Def, Padoan reassures the Eu. The senate, and delay the criminal process
An agreement worth 6 billion euros in three years. The first signature on the agreement of the government and the trade unions, to a change in the law Fornero, has been affixed. The advance self-financed (Ape) there will be, but it will also be the fourteenth for those who earn a monthly allowance of up to one thousand euro.
The range of beneficiaries rises from 2.1 to 3.3 million, or 1.2 million pensioners will receive an average of 40-50 euros per month. For the minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti have been set some stakes are important and the comparison will continue. For the trade unions is a step forward, however, towards a destination still to reach. Specifically, the government and trade unions are working on the extension of the possibility to cumulate the contributions, greater benefits to workers early especially when they have reached the age of heavy and arduous professions, on the involvement of employers in supporting the costs of the Bee, which will be tax-free (as a tool to govern the processes of company turnover). “The comparison of the government and the trade unions will continue to define the audience that will take advantage of the Bee social”, that is, facilitated or funded directly by the State, explained the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Tommaso Nannicini, explaining that the comparison will continue on workers early.
Pensions, check the Rita
a new tool, called Rita (Pension, Supplementary Temporary Advance) that is the possibility to access in advance the supplementary pension at the funds, in the phase of exit from the job, and with a taxation lower than the 24 percent expected for the current advances. Harsh reaction of the M5s. “The unions are slowly bowing his head, facing the blackmail of the government according to which citizens will have to take out a mortgage to go into retirement with a few years in advance”, stated the parliamentary pentastellati, on the other hand we are faced with those same initials that struck the yes and no half an hour, when the Monti government devised the disastrous “Fornero ” reform”. “The loan might be paid for 20 years, with cuts of up to 25% on the amount of the pension,” continues the press release, “the Uil today peeps with a soft voice that the funds are insufficient. In reality, banks and insurance companies are already rubbing their hands in front of the new business that will ensure generous interest in the time of the rate reset”.
Def, Padoan reassures the Eu
In Brussels, “in the meantime, we ask for permission to get possibly up to 0.4% more of a deficit to finance exceptional events, but “we will do so in full agreement with the european authorities, we will go on as always with full respect for the rules and agreements established by the Eu”, stressed the minister of Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, the day after the approval of the Def. “The Gdp is expected to grow in 2016, 0.8% and in 2017 by 1%; the deficit/Gdp ratio will amount to 2.4% this year and next year to 2%, but with a possible extension of a further 0,4%”, announced by the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, at the end of the Council of ministers has given the go-ahead to the update note. It is the further indebtedness of 0.4 percentage points “for the earthquake and for the management of immigration” the object of the litigation. A request that formally in the text of the update note of the Def is not there is because the doma nda flexibility “is a one-time” and “we used last year,” he specified Renzi. “For me it’s a mistake,” he added, “there is a 0.4 percent maximum of the exceptional circumstances, that is something other than the flexibility and relates to elements that no one can contest that you are the earthquake, and immigration”. Also in 2017, then, the deficit could reach to 2.4%. Not only. “With what face” he would later say the president of the Council during a trsmissione radio, “I’d say that I’m not putting money on the schools, because the Eu does not want to? Would try the populists and those who hate Europe”. For Renzi is already made, even if for Padoan no: “Mayors, spend and then come back to the engineers in the technical offices to design, because if we lose the stability of the schools with which face we look at our children?” The measures on pensions or on the superammortamento “there will be” Budget law “and does not depend on the negotiations with Brussels,” he pointed out.
Renzi causes the Eu
As to the risk of claims from Europe, “that beard, what a bore, what a bore that beard…”, he joked Renzi, quoting a famous line from Sandra Mondaini. Space to the “dreams”. The reduction of the taxes “will be there” with the intervention on the Iri, and Vat, provided for in the law of Stability, in addition to the linked in discussion on self-employment. Missing the corporate income tax down to 24%, and the Iri for the small,” while “it remains in the heart in the dream put the hand of the personal income Tax, the objective for 2018, and we have to go in that direction”. Yesterday, Renzi is back even on the Bridge on the Strait. “It is not that because he has said Berlusconi, then it is wrong. This is an example of the culture of hate which I never understood many of our and 5 stars”. “I,” said Renzi, “at the Leopolda I said that having to choose between the broadband and the Bridge over the Strait I was for broadband and that I had to finish the Sa-Rc and the railway lines in Sicily, and I confirm it, but after two and a half years of the government is that the broadband is to race in all the Regions, the Sa-Rc runs at four-lane and on the 22nd of December will be finished, in Sicily the money for the viaducts, and railways are reality, and then, being a guest of the company in a lawsuit with the State after winning the race, I said that if it becomes a tool to join from Milan to Palermo, you can think”.
Rome, Ray is held on the Balance sheet
the Rays only yesterday has revoked the regional Budget Raffaele De Dominicis taking place. The effect of the measure signed by the first town, therefore she will return the powers to the financial statements, Assets and Investments, first assigned to the former attorney-general of the Court of Auditors of the Lazio region, which in fact has never been in office. “The names of the councillors will arrive in a week,” said the mayor of Rome. “I unpacked the proxies as from my initial idea because of the reorganization of companies must be managed independently from the budget and assets. When it comes to names, I will tell you,” he added. To those who wondered if one of the two will be women, he responded, “I will not assure you anything. Even with the quotas? I point to the quality”. Why not make note of the list of names Ray has answered that “obviously there are people who probably do not intend to disclose at the time of their availability”.
criminal Process, slide the reform
The reform of the criminal process slide because of the tensions within the government majority. The first signal came from the interview with the minister of justice Andrea Orlando has heard the request of the vote of confidence on the part of the government. Renzi has excluded “tend to be” confidence on the package of justice in the Senate, because it would be an act of hostility towards the Anm: “The issue,” he explained, “is simple: we’ve made rules that I consider good, but to put the trust on a matter for which the chief of the judges, dr. Davigo, who said even heavy things on me, but that I have the duty to listen to, because he has his reasons, and says that they are harmful and useless, then trust on the acts to the justice that the judges say harmful first put it there I think two or three times.” Therefore, “you have to go into the Classroom and there you will see”. Evident in the diversity of attitude compared to Angelino Alfano: “we Think that the trust does not run special risks. It is evident that if it were to be warped to a secret ballot, the sense of this legislation at the approval stage, we do the final vote, we might not give it”. “Yes, we were asked to put the trust, has admitted the holder of the interior ministry and the former minister of justice, “but the final evaluation of the opportunities is the responsibility of the chairman of the Board”. Within this measure there are elements such as the reform of wiretapping and the concerns of centrists “is that a secret vote may be made of agreements between giustizialisti of 5 stars and giustizialisti internal to some sectors of the Pd”.
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