Tunnels, cushions to say, to be waiting but of “the rights, welfare, the right to education, a healthy environment and adoption for homosexual couples”. So began the manifestation of the Fertility Fake in Rome. The protesters are at the entrance of via Alibert, where takes place one of the round tables of Fertility Day and ask for the resignation of the minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin and be received within to be able to speak.
Many of the slogans with the hashtag #are in waiting, such as for example, ‘a healthy environment’, ‘of nurseries in the university”. There are about seventy people participating in the protest of the Fertility Fake. The protest game on the web has seen the participation of certain organizations and associations, including the Cgil, Arci, Act, Artemisia, knowledge Network, Anddos, United in network, Free to all, Coordination against gender violence and sexism, and To the South and Udi, Union women in Italy. Protests are also planned in other Italian cities.
“In the Fertility Day we talk about health, then there is the political aspect and in politics, there are the exploitation, and I know that there is a lot of people who aspire to make the minister of Health: well and good, but meanwhile I’m in charge of true things”. He said the minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, on the margin of the work of the round table on the Fertility Day in Rome.
Lorenzin, many aspire to ministry of health
“In the Fertility Day we talk about health, then there is the political aspect and in politics, there are the exploitation, and I know that there is a lot of people who aspire to make the minister of Health: well and good, but meanwhile I’m in charge of true things”. He said the minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, on the margin of the work of the round table on the Fertility Day in Rome, which has opened this morning. Lorenzin has, therefore, reaffirmed that his priority is to take care of “things that are true: I speak of the essential levels of assistance, and the national health Fund”. Therefore, “I”, the minister added – it should pass whole days to speculate about a photo of the campaign is not going well, I’d do something about them one day, but then who is responsible for what happened and go home”. Explaining thus the episode relating to the photos of the campaign on Fertility, accused of racism, Lorenzin said that the had been presented with a different photo from the one in the subject: “Because were different, I don’t know, and those responsible must take responsibility, but beyond this, he concluded,” it is important to talk about the health problem tied to infertility, and it is important to raise the attention on sexually transmitted diseases, which are on the rise”.
Ricciardi (Iss), the controversy does not overshadow the declining birth rate
“The controversy should not divert from the problem and from the emergency depopulation in Italy: you must not obscure the significance of this initiative.” He said the president of the Institute of health, Walter Ricciardi, on the occasion of the initiative in Rome for the Fertility Day promoted by the ministry of Health, finished ‘in the viewfinder’ for the alleged message that is racist on the cover of one of the eight booklets of the campaign. Italy, said Ricciardi, “is the Country that most of the world has seen plunging fertility from the years ’70: the fertility rate of Italian women is, in fact, to 1.3 since 1976. It will be at these levels in France, for example, only in 2020 and the Usa and only in 2050″. However, especially to young people, she added, that “many infertility problems are preventable, as related to life-styles”. It is clear, however, warned the Broom, that “it can’t just be the ministry of Health to act: policies to support the family must be promoted by the entire government.”
Binetti, just the controversy, we think essential
“Will open today an information campaign on the prevention and care of reproductive health, that of woman and that of man. Because of this, it is when it comes to fertility and this refers to the Fertility Day, in spite of the many controversies in these days, especially related to the bad images choices, and the ambiguity of certain messages”. Says Paola Binetti of the Ap- “Protect the fertility, both male and female, is a goal that must be taken into account since adolescence and that has a lot to do not only with the health of a man and a woman, but even with that desire of maternity and paternity, which in the present context, emerges much later in the years. And then, when you discover that their fertility is reduced to a minimum, we are asking for special aid to medicine and is used medically assisted procreation”, it detects. “Take care promptly of the reproductive health of women and men is therefore a key objective in a Country that wants to defend the right to prevention before the cure. And this is the strong message that this information campaign should launch in a way the most possible convincing. Take care of yourself and your reproductive health right now, especially if you cultivate the desire to become tomorrow’s mother or father. There is no right to a child”, concludes Binetti – but there is a right of the constitution to protect their health, staying away from risks, and by cultivating all the factors of protection of their own health”.
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