Thursday, September 22, 2016

Olympics, Renzi against the M5S: ‘Admit to not knowing how to change things’. Labor: ‘No, the costs are tranvata’ – Il fatto Quotidiano

"I Consider the Olympic games a opportunities and awesome the fact that you can do to the danger that some foo. If we, the politicians, we don’t try to change things we’re not going anywhere. The grillini have had eight years to fix Rome… it’s as if they said 'we can not change things', because if they wanted to really change would be able to say that the management could be done in another way". So the premier Matteo Renzi, host of Eight-and-a-half on La7 together with the director of the Daily Fact Marco Travaglio, said no final mayor Virgina Rays Games. Travaglio has replied by listing the expenses incurred by other host cities in the past, noting that "the Olympics are a tranvata crazy without corruption., is a machine that may not work in active, like all big events, like the Expo".

After you’ve gone by the assumption that the government can bypass the Capitol, and present the candidature of the Capital in the autonomous mode ("No one wants to do the Olympic games against the municipal administration") Renzi has then argued that "from the Expo we have chased the robbers, and it was great success", but without mentioning that the exhibition has closed in loss, that to uncover irregularities in the allocation of jobs has beenAnac , and not the government and that the members of the dome bipartisan that has divided the procurement plea bargain, avoiding jail time.

"no Ray I do not surprising, but I demoralize," said the premier. If he says no to the Olympics, we take note. I have never done controversy with the mayor of Rome, you have won the elections. I I support: for Italy. If Rome goes well, I’m glad, if it goes wrong I’m sorry". "Respect and good luck", so, even if "in an election campaign if I’m not mistaken, Virginia Ray was committed to a referendum, but the ownership of the decision is his, and the mayor and the municipal council".

Referendum, "those who vote No vote for Caste." Labor: "yes we go to the bicameralism cazzaro" – Talking about the referendum Renzi has summed up his position with the usual slogan: "We are taking away the play of refunds to the parties, from the Pd to Five stars. Those who vote Yes removes this mechanism, those who vote No vote Casta. If it passes the Yes the pants green not if you buy them because we take away the repayments, if he wins the No left with the repayments". Then he returned to argue that "the constitutional reform port € 500 million of savings", even if according to the estimates of the Accounting-State the missing outputs will stop at 57 million. "If it wins the Yes we pass from the perfect bicameralism to bicameralism cazzaro", it has replicated the Labor.

"In article 70 of the Constitution do not understand anything, justice in italy said that taught if it passes because you do not understand. Who writes stuff like that to school is rejected with the two. I was renziano when I would hear him say 'halve the deputies and senators and then also the indemnity'. That would have been a nice savings. I am worried because now the Pd are realizing that l'Italicum is a stupid idea, I would not like that after it wins the Yes we realize that is a stupid idea as the Italicum. We the stuff written with feet. Must be written in Italian, is the ostrogoth". For Renzi, instead, "the article 70 is written in detail to avoid face continual recourse to the constitutional Court. It amazes me that you put formal than a theme substantial. Today the house and Senate are the two great regular meetings".

The gdp? "I would prefer to go strong – For theeconomy, with gdp in the second quarter of 2016 has remained at the stake, "I would prefer to go the more strong", said the premier, but still "in 2017 gdp will be better in 2016, that does not mean that it is okay to". And taxes? "They will continue to go down." “Padoan said two years ago that the intervention on the personal income Tax would be in 2018,” indicating a way of tax reductions “for the time is fantastic,” he said Renzi, adding that “if there is one good thing that I believe all share, is that we never did take the safeguard clause. The last time that it has taken the clause of the'Vat and increased taxation was in the 2013 and we were not the government". "Judging by the zero-growth I would say no," was the replication of Labor.

"The work we do fact-checking on the website". That had already been done –

In the call-and-response on the labour market, Renzi has continued to repeat that during his government were "created 585mila jobs". To the defense of Labor, which has noted the positive balance of new stable contracts has been, in the first seven months of 2016, lower than not only that of the same period of 2015 (as was in force on the relief-contributory 100% for new hires) but also the first seven months of 2014, has proposed "a fact-checking on the website of the daily Fact". What he helped.en has made on 1 September, after the presentation of 30 slides that claimed the results of the first two and a half years of government.

Flexibility? "I think there is consensus". But Juncker has made it clear that we have already had – Then the ballet of the flexibility sought once again to the Eu. Renzi has denied that "we are asking for more flexibility", stating that "we are asking Europe to change the economic policy. The governments have signed the fiscal compact, flexibility is the ability to change all this". Soon after, however, the premier said he had "shown to the Juncker Friday morning" intention to consider "outside of the covenant of the costs of immigration and earthquake risk" and "believe that there is the european consensus". This is despite the president of the Eu Commission on Thursday morning has pointed out that Italy this year has already had more leeway for 19 billion. "Next year we will comply with the european rules, even those that do not agree with and that I have not voted myself, but a majority that ranged from Berlusconi to Panic, responsible economic Brunette and Fassina. Are rules halter for Italy, the respect," concluded Renzi.

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