“the Bridge on The Strait of Messina can create 100 thousand jobs. We are ready for that. If you are in the conditions to bring the cards and fix what is firm for ten years, we will unlock it”. Matteo Renzi speaks during the ceremony for the 110 years of Salini Impregilo in front of an audience of entrepreneurs and at the same number one, Pietro Salini, – that by the General Contractor (check Eurolink 49%) is seen sliding from his hand, the work in 2012 under the Monti government – and to some surprise raises the historical project. “What I ask of you is that, after the part of the reforms, we can go back to plan for the future. You have to unlock the sites, and serves as broadband, because the network of tomorrow will not be a dam in Italy, neither the highway of the Sun, but the note on the bandwidth, the gigabyte society, to speed,” said the premier before stepping into the negotiations with Brussels with a duration of up to an exceedingly great evening to tick 0.1% higher flexibility for “exceptional events”. Bringing the deficit for the 2017 to 2.4% compared to 2.3% in the agreed during the afternoon with the european Commission (for the macroeconomic framework, see page 3).
A few weeks now, from the crucial referendum on constitutional reform, it is clear that the words of Renzi, on the Bridge over the Strait will be interpreted as a way to make the crack in the electorate of the South and maybe in the historic centre-right. Arouse for another, the “confusion” of the left of the Pd, and the invective of Beppe Grillo, who commented on the announcement by defining the premier a “crippled moral.” Even criticism from the League leader Matteo Salvini, who asks, rather, “make it work, trains from Trapani to Ragusa put us 10 hours.” And even criticism by the leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber Renato Brunetta, despite the Bridge over the Strait has been, for years, the "dream" of Silvio Berlusconi. Placet, instead, by the allies centrist government, with Angelino Alfano planning to asking immediately for a Ddl ad hoc. The priority, you know, in environments to check out, it is still the Salerno – Reggio Calabria (will be ready by 22 December, we will be riding in the car with Delrio,” said Renzi), the high speed up to Apulia and Calabria and the railways of sicily. But to say no as of now in a work like the Bridge would say no to the future – is the reasoning – as the M5S has done over the Olympics.
the Bridge on The Strait fits into reality for Renzi in a more complex bet on the infrastructure of the Country, being almost the symbol, and on the recovery of investment on which Renzi has placed great emphasis in his speech, the Salini Impregilo: “you Have to understand that investments are a priority, Europe must start afresh from the investment. If a Country has $ 89 billion of trade surplus, one case, namely Germany, is not doing only harm to herself but also to Europe”. And, not surprisingly, the revival of the great works done a few hours before diving in the negotiations with Brussels for the launch of the Def. “The deficit/Gdp will be 2% – announces finally, Renzi, down in the press room at the end of the Council of ministers in the evening -. As regards the Gdp, we are at 0.8%, and this is a conservative estimate to Padoan, and 1% in 2017″. 0.4% additional put into the account is for exceptional circumstances and must be scomputato by the Pact of stability, stresses Renzi, and in the case of Italy the exceptional events are the costs for the reconstruction after the earthquake in central Italy, and the costs for the emergency migrants. “On the issue of migrants – has marked the premier – we are seriously in credit with Europe”. Renzi is also pushing to “suggest” to the title to the reporters present in the press room: “The title, the summary is: the deficit goes down, the Gdp goes up, the two of them with a trajectory that is less wide as we wanted, but they both continue to go in the right direction.”
at The press conference the night was, of course, also present the minister of the Economy Pier Carlo Padoan, who ensured that the privatisation will go ahead. But without possibility to sell: “The privatisation programme goes ahead, has been slowed for the volatility is particularly high this year in the financial markets. We are not with water in the throat, we do not want to sell. We have a path which will continue into 2017″.
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