Thursday, September 29, 2016

Renzi: if you want the swamp to take the other, and we want to change – Rai News

The premier of Perugia and Florence: the Italicum? The most important reforms. D’alema “expert” fratricidal conflicts” in the house. If the referendum wins the no, nothing will change for decades


In Perugia and Florence, Matteo Renzi speaks about the campaign for the referendum on constitutional reforms. “It will be a battle very difficult, you try to mystify, it says that it is an attempt to take power, almost that we were faced with a derived authority, but we must respond with the smile, house-to-house: it must be clear to all what could happen, if he wins the no, nothing will change for decades”.

“What has changed my life is that in these 8 years I’ve always felt to not be alone. I have always felt in the difficulties the idea that a part of the way there same by tapping a great responsibility. I don’t know that it will last. But I know that we are made for change. If you want the swamp, the usual faces, the mess-ups, you take the other”. And still: “I promise you, dear Italy, that I will, but you promise me that we will do all we can, and we will not rest until it changes”.

Then: “Italy is called to choose and it is up to us. The challenge will be difficult because I have never
seen so much deception, so many lies”.

The premier defends run-off election, but also adds “do not want to enter into polemics”, to find “the reasons that unite us,” explains that “is ready to change the Italicum because the constitutional reforms are more important”. In his stop in Perugia for the electoral campaign in view of the December 4, reiterates the opening to the changes of the voting system and seems to turn in particular to the centre-right has decided to no to the reform “in an unintelligible way”. Excludes the League, but on the other forces, the president of the Council calls for a repentance, and it says at the same time available to dialogue on the electoral law.

Renzi does not go beyond. He wants you to look at the referendum, “the future”. And at the same time praises the “giants” who have written the Constitution. He wants us to realize that the alternative to a yes “it is the marsh”, “it is my responsibility to do it to understand”.

No underestimation of the importance of the appointment of December 4: “Is that who will win the” yes “or win the” no “will have consequences, is a decisive moment, the referendum is not derived from the beta but the reduction of seats”, he pressed. For thirty years, “have failed to change anything, there are those who want to redo the Bicameral”, but if it fails, the consultation “we’ll keep the bicameralism and equal”.

Finally, the president of the Council addressed to his party: “The referendum is not a congress”. To Hope and to bersaniani that criticize the thesis of broadening the consensus on the referendum on the right says: “that’s why they are a minority… We want to be the majority”. The closed on D’alema: “it is an expert in the fratricidal strife in the house. Ring the bell to Prodi and D’alema to know what we are saying.” Renzi insists: “If D’alema had put the same commitment against your fellow party against the centre-right, this Country would have been different.”


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