Saturday, September 24, 2016

Berlusconi, the puppeteer of the centre-right “soup”. Parisi in the cage? –

parisi berlusconi

Massimo Falcioni

Knows, Silvio Berlusconi, in which the game of real politics is played after the referendum of 27 November (or 4 December, the government decides next Monday) but that has to get there with clear ideas and with the right forces. From the polls come out a result that will not leave things as they were before. The last survey (Mannheimer) reflect the inconsistency of the policy and the confusion in the parties confirming the gap between power and citizens: today, 20-30% of italians do not know if you are going to vote, the 30% will go to the polls but does not yet know how to vote, 53% for "NO". A tegolata) for Renzi and his court. A strong breath of fresh air and a chance for Berlusconi ready to get back in the game, certainly not to apply then to the Palazzo Chigi, but as great "puppeteer" who pulls the wires, re-Forza Italia; to give a common structure to the various stray souls to him; to keep open windows and doors welcoming anyone who knocks, even the recalcitrant as the League; promise leadership to whosoever is deceive himself and deceive himself, starting from Parisi and coming to Salvini; intestarsi the credit for the eventual victory of the "NO" and persist – in alternative to the Pd renziano, as the saviour of the fatherland to stop the hordes grilline.

Already, Renzi, able to raise your voice in Europe: pro domo sua and to raise the ball to the middle of the field on the referendum and the electoral law. The parliamentary motion of the other day is a clever, worthy of Matthew’s "minstrel", ready to deal, but in the court of the majority and by ballot, leaving the other hot potato of a proposal but – small detail – you’ll find the majority (!?) in Parliament. So the secretary-premier fits the minority of Pd but it remains wrong-footed by the response of rotations of the M5S is based on proportional and preferences and, above all, by the opening to ” (hear ye!hear ye!) Berlusconi. A play on the wool thread, better to say a game "dirt" of all against all carried out precisely on the Constitution and the electoral system that should "ensure" governability and democracy. In short, Renzi acrobat and from the hard game answers minister as an acrobat and play hard not afraid of opponents and, in so doing, presents Matteo a two-sided coin: here the stick up to an impossible alliance parliamentarian pro tempore and ad hoc, with the M5S, beyond the carrot for a dialogue that may save the premier in Parliament, especially after an eventual flop of "Yes" at the ballot box.

Already, the ballot box. A triumph of the "No" travolgerebbe Renzi forcing him to resign with the outlet of an executive order for a new electoral law and then the polls with a Pd at the end and – why not – a refoundation wizard openly or from behind the scenes by Massimo D’alema, maybe with Dario Franceschini on the scene, a candidate for premier. In short, great confusion, but also the field open to every solution. Because everything can happen in this pot in the deaf and the boiling that is Italy today, in the morass of a general crisis from which it pulls. The rais of Arcore has a few arrows in his bow, and many of these have sprung up, but he knows how to orient itself well in the nebbione trying to last hit. The Cav part with the weakness of his party to shreds, and reduced provides electoral advantages to under two digits, but with the point force represented by a possible new centre-right as the only alternative to the government of the Pd renziano and what strength to not left that can stem the M5S.

Already, but which the centre-right? Silvio plays on multiple tables, putting more pieces that, if they continue to move in a way isolated and without direction, do not have the possibility of becoming a dame. All the chiefs and the capetti in Force in Italy and outside, also in the League, know this truth for which, apart from the bickering to encumber the spaces of power in the future, in the forthcoming decisive battles recognise Berlusconi, the role of the trainer even if timidly – not any more that of father-master. Beyond the pats on the back Berlusconi has no intention to develop in his colonels or its allies have the sense of responsibility in front of the major nodes of the Country, and much less to give them the courage to lead a political battle, first within their own area in the blue party and the centre-right, then out. Forza Italia and the surroundings, each one barking from far away, claiming to lead a political battle with the shoulders, already covered.

So Forza Italia has burned the dolphins and the colonels, ideas, and projects, and is sunk in the swamp. Now Berlusconi intends to shake the plant to seize again the fruit that for too much time are no longer produced. But that is the plan, and those are the fruits. From here the thrust of the Convention, promoted last week from Stefano Parisi, an attempt of resurrection, was not at the height of the lenses announced, a lot of propaganda and little policy. In other words fuffa media why not a political node is true, was loose. On the other hand, as you could not expect more since it is not clear the role of the Parisi, which autonomy with respect to the mandate of Berlusconi, who wants him to "only" the commissioner of Forza Italy?

Parisi has not traced the outline of his project, nor has it identified the contents of the new centre-right post buildings remaining in the vague of a moderately nostalgic left to the good will of the captain-manager on duty without even the capacity of the media a bit histrionic of a Berlusconi nor the charisma of a Merkel or a Sarkozy, fearing to even ask the account to the menacing neo-lepenista Salvini to have brought the League positions more and more extremist. The moderately is not moderation, because in politics you have to choose and do, often sparigliando. Parisi has shown cautious up to be careless in not having been able to or been able to put the stakes in what could be a new political subject of the centre-right or the new root for the new party of former buildings, to Berlusconi’s help.

The responsibility is the prime minister who, with his stop-and-go pulls the strings of this puppet, maneuvering also Parisi: "manager of quality but not a leader." Parisi is not able to go beyond the reconfirmation of the "NO" in the referendum and the phrase of circumstance: "We are the alternative to Renzi". Why? On the basis of which the analysis of the bankruptcy buildings? What is the new political project of the government? With which party (Forza Italia cleaned up able to team up and overcome the leaderismo boorish?) and with such covenants and the political and social? The significant appeal for the: "the End of the season of hatred", would then remain only a sermon. Here Parisi shows good will, but his weak voice, hardly will reach to the millions of italians who reject the policy, that of the leaders and of the moderate parties, by refraining from voting. How can Parisi fly high if it is Berlusconi to keep him tied to the ground? Or Parisi spariglia or falls into the cage of Arcore.


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