Yes, the changes to the election law, but without saying which and, above all, deferring any intervention until after the constitutional referendum. The majority open to proposals for changes ofItalicum, the voting system effective July, and presented a motion to the Chamber. It is in fact a "signal", but nothing more concrete than that. So much so that the minority Pd has decided not to participate in the vote: "And' a taken for the ass" comment. "Says nothing if not that you would expect to see the referendum and then you decide if you want to change. To make it around so, there we are." For the president, Pd Matteo Orfini it comes to controversy incomprehensible: "Who is like me asking for an amendment to Italicum today should be happy unless the request to change it was not instrumental. If you have respect for Parliament we cannot say that the motion is like fried air". Orfini he then invited "to stop playing to the statements and discuss the merits. Today there is a parliamentary act". The minority leader and former secretary Pd Pierluigi Bersani asks that "the government takes the initiative": "The motion of the majority, gives you the idea that you do not want to do anything. The government to take an initiative like he did with the Italicum. If you are not in the same mode, at least with the same determination. If they do not, the government and the Pd who is doing it?".
Among the motions put to the vote today in Parliament, there are also the two presented today: that of the majority and that of the FI-Alloy-FdI. The minister Maria Elena Woods has expressed a contrary opinion on all motions except that of the majority, to the first signature of Ettore Rosato (Pd). If the minority Pd has announced that it will not participate in the vote, the Ala said to be ready to support the motion of the government. The agreement in place between oppositions: Forza Italia-Fdi-League will at the time of the vote on the texts of the M5S, and Yes-Sel, the latter will do the same.
The chairman of the Board Matteo Renzi from weeks to reiterate that if you find the majority in the house Italicum can be changed, but in the background reported by the press seems to not want to go back on ballot why "on the evening of the elections, one must know who has won": "We are totally change, now I have to wait Berlusconi and Salvini, so all the positions are clear in the field, and then we will make the changes," he said from New York. The text presented today, however, has sparked many controversies because nothing is said, in the short text, what are the main aspects of the electoral law can be changed with the approval of the coalition government. The motion should be voted on in the afternoon today. Yesterday had been the 5 Stars to file a motion where it was hoped the return to the “pure” proportional with the expression of preferences for the election of deputies.
Inside the Pd the discussion is open, and the minister Dario Franceschini has invited you to the unity: "it Would be important," he told the Ansa news agency, "that in this text there was the unity of the Pd and of the parliamentary majority. This would make it possible to discuss calmly of the merit of the changes." To 13 and 30 the minority Pd has decided that it will not participate in the vote.
Motion of the majority: "to Start discussion on the changes" – In the full text of the motion filed today at the Camera of deputies from Ap-Pd and democratic reads: "The Chamber is committed to initiate appropriate a discussion of the law of 6 may 2015 no.52, in order to allow the various parliamentary groups to clarify their proposals, if any, of changing the electoral law currently in force, and assess the possible convergence on these proposals". The document recalls that on the new electoral law for the election of Assembly Deputies entry into force on 11 July of this year, "currently there is a wide political debate on possible and articulated assumptions of the reform". The motion therefore, commits itself to the Room "to start, in the competent fora, a discussion in order to allow the various parliamentary groups of clarify their proposals, if any, change of the electoral law currently in force, and assess the possible convergence on these proposals".
Motion of the centre-right: "discuss the changes after the referendum" – The centre-right has announced that it will present a motion for the unit to ask that the changes to the Italicum discuss after the referendum. The text was signed by all the leaders of the centre-right, Fi, Alloy and Fdi. "Renzi is a trap and tries to divert attention from the referendum", said the parent company of the League at Montecitorio Massimiliano Fedriga.
the Motion of the M5s: "Return to the proportional. And' from the first republic? The Country became great" – "let’s go Back to the First Republic? And then? I don’t regret, but after the war our Country has become one of the biggest Countries in the world. With this Constitution and with the proportional". So, in an interview with the Corriere della Sera the chairman of the group of the 5-Star hotel Room Andrea Cecconi, one of the seven signatories of the 'Democratellum' suggests that a return to the proportional preferences. The absence of stability "has not prevented us from becoming great. It is not that the Land has suffered much, if peace with a government every six months," says Cecconi, according to which "it is neither in heaven nor in earth to say that with the Italicum will be guaranteed the stability of governments. This legislature has the highest rate of turncoats in the history. If 30 or 40 will change the party and form a group, where is the stability? And then the decline true, he continued, began with the Second Republic, with the Porcellum, when it is born the myth of man only to the command: first Berlusconi, then Renzi".