From the Ape to the fourteenth: six billion in three years for the pension. After four months of confrontation, the government and trade unions signed a minutes shared on the changes to the pension scheme to introduce in the law of Stability. During the meeting, which was held on Wednesday 28 September with the social partners, the minister of Labour, Giuliano Poletti has confirmed the intention to allocate to these measures, the 6 billion euros in 3 years, although there are still some knots to be untied, especially the audience for theAdvance the pension facilitated (Epa). In fact the report paves the way which should lead to the ability to go in the old-age pension with 3 years and 7 months in advance through the loan. the pension that the worker will sign with theInps. "The government is working to find the maximum sharing possible", said the minister of Labour, during the meeting, which was attended by the secretaries Susanna Camusso (Cgil), Annamaria Furlan (Cisl), Carmelo Barbagallo (Uil) and the trade unions of pensioners, in addition to the undersecretary to the presidency of the council, Tommaso Nannicini.
"After four months of confrontation, we signed a memorandum of understanding with the government on pensions. Were the ten years that we couldn’t do it – she commented to he helped.en Ivan Pedretti, secretary general of Spi-Cgil – and for this I think that today is an important day". There are still some knots to be untied, and in particular on the Ape, the demanding jobs and workers early. "We will work on in the next few days but I think we managed to make a good agreement, continued Pedretti. That said: "You give the answers to the retirees and to the pensionandi with interventions on the fourteenth, no tax the works
strenuous on the workers early and on the ricongiunzioni expensive".
NEW IN the report – the One of Wednesday was not a meeting to reach an agreement. Rather it was to discover the cards and understand the points on which there can be sharing, and those in which it is far from understood. In the minutes, meanwhile, is also provided for the so-called Bee social, the advance pension provided to the total load of the State for certain categories of workers in need. By the definition of bonus additional tax or monetary transfers direct, they will be guaranteed an income bridge paid for by the State for a amount fixed. Are still not well defined, audience, and amount. Among the changes, those regarding the fourteenth: it is now recognized pensioners, with total income personal up to 750 euros monthly, will also be extended to those with incomes up to one thousand euro per month (2 times the minimum). This is 3.3 million people, or almost 1.2 million more than the current audience of beneficiaries. For those, however, who already have the benefit (and we’re talking about 2.2 million people), the amount will be increased, even if not yet defined the rise on the basis of the tiers of contributions paid. On the whole, for the increase of those who already receive the additional amount you will spend 30% of the budget dedicated to this chapter. The other node is the one of the workers early: for those who have worked 12 months actual, even if not continuous, before the age of 19 years, the output would be as early as 41 years of contributions if you belong to the categories of workers in difficulty, such as unemployed without social safety, the disabled and those who have done strenuous activities. The other chapter is one of the demanding jobs: it allows the'advance retirement of 12 or 18 months by eliminating the exit window provided by the Fornero reform. The access to early retirement can happen if you carried out an activity tiring for at least 7 years in the last 10 or for a number of years equal to half of the entire working life. It remains open the question of the enlargement of the audience.
THE ACCOUNTS OF the MINISTER – If the comparison of work and pensions began at the end of may, the verbal comes after the launch of the Def update and in the view of the drafting of the Budget law. The accounts to hand? About six billion euros, Poletti has explained that "this type of forecast is confronted with the general framework of the available resources and, since we expect the interventions of the structural type, which develop their effect over a period of time. We have a distribution that starts from a lower level and grows as you use the tools". The document, stressed Poletti, "a photographer shares but also the diversity expressed in the course of the comparison". That’s why you will need a study onthe identification of the audiences of beneficiaries of the bee, in the shape of on loan free expected for some categories of workers, disadvantaged workers early to enable you to retire with 41 years of contributions.
trade UNIONS "On pensions has done a good job, but is not yet concluded," said the secretary general of the Cgil, Susanna Snub, which emphasized the importance of having a separate workers, focusing in the exit who has carried out the activity more strenuous. More prudent to the secretary-general of the Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo: "The six-billion allocated was not sufficient and we must not forget the esodati and the rest of the platform". Even for the general secretary of the Cisl, Annamaria Furlan, "the work goes on". But he stresses: "After so many years, retirees can see a little bit of justice". Satisfied of the distinction on the different works of the secretary general of the Filca-Cisl national, the Franco Turri: "The agreement reached today on pensions represents an important conquest for the workers ofconstruction. Having identified the criteria related to the age of retirement and the increased risks of illness and injury, he explained, will allow tens of thousands of construction to retire before and without penalty, as repeatedly called for by the Filca and Cisl". Disappointment also from the fire "even with this time have been forgotten in the area of pensions", as underlined by the secretary-general of the union of fire Conapo, Antonio Brizzi. "We are the Body of the State’s most penalized, he added, ” without due recognition of operational services for pension purposes. But, be careful, do not ask for privileges but only what is already recognized all the other Bodies, including the mechanism of 6 shots pensionable that they have all the armed forces of the police, otherwise we will become the poorest pensioners. By the time we ask in vain at the premier Renzi and the ministers Alfano, Madia, and Poletti, from which we hope a meeting". Brizzi has said it is also "displeased with the fact that you have not heard these requests to the fire department by trade unions Cgil-Cisl-Uil, present at the negotiations."