Sunday, September 4, 2016

Rome, waste, “Muraro investigated? I do not know anything: clarify” – The Republic

“I am stunned and amazed by the news I read today in some newspapers. I have learned that my client, who has not received any communication by the Prosecutor of Rome, is under investigation by three months for abuse of office. This news will not stop us, the “operation truth ‘on Love goes on. We are ready to clarify everything. “He says Salvatore Sciullo, legal environment councilor of the City of Rome, Paola Muraro, in relation As written today on newspaper of a notice of investigation for abuse of office relating to his 12 years as a consultant in Love. “We are calm – continues Sciullo – and ready to clarify everything at the moment when there will be a formal act of the Prosecutor at the time, though, there has not communicated anything. Perplexing to read the newspapers of serious allegations such as abuse of office. We have nothing to hide and when the prosecutor sees fit to tell us something we will be ready to answer all questions. “

” A Muraro said today it had not received any notice of. Not the cards exist to assess “intervenes Luigi Di Maio during the feast of The Daily talking about the news of the view alderman Muraro guarantee.” To whom you are rubbing their hands at the moment for this latest issue that takes national prominence – added Di Maio – say that the movement has never made concessions to anyone, especially inside. calm are our detractors who think azzopparci. I do not make statements about itself. “

Meanwhile remains scheduled for tomorrow at 17 the hearing in committee dell’assessora Ecomafie where Muraro will travel” without fear “, explains his entourage, accompanied by the mayor and Rays without a lawyer. “at the moment I do not have different communications – explains President Alexander Bratti – tomorrow at 17 appearance mayor and commissioner responsible to committee where it will remain throughout the hearing.
Should it be investigated, Muraro can avail of a lawyer support, as well as any type of audit you in this situation. “Possibility of which Muraro will not make use, as explained by its

reactions .” When I said Muraro was opaque figure I was not wrong. Now that the plot will invent those M5S? “. And ‘what he writes on Twitter Senator of the Democratic Party Stefano Esposito launching the hashtag #raccoltaindifferenziata.” If it be true to load the survey news Muraro is confirmed the inappropriateness of having put in place the key a central figure for the waste-system of the capital. “he wrote in a statement the leader of the Democratic Party of Rome, John Zannola .” it would – he said – a further blow to the credibility of the Board ray. “” Resignation, quarrels, super salaries, bankruptcy choices. Now also the case Muraro. Rays come: the last

close the door. “I wrote on Twitter the senator of the Democratic Party Andrea Marcucci .” That Paola Muraro, whether or not investigated, now is a minor detail. The true fact is that the junta Rays is crushed by a power struggle because they are hungry for power. “He said the senator Fi, Francesco Giro .” They are equal to others? No – comments yet Giro – much worse. “

paola muraro
stefano edwards
Francesco Giro
Andrea Marcucci


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