“Well, yes, I returned. I had made a small step back, but yes, I’m back”: Beppe Grillo has screamed to the audience of the national day of the Five-Star, recording his “step-side”. Closing his introductory speech from the main stage, he shouted: “Gianroberto Casaleggio we are missing but I’m back”.
Cricket closes the gathering
he returned to the theme of his return at the end of the day, Grillo, when he greeted the crowd with his final speech: “You remember when I took a step to the side? I’ve never just truly believed. I tried to divide the political from the comic because you, the press, you wanted that thing there,” he added. Speaking of Renzi, described him as: “This crippled the moral that we the government”. She sang the blues before speaking, then retraced, but in a tone more playful all the themes already discussed during the day, remembering often Gianroberto Casaleggio, who first felt 4-5 times a day, “I laugh,” he says, “and now I feel it every day with seances”. “I wanted to take a step to the side, but the disappearance of Gianroberto puts me back here. And I have new enthusiasm. I’m training to swim from Malta to Palermo,” he concluded Beppe Grillo the first day of the “Italia 5 stelle”, in Palermo.
The interventions of the final leader
the closing of The national event in Palermo, entrusted to it in order to Alessandro Di Battista, Luigi Di Maio, Davide Casaleggio first of the comedian. “We can also make mistakes – we are not perfect, we are human – but we don’t put the hands in the pockets of the citizens. We will have a single lobbyist: the Italian people,” he said Of the Baptist of the stage and recalled that, for the M5S “Renzi is the shield 2.0″. Di Maio has instead launched an “agenda for the future of the Country that we want in the medium and long term. And we will do so with the participation” indicating a period of 15 years for the objectives. “Workers are telling you not to lose time to change the electoral laws: the problem is you. It is you who have to change, the italians do not trust you,” he added. The sicilians Di Maio has promised: “I Hope to find you here in a little more than a year to celebrate” the victory at the regional in Sicily “and all together, marching towards the challenge of 2018, not only to win the national election but to change the country”. On stage before Grillo, Davide Casaleggio, which he immediately said: “I am Not here to replace my father, I am here to remember him, to remember his dream, pursue his project”.
“A healthy sobriety”
Cricket had started in the morning by making some recommendations to the activists: “Now, we have been lab rats, and I want to rethink how we felt we were in with the first vaffa…, with the first collection of signatures. It was an excellent spirit, and those arriving now can not know. And we need to restore that feeling to be there.” With the husky voice he added: “at The end we will talk about the program, in megawatts, of economy, of efficiency, of sobriety, we have to return to a healthy sobriety”.
Ballarò: “people encouraged us to go ahead”
“We are in a phase wonderful. Now come out a regulation that will be voted on next week and on tv will talk to anyone and talk about a topic of our programme,” Grillo in Palermo. The leader of the Movement has also commented: “Now that we can give you a shot are doing anything to block the system of elections, the electoral law. Ad-hoc changes for us not to win…”. Beppe Grillo spoke then of the changes in the Italicum, among the stalls of Ballarò. The leader of the M5S, in the popular old town market, stopped to talk and take photos with the traders and citizens: “I Thought the people there screaming at against here,” he said. I’m surprised. Instead, people encouraged us to go forward. Past the shock of initial I understand now. Come here Renzi to take two steps…”.
The hypothesis of step aside to leave the field to another leader, Grillo said no: “I will make the political leader, will take the decisions, because in the end someone has to make a decision before the took Casaleggio and we were drinking together, it was different. Now I am alone. There are full-time, I will not make any step to the side. I want to stay with the Movement until the elections and win them. We want to prove that we can govern, Turin, Rome, Palermo, Genoa, Livorno, even with the mistakes we have made. This story serves us and gives us antibodies”. Then, on the tensions of the past few months in a new directory: “it Is clear that the policy wears off after a while. My maybe are a little tired but they are not fascinated by power. The directory is a word that you have invented you. There are five people that I, and Gianroberto we have chosen, so that the Movement is becoming huge. We started in two no money, so we have started twelve years ago.”
The memory of Gianroberto Casaleggio
Cricket he also mentioned the figure of Gianroberto Casaleggio, who passed away on April 12, 2016: “The fact that there is no longer a vacuum. For me it was a safety, a comfort. There were at times disagreements, but we have been together for ten years. I still have a huge gap”.
shadow carousel
Palermo Five-Star hotel with the return of Cricket
The directory and printing
reporters who asked Cricket if there are jealousy in the directory of the 5 Star Movement against Alessandro Di Battista and Luigi Di Maio, but also because they are taken more often than the other in television, the comedian replied: “Jealousy? Yes, maybe there will be as well, it is normal. But the rest of the tv is image and there is someone who is better and who is too high to go to…”. It is not failure, then, the usual attack on the press: “You’re not journalists, you are fetishists. We go on talk shows and pull up the ratings and we will look from home looking at the things that we do. We turn on ourselves. This circle will be broken this evening. You realize that we, with all the hype that you do, otherwise, we lose two or three points? I would be very worried if calassimo of 100 percent. But if it never happens that means that even stupid people do not follow you more. The doubt that the M5S were to explode, it occurred to me, and, for charity, maybe we are looking for a little bit, but despite the campaign that we have done against we have lost only the zero point”.
the revival of The Movement
then Coming to the event, Grillo has spoken of his hope of revival of the Movement: “Ricompatteremo all. We are facing the second wave of this experiment today. We were the mice of the experiment of the first phase, we entered the maze, we found the cheese, we have only tasted, and now we face this new phase. There was an enthusiasm, an explosion of emotions, — he continued — that the young people who enter now will not know. You have to recreate that emotion there. It is our time. They are changing the regional laws, the Constitution, precisely because we exist we.” To his invitation: “we Must unite forces, the last activist siciliano at the first activist of Bolzano, the first member of the european parliament. We need to ricompattarci absolutely, talk of a new economy, a new society. We do soon. Do it soon, do it soon!”.
The Olympics and the junta Rays
On the Olympics, he wanted to clarify Cricket, “he decided Virginia Ray. Would be good in my head: we had a bit of unpreparedness, is a city as complicated. Turin is fine, but makes 900 thousand inhabitants. A little bit of adjustment we want, now we’re settling down, you are settling down, but the decision takes the lady. She is able to take any decision”.
September 24, 2016 (change on September 24, 2016 | 23:17)
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