Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Capitol, also Tutino says no “From 20 days on the gridiron, that’s enough” – Corriere della Sera

“I shot back, are 20 days on the grill and leave it for the climate within the party that it should support the Council of Rome”. So Salvatore Tutino, the judge of the Court of auditors by many indicated as a candidate to the department of Budget of the Municipality of Rome, which claims to be “a technical, not conditioned by accessions acritiche”. Adds the magistrate: “the Town and the first one that gets up takes a shot, and also the people animated by good intentions, and series such as the Rays, if they are not put in the best condition they can not do very much.”

Rays: “The name will come soon”

hot comes the comment of Virginia’s Rays: “it Was one of the people that we were considering, but the name will come soon,” said the mayor of Rome, leaving from the Capitol. In the past few days had spoken of a “hours will be decisive for finalizing the team”.

Fiano: 100 days of agony to Rome

“the Hundred days of agony for Rome do not seem to be enough”. So in a note, Emanuele Fiano, the parent company of the Democratic Party in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs at the Chamber. “The last councillor in pectore is the subject of a contention in which, more than the curriculum, count the allegations and where the lies and the troubles of a certain policy, make premium on professionalism and commitment. Do not say the powers that be, the threat they pulled into the dance by the pentastellati when they are in difficulty, but – says the deputy Dem – is the same Salvatore Tutino, director of the Court of Auditors, which until this morning declared that he was available to take on the role of assessor to the financial statements”. “The incompetence, the lies, the lack of perspective, political and administrative, and the internal struggles of the movement 5 stars, and concludes Fiano – are bringing the Capital to collapse. The citizens do not deserve this slow agony.”


The parent of the List Zingaretti, Michele Baldi offers at this point, the regional councillor for the Budget, Alessandra Sartore: “it is highly estimated also from the 5-Star hotel of the Region of Lazio, in addition to all the others. Then you can also occupy the city of Rome offers Baldi – while continuing to work in the Region, in the interest of the city and citizens. Not meant to be a provocation, but a real proposal for good policy and creative policy. In some cases, to exit from the swamp, it takes imagination, creativity, and the courage to break the mold. I am convinced that in this way, even if a little more original you could open a really great and beautiful page for Rome”. Note Stefano Pedica of the PD: “IN Rome there is a great “moria” of councillors. Now not a day goes by that someone throw in the towel or pull back, even before being nominated. This step, at the mayor Ray is not enough an entire consiliatura to compose his team in the Capitol. It is obvious that the cinquestelle are completely incapable of driving in a city like Rome has need of stability and not of chaos.”

The third “disappointment”

Salvatore Tutino is the third name to fall in the box of the department of budget of the Capitol. After Marcello Minenna – who resigned along with the now former chief of staff Carla Raineri about 20 days ago, in controversy with the mayor Virginia Ray, after Anac, she asked, had declared illegal the appointment of Raineri – that place has not been found who will serve. The mayor, in the days following, was identified in the former magistrate of the Court of Auditors Raffaele De Dominicis, the right man to take care of the budget of the capitol. Once appointed, however, the mayor had to back down, resulting in the former magistrate inquired for a story linked to his previous assignment. On his appointment, as the last name identified, is that of the magistrate, accounting Salvatore Tutino, there had been open criticism between the vertices and not of the M5s. Tutino, in particular, was branded in 2013 from the parliamentarians of the tip pentastellati as a “member of the caste.” For these controversies, are more and more open even in the last days, the magistrate has decided to throw in the towel and give up at that place.

September 27, 2016 | 13:36



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