Monday, September 5, 2016

Capitol Paola Muraro investigated: “I found out in July.” Ray: “Summits of the M5S were informed” – TGCOM

Rays: “Informed of the dossier after mid-July” – “I am aware of a case on his behalf in the period from July 19 to the end of the month, and we are waiting to read the papers because at the moment it is not known anything. ” And ‘what the mayor said Virginia Rays in Ecomafie commission. “It ‘a generic challenge, there is no notice of. As soon as there will be more details, we will take action,” he said.

“On Muraro no notice of” – the first town then stated that sull’assessore Paola Muraro “there is a general challenge, there is no notice of “. “We evaluated in a meeting in which there was also the head of cabinet” and had determined that it was a “too general challenge to understand what we’re talking about. As soon as there will be more information we will take action.”

Rays: “on Muraro no lie, M5s leaders knew” – on the case Muraro “no one lied. I do not think anyone I’ve ever made on notice of demand guarantee “, whereas regarding sull’assessore investigations” if I had asked I would have said what I have said here, “said the Rays in the hearing in Parliament Commission of inquiry Waste. As the top of the M5s, the mayor of Rome stressed that they had been informed of the Environment sull’assessore file.

“I hope that the government intervene on the recycling of waste ‘ – “That the system is decrepit and undersized with regard to waste management is undoubtedly true,” said the mayor Virginia Rays. “We hope that research can support those companies that wish to also find new uses for the non-recoverable fraction of waste, I hope there is also government intervention, but this then we will see.”

Muraro: “something was wrong in the waste management” – “we realized we too there was something wrong,” said Muraro in Ecomafie committee, talking about the waste management in Rome. “I have been appointed on July 7th, and I personally verified in road service – he said -, I saw that the bulky were not collected in the service home and recycles in recyclable waste the opportunity was not given to the citizens to confer.”

“reviewing with Love the service contract” – the commissioner also reiterated the need to “review the service agreement with Ama. If the Love does not make the services, there is a monitoring body, expected in May, but that does not exist. ” Among the critical points, according to Muraro, there is also the fact that there are no financial penalties in the event of disruptions.

Dura reaction of the Democratic Party – Direct and very hard to reactions of the Democratic Party. Stella White, MP and Pd component in the Commission on the waste cycle, emphasizes that “Paola Muraro has lied. He knew for some time that he is suspected and continued, with cold blood, a claim not to know anything about the investigation the Prosecution against him. And they are investigating crimes such as illegal waste trafficking, abuse of office, fraud, falsification of public documents. the Rays knew? we do not know if you wish us to Rome, that the Rays were conniving or so naive as not to notice anything. a notice of investigation is certainly not a conviction but to lie in cold blood on their condition of investigated how did Paola Muraro is an act of enormous gravity. ” Stefano Esposito, Pd senator, asked on Twitter: “#muraro in eco-mafia commission: ‘I knew I was investigated from July’. So yesterday his lawyer lied. #Raggi Knew?”. And again, Alessia Morani, vice president of the Democratic Party in the House, again on Twitter: “#Muraro admitted that he knew he was under investigation by July 18. To date he has always denied. #Raggi Knew?”


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