the referendum on the constitutional reform of December 4, you win by convincing the voters of the centre-right Matteo Renzi and his say for a while. The goal is to bring to the polls all the supporters of the government and on the other to convince voters of the centre-right, but also the 5 Star Movement, of the goodness of a reform that – at least according to the presentation presented by the supporters of the Yes – simplifies the legislative process and reduces the cost of the policy. However, it was enough to”appeal” launched by Renzi to the voters of the centre-right – remembering that Forza Italia has voted three times in the reform, changing an “incomprehensibly” opinion – to unleash the controversy. And once again, in this curious election campaign that starts in the substantial absence of Fi and of the M5S, it is a question of controversy, all internal to the party of the premier.
in an interview with the director of Sheet Claudio Cerasa, and later, during an initiative in favour of the ” Yes ” in Perugia, Renzi has clarified his thoughts: “it’s Useless to look around: the votes of the right will be decisive in the referendum. The left, now, is largely with us.” You win right? Open up the sky. “I would not like that the day after the referendum, there ritrovassimo all members of the party of the nation and the Pd emptied of ideas and the voters,” says Roberto Hope. “A bad phrase said by the secretary of the Pd and the chairman of the Board” on Gianni Cuperlo. “The referendum is not the congress of the Pd – meets Renzi -. If you do not get the vote of others to call you exactly in the minority, and I want to be in the majority and change things”.
apart from the extreme case of Massimo D’alema, who is touring Italy to do propaganda against the reform, the minority of Pd is increasingly deployed for No. Just listen to Pier Luigi Bersani, who insists on the “conjunction” Italicum-reform of the Senate: “the revision of The Italicum, and the constitutional reform are not different things. The charm of No lies in this: with No jumps at the Italicum. And if one thinks that the problem is a serious problem, then…”. But Renzi plc does not respond directly. The accounts with the minority bersaniana – support her – you will do after the referendum: “If it wins the Yes okay so we will be tolerant, but if he wins the No Renzi remains secretary of the party and the electoral lists makes him…”. But D’alema, now considered far from the heart of the militants unlike Bersani, there are no qualms. And here He goes down hard: “On the points of the reform D’alema, for personal story, is totally agree. But as has as a goal the destruction of a person and an experience, then it’s his battle. Best wishes. D’alema is an expert of fratricidal strife in the home: buzz to Prodi and Veltroni to believe”. Remains the opening to review the Italicum after the referendum vote: “I struggle,” she admits, Renzi – because I believe that the Italicum is an excellent law, but are ready to make a discussion real. Why the election law is less important than the referendum, as well as my personal career is less important than the referendum”.
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