"it is Not possible to identify a motive for certain" he had told the pm of Bergamo Letizia Roger, asking for a life sentence to Massimo Bosetti. But the judges of the Court of Assizes, which have inflicted the fine pena mai to the mason of Mapello, the murder of Yara Gambirasio is "matured in a the context of the advances of a sexual nature, most likely rejected by the girl, who can unleash the defendant a reaction of violence and sadism that had never given the test to then".
three months after the verdict, the court presided over by Alessandra Bertoja has put in black and white the reasons that have led to the recognition of his responsibility for the crime aggravated by the cruelty and by the diminished age of the victim. The judges instead, they acquitted "because the fact does not subsist" from the accusation of calumny against the former links, in which he had pointed the finger. A non – charging that has been worth a mini off of a penalty: the prosecutor had asked for the defendant also isolation day for six months.
In the 158 pages of reasons of the judgment for the judges to define the massacre of the gymnast "of unprecedented severity". Were the lawyers of the civil party, asking for a compensation of 3 million 200 thousand euro, to introduce in the discussion of the "driving sex". "The letters that Bossetti was sent to a detainee are indicative of his sexual tastes, in line with the research found on the computer of the family: in both we talk about intimate details like. Bossetti is a liar; for the serial, whose memory comes and goes, depending on his or her convenience," she said at the legal.
"Bossetti evil, seviziò his victim"
Yara was attacked and wounded and then die of cold in the field of Chignolo d’isola, where it was found three months after his death on the 26th of November 2010. The cruelty inflicted upon the victim, to the magistrates, "reveals the evil hearts" of the accused. "The inhuman in terms of objective and primarily physical cruelty in terms of subjective and moral satisfaction of the instinct to cause pain and the absence of feelings of compassion and pity". According to the judges Bossetti "has not acted in an uncontrolled way, leading to a plurality of slices, but it has been working on the body of the victim … for an appreciable period of time, turning it, and lifting the clothes, and drawing, while the girl was still alive, linear cuts, and partly symmetrical, in some cases superficial, and in other cases districts are not viable and, therefore, likely to cause bleeding and pain but not immediate death. Then write the judges – has left the victim to agonize in a field that is isolated and where it was not found that months after".
the reliability of Dna evidence
For the judges, moreover, is "absolutely reliable" the profile nuclear genetic of the Unknown 1, that investigations have determined to be the Maximum Bossetti, as "characterized by a high number of Str markers and verified using a plurality of analysis carried out in accordance with the standards developed by the international scientific community". "It is the presence of the genetic profile of the accused, writes the Court, presided over by Antonella Bertoja – to prove the guilt of the accused: this figure, which is devoid of any ambiguity and insuscettibile of the alternative reading, is not contradicted or placed in doubt by the evidence acquired in the opposite sign, and in fact is indirectly confirmed by additional elements, of the value of a merely circumstantial, compatible with that given, and between them."
The tabulated phones and the particles of lime
"The discovery of the genetic profile of Bossetti and its location to prove that he is the author of the murder; by telephone records shows that on the evening of fact" – November 26th, 2010 – "it was not elsewhere; from the intercepted conversations between these that he that evening he returned to the home later than usual, and that even in the immediate term, not only four years away, he said to his wife what he had done and where it had been." Not only that, they write the judges: "his professional activities explain the unusual concentration on the corpse of the particles of lime and tiny spheres of metal (in the body of the victim, ndr), the result of machining can be warm or locally hot, which only clothing, and means of the workers of the iron and steel industry and the housing sector may be contaminated".
"it Is true that the dynamic, the fact remains largely obscure, but this does not detract from the given evidence represented by the discovery of the Dna on the panties and pants" said the judges. "The location of the genetic profile" of Bossetti on the clothing of the 13-year-old "is proof not only that thedefendant and the victim were in contact, but that he is the author of murder, and, in the face of such data, the remaining uncertainties about where they met, about how the victim was induced to climb on his means, or what the succession of shots does not detect".