the First complaints to the case of the girl of 19 years of Pozzuoli that’s not going to sole after spreading on WhatsApp of his video hard. The police has sent a notice to the section of the public Prosecutor of Naples, which deals with offences, coordinated by the prosecutor added Fausto Zuccarelli. According to the Bend of the offences envisaged are a violation of privacy and defamation and have been formulated after the family of the girl has filed a complaint.
At the moment, however, there is no entry in the register of suspects. This is because the file has not yet been assigned and then not proceeded to a first examination of the judiciary for any inscriptions. Also do not know the names of the persons reported by the commissioner of Pozzuoli, which investigates to find out who spread the video. Reassembling the framework of the story the police flegrea have been aware of the existence of the video hard even before the complaint to the postal police in Milan by the Wild Lucarelli. The girl, even today it is presented to the school.
The section is coordinated by the added Zuccarelli is the same one that is handling the case of Tanya, the 31-year-old who committed suicide in Mugnano (Naples) for the diffusion in the network of video hard: the magistrates of the procura partenopea proceed for the same offences – breach of privacy and libel – while the investigators of the prosecutor of North Naples probe to incitement to suicide.