Saturday, September 24, 2016

Mattarella: immoral to waste food while people are dying –

“Wasting food while many people do not have enough it is an immoral act, more than that anti-social and anti-economic. Good ideas, from experimentation from below, from a share of the movements and associations have developed, also in our Country, the experiences of the redistribution of food products that have brought benefit to thousands of families”. He said the president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in Torino for the inauguration of the Terra Madre at the Teatro Carignano.

“The Agenda 2030 United Nations, which sets further goals after the Millennium development Goals, reminds us that sustainable development is today a vital condition for the humanity and for the planet. It is our opportunity to prepare for the future. It is our duty in front of their children and grandchildren. It is not lawful to consume in advance of their tomorrow”. He said the president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in Torino for the inauguration of the Earth Mother. Wasting food while many people do not have enough it is an immoral act, ” said Mattarella -is not only anti-social and anti-economic. Good ideas, from experimentation from below, from a share of the movements and associations have developed, also in our Country, the experiences of the redistribution of food products that have brought benefit to thousands of families”. “Food sovereignty, he continued, Mattarella – is a law that makes all of us stronger. Why defeat the hunger, the thirst, the desertification of vast territories, the impoverishment of whole communities, devastation of the environment and climate change, which is the condition of safety, even for the strongest Countries economically”. “Conquer the sovereignty, however, is also a problem that concerns all of us,” he continued, “I Trust that Terra Madre – Salone del gusto also help us reflect on the value of food education as an important element of an ethical individual”.

Mattarella to Petrini, the garden of the Quirinale is to Castelporziano – “When they are hosted at the Quirinal, the Heads of State are also the products of the garden of Castelporziano. It is an element that contributes to make people understand how important it is for us agriculture”. The president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, has replied the founder of Slow Food, Carlo Petrini, who at the inauguration in Turin, Terra Madre has called for the creation of a vegetable garden at the Quirinale.

“it’s good news that the increase in the number of young people who devote themselves to agriculture, while, unfortunately, the index of youth employment is still low. Young people are naturally attentive to the environment and a good understanding of how a production, linked to the cultures and traditions of our territory is an added value to combine with wisdom to the necessary innovations”. Thus, the president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in Torino for the inauguration of the Earth Mother.


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