this year and next year to 2%, but with a possible extension of a further 0,4%. It is announced by the premier, Matteo Renzi, in a press conference on the update note of the Def, the Document of economic and financial as soon as approved, at the end of a Council of Ministers began with over an hour of delay, and finished after just 50 minutes. Renzi has made clear immediately that by 2017 “Italy will ask for a debt by a further 0.4 percentage points for the earthquake and for the management of immigration”. And therefore the next year the deficit could reach to 2.4%: this is not asking for new flexibility, states the premier. And, in fact, in the afternoon, the sources of the Eu Commission had reaffirmed what was already leaked in the previous days, and that is, there is no negotiation of the flexibility in the course with Italy, and that the updated figures of the new Def would have been valued “in accordance with the deadlines”. “There is no flexibility in this update Note of the Def – objects, however, Renzi – because of a decision that does not convince us it is decided that it is only once and we used last year. For me it is an error, there is a 0.4% to a maximum of the exceptional circumstances, that is something other than the flexibility and relates to elements that no one can contest that you are the earthquake, and immigration”. TABLES How to change the numbers in the Def At this point, the expectation is concentrated on the new Budget law. Renzi dismissed the question saying that “taxes will not increase, there will be measures on the competitiveness, no safeguards, we will put the most money on health care”. Which results in yet another confirmation of the sterilization of articles of the Vat increase (the cost is about € 15 billion) of healthcare expenditure is already established and probably of the interventions anticipated in the past few days: the plan for the “industry 4.0″, the confirmation of the ecobonus for 2017, the renewal of contracts of the Public Administration (€700 million). And then there is the chapter to a pension plan, which includes the Bee, the early exit, not only that, but also the doubling of the fourteenth to the recipients of minimum pensions: in the field about a half billion. A maneuver that could reach up to 24-25 billion, but will have to include cuts, as well as a search of additional resources to be found mainly between the spending review and the return from foreign capital.
- Topics:
- Final
- Gdp
- deficit, italy
- council of ministers
- the law of fiscal 2017
- Starring:
- Matteo Renzi
- pier carlo padoan