The date finally, there is the 4 December, the italians will go to the polls to say Yes or No to Reform costituzionacommissioned by Government Renzi. And it was the premier to propose to the Council of ministers (approved) on the first Sunday of the last month of the year as the day of the referendum. So that is all the official, however, it still lacks the ratification of the president of the Republic Sergio Mattarella: if it is not a formality-far from it. Absolutely certain, to date, there is the end of a wait at times nerve-wracking, and on which are concentrated the various allegations against the executive. In the beginning, you spoke of the first of October as period, most plausible for the vote. "In mid-October," she said Matteo Renzi on the 4th of may, and then correct itself (the lack of) a month later from the study of Virus, on Raidue: "I Hope you vote on the two October". Between referrals and controversy, instead, on the right day was delayed for two months. What will happen in the sixty days that range from the first hypothesis to date is now official? Of course, there will be the presentation of the financial. It is not mystery that Renzi hopes to be able to count on the economic data the best of the current ones, and, perhaps, to have the opportunity to launch a budget not too penalizing (especially the South) and, in so doing, gain acceptance. In these two months, the premier will have the time needed for a campaign , on the carpet. And the opposition, on this point, but they were not sent to say: for all – from the M5s to the Fi, from Brothers of Italy to the League – take the time of the premier will coincide with an occupation in the media of Renzi. "But the defeat – is the thesis common – it’s just"delayed.
"This Italy must change, can not remain hostage of the usual suspects, the usual bog that has blocked the growth of the last twenty years. That is why the constitutional referendum (a vote on December 4, from 7 to 23) is crucial. And the result of the referendum depends not so much by me, but by all of you," wrote Matteo Renzi in the E-news. The tone and slogans used by the premier are the usual: "The game is all here. In the here and now. Those who want a change, give us a hand. Giving us the time, calling some friends, doing the volunteer on the network or among the people. Or establishing a committee". A sort of call to arms, in short, with the premier that explained for wire and sign how to make themselves useful. A species of the tutorial: "How to do it is explained on where those who wish can also make a small financial contribution, valuable for the communication campaign, which we started to spin. Every effort is important, he added, May even be decisive. The game is now, and will not return. There will be another opportunity. I am sure that the sprecheremo".
After you have mentioned what are the questions regarding for which they have been called to express the citizens ("the questions set by the Law, not from marketing"), the secretary of the Pd is passed to the attack of the adversaries and of the front of the No, with references that are obvious to the minority internal (D’alema) and the 5 Star Movement: "we Want to have a more stable Country and a more simple, or we want to go back to the dual-chamber Inviting–Berlusconi or yielding to a strange form of direct democracy in which a srl of Milan controls the internal democracy of one of the biggest parties of the Country and binds to its directors and by private contracts with a lot of penalties to pay?" was the rhetorical question of Renzi. That, in the meantime, has already announced the date and place of the opening of his campaign for the victory of the Yes. Will be in Florence, on the 29th of September, at 21. In a place that for the renzismo has a meaning that is not according to plan: the first stage of the tour of the premier will be theObihall. Here, l'8 December 2013, the then mayor of Florence, celebrated his election to the secretary of the Pd, and after defeating to the primary Gianni Cuperlo. Good luck? "The 29th September is a day much felt for many of us, ” he explained – And not for Lucio Battisti or for the likes of Berlusconi and Panic (best wishes to both of you!), but why is the 29 of September eight years ago, in Florence, a strange thing happened. On Thursday, the 29th, eight years later, we will meet again for a special evening: The past, the future, Yes." In the post scriptum of his E-news, then, the president of the Council has recalled that "this week we will also be at Milan, Verona, Perugia, Genoa and Turin."
Meanwhile, there are already the first criticism on the date chosen by the head of the government. "By choosing the 4 December Renzi does not deter only the date of the referendum, trying to ward off her fear of going home. But what is deferred is not avoided," he wrote on Facebook Luigi Di Maio, a member of the executive board Five Stars and vice president of the Chamber. "It’s a serious and Renzi has chosen the date of the referendum without even consulting the opposition. And it is equally serious and shameful that it has denied to citizens, for so long, the chance to express themselves on a subject so delicate and important, making an unworthy melina" is what they said the deputies M5S of the committee on constitutional Affairs of the Chamber.
"Besides, “they added,” if he could, the President of the Council, we would vote for Christmas or maybe new year’s Eve, in the hope of discouraging the majority of the italians, that is in favour of no, to go to the polls, and in an attempt to get you to eat the cake. Renzi looks like one of those conjurers of the game of three cards which, despite winning, are willing to do anything, making the rules and making fun of everyone."
"Finally, the italians know the expiry date of this abusive government: the 4 of December the votes for the constitutional referendum and if they win the ” no ” Renzi go home", however, has pointed out on Facebook the president of Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. "Habemus datam! From conclave of the council of ministers today, with the classic style renziano that excludes the opposition from any decision, finally comes the long awaited date of the constitutional referendum. Now that the day is fixed, the categorical imperative is to be united to a no essential to the institutions and the democracy of our Country," he attacked instead of the chairman of the senate of Forza Italia, Paul Romani.
"If he loses the referendum, I believe that Renzi will not go away. Perhaps if you take an alarm clock will be a little less arrogant," he said Massimo D’alema about the referendum on the constitutional reform. "There is time to redo the election laws and also for a very limited intervention on the Constitution and the reduction of the number of parliamentarians: 400 deputies and 200 senators elected by the people and not appointed by the parties. And I am in favour of that return to a form of mandate constituency in which the people guard people in the face, and chooses from those to be represented. You may very well do, and I think that there may be a very large convergence".