Saturday, September 24, 2016

Olympics, Renzi attacks the Rays: “No fear? Has the wrong profession” – The Sun 24 Hours

“don’t stop the great works, stop the thieves, because if he wins the fear, you have the wrong job.” He said the premier Renzi, speaking to a initiative on to the Lawn in favour of the ” Yes “to the constitutional referendum, after the” no ” of the mayor Virginia Ray to the candidacy of Rome 2024. For the president of the Council Italy is divided between those who are at the window to watch and those who are in the arena if he sees a thing that should not be the change”. This, he annotated “it is the difference between the political and the Sports bar”.

Ray says no to the Olympics. Malagò: “we Deserved more respect,”

Renzi: no M5s? They have the wrong profession
“The fact of saying that you do not make the Olympics for fear of corruption is also an incredible admission of failure on the part of the leadership of that city,” said the chairman of the Council, who added: “If you’re in front of eight years, if you have a minimum of credibility and authority, you thieves them hunt. Do not stop the great works, stop the thieves. If instead you say no and you’re afraid, you have the wrong job.”

“I Hope she winced reflection councillors”
For Renzi Italy is divided between those who are at the window to watch and those who are in the arena if he sees a thing that does not go to the change. This is the difference between the political and the Sports bar”.

Rome 2024: Malagò, plan B can, but not right. Renzi: chapter closed

that’s why the decision of the board Radii on the Olympics, “is the amazing metaphor of what it means to the Italy of ‘no’”. And even though in recent days the premier has spoken of “story closed” after the veto of the Rays, Renzi seemed not to have completely lost all the hopes when he expressed the hope that the city councillors called to approve (probably Tuesday) the motion that ratifies the waiver of the application “have a moment of reflection”. The more that the funds provided by the Cio, will now be elsewhere, “in the suburbs of Paris or Los Angeles”. “I cries the heart for the jobs lost to Rome and to the outskirts of the Capital,” concluded Renzi.

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