A four-storey BUILDING partially collapsed this night in via della Farnesina, in the area of Ponte Milvio, northern district of Rome. There are no victims nor injured. The fire department already in the morning had made an inspection and decided to monitor the situation. Towards evening the big crack has worsened and the palace, as well as some of the stable adjacent, was partially evacuated. And because of the collapse, via della Farnesina is closed to traffic in the stretch between house numbers 1 and 7. Are accessible via Flaminia and the via Cassia for those coming from piazzale di Ponte Milvio. Closed to the traffic, also via degli Orti della Farnesina. Condominiums: “Have risked to die of the people”. Witnesses who live in the nearby buildings, which have been sgomebrate tell that yesterday the apartment buildings that collapsed have repeatedly called the fire brigade after seeing the crack on the ground floor. The firefighters, occurred in the afternoon, they had evacuated part of the building, while the other had been declared accessible. In the latter lived nine people, during the passing of the hours, they continued to see the crack widen and to hear squeaks and strange noises. the words of The mayor. “we won’t let the sun these families, the municipality has already been enabled to find their own accommodation,” says mayor Virginia Ray that this morning, went to the Milvian Bridge. Ray reported that they are concerned “about 20-30 families”, but that “some of them might return” to homes in a short time. “All are at work to make investigation as accurate as possible, it’s a drama but avoid alarmism. At the moment all are concentrated to understand what happened”. For this reason, Ray has postponed to tomorrow its arrival in Palermo to take part to the festival “Italia 5 Stelle”. Then, it is reported by the entourage of the mayor, jump to today, his expected speech from the stage of the festival pentastellata. Tomorrow, however, is assured, will be in Palermo. said the president of Cna Costruzioni, Rome, Carlo Bellioni, which provides some data: the stock of real estate romano is made from approximately 1.8 million housing units, half of which was built before the years ’70 and a third of these is in a state of decay. Considered the some of the newer buildings, but in poor condition, 20 percent of the stock in the province in mediocre or poor state of preservation.
The building dates back to the ’50s with two apartments per floor: the rear part collapsed, while the one that overlooks via della Farnesina is still standing even if there are obvious structural failures on all sides. And the origin of the collapse there could be seepage of water underground that they did give up the foundations of the palace. To strengthen this hypothesis, the story of a tenant that has told us how the building had remained a day without water. The Prosecutor’s office of Rome, in the meantime, has opened an ichiesta to the collapse of involuntary manslaughter.
Most times, they report, have called the fire department that they would not be returned on the spot. The nine people remaining in the building were able to leave the building just before the collapse, driven to flee because of strong crunches that had made us anticipate the worst. “We heard a roar enormous,” say the neighbors.
“We have repeatedly called the fire brigade, but they are not come – says a woman who lives in the part of the building to be evacuated, showing the order of eviction – are irresponsible, they have threatened to kill people. They said that that part was safe.” Around the one night of the noises in the palace are made more frequent so much so that those who had remained began to escape. “I’ve heard of crunches and strong and then a lot, a lot of water that flowed – tells another tenant – I couldn’t get out, the door was already locked. We were able to go away from the garden, and shortly after the building came down. Now there is no more and they told me I could sleep there.”
The data of the Cna. “it’s A tragedy with a gentle touch that shows once again the attention on the theme of the age of the buildings in Rome and the province, that we denounce,”,
- Topics:
- Rome
- ponte milvio
- collapse
- building
- palace
- collapse the building
- Starring:
- virginia ray
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