"I hope that Matteo Renzi is a joke, indeed it will definitely". Otherwise? "Otherwise, it is an attitude that is unfair beyond offensive". Is furious Renato Accorinti, the mayor of Messina is seen to rain from the nothing the re-opening by the premier to the construction of the Bridge across the Strait. "Renzi, I saw a short time ago in Calabria for the inauguration of the power line, Terna: he said that he was not totally opposed to the Bridge, but that first we wanted the infrastructure. Then or today, it’s a joke or he takes us around," says the first citizen of peloritani, reached on the phone by he helped.en.
Yet the meaning of the words of the premier, it seems clear: to revive the project of the Bridge.
"But what is the Bridge? What is he talking about? Here we have a railway system by the second world war, single-track, diesel. On the Messina – Catania motorway, we came to a landslide and the highway is still broken. Messina and Catania, two metropolitan cities that are not connected between them. What they would have done if a similar thing occurred between Turin and Milan?"
What would they have done?
"I Would have immediately restored the motorway network: now! Here we do not talk on the phone because I am in the car and as there are repeaters to the fall line (that in fact falls 4 times in a few minutes, ed). There are the roads, the ports, the commercial ports, highways: we do not have the basics to be able to live and speak to us of the Bridge."
Yet, according to the premier the Bridge would be a useful infrastructure to the South.
"The roads are useful, the schools are useful, these cultural works are useful. I’m not against the cement: the cement when it is used well it is a synonym of development. But the Bridge is useful to what? Do not say ” poppycock".
Useful to remove the Calabria from the isolation and to move closer to Sicily, so at the very least supports the chairman of the board.
"But what insulation? Japan is isolated only because it is an island? We need infrastructure that will lead us from the middle ages to modernity, for half a century, we are left to ourselves. We need the bases for development, to be able to launch into the world the natural beauties, architectural and artistic".
However, the premier claims that the Bridge could create jobs: you have talked about 100 thousand new employees.
"that’s enough, this theory of the job has really broken my balls. It is annoying and populist more than that to be false. Also make holes in the ground and then hire people that covers them creates the work: it is an offence to our intelligence. They don’t understand that if rilanciassero really the South would have the entire Country to benefit from: the south is the jewel of Italy, forgotten by all. It’s like having a leg that is going gangrene, and caring".
You speak of the South, forgotten by the State, of the middle ages, but perhaps some of the blame on the have the citizens of that Noon so underdeveloped: o is among those who download all the responsibility on Rome?
"it’s clear that we have our faults. The politicians, our politicians, first of all you are guilty: the bandits who, for decades, if they are ripped off, selling off our future and our survival. Is what I’m going to say the Anci".
What he is going to say the Anci?
"That the Anci is – or should be – only from Trento to Trapani. It is, therefore, the time has come to create a section of the Italian municipalities in the South who has a home in the South. Where there are only decades of political bandits, but also people who have a lot of desire to work. Are the citizens of the South of Italy that built the rest of the Country: those who emigrated to the North, abroad, in Belgium".
Here are now may work for building the Bridge…
I can assure you that will not happen ever. Renzi should say what he wants but it was enough for a simple No Virginia-Rays and the Olympic games of Rome have evaporated. I am the mayor of Messina and for the years I have guided the activists, who said No to the Bridge: we started at 10, we arrived to be 25 thousand to the streets of the city while still having parties and newspapers against. But then what do you think they solve it with a bridge of 3 kilometers to be connected are two regions where there is absolutely nothing?".
and Yet, Bettino Craxi, until Renzi, passing obviously by Silvio Berlusconi, the Bridge on the Strait is practically never out of the political agenda in italy: according to you, as ever?
"Because it is easy to populism In the collective imagination of a new bridge is always a positive thing. Shame this is only a work from the enormous costs, overtaken by history and also by the economy. In your opinion, how ever, is not got no private to get the money? Speaking of project financing, but to manage it does not ought to ever to anyone, only to one who builds with public funds. Without considering the earthquake risk".
That is another of the great questions raised by the contrary to the great work.
"Matteo Renzi know what you should do? Should call the geologist Mario Tozzi and have him explain that where they want to place the pillars there is the earthquake fault more dangerous than the Mediterranean: if it does unfold and then build the Bridge."
The premier had also said that before the Bridge was to get the water to Messina: it’s never arrived?
"it’s precisely. Know what happened here? Have never put in the safety of a mountain, which is fallen down, damaging the aqueduct. We have found a solution to restore everything with a bypass but the mountain still has not been put in yet. What do they do on the higher floors? They do understand that it is the fault of the mayor: but in which Country the infrastructure is the responsibility of the municipalities? This attitude is criminal: we can’t go on like this. Another Bridge".
Twitter: @pipitone87