ROME the intervention on minimum pensions, the release of the contracts and the salary adjustment for civil servants. The confirmation for the 500 euro bonus that teachers can spend on training, “because if you make the professor is right that the state should recognize your function,” and an easing of the contributions for the self-employed. Interviewed in the living room of Door to Door , President of the Council Matteo Renzi makes a long list of possible actions that should go into the Budget bill, the Finance old that the government must submit to Parliament by the mid-October.
on pensions Renzi confirms the novelty of a “help for minimum pensions”, those from 500 euro per month, in the form of a ‘sort of fourteenth . ” It is the same President of the Council to indicate in about 50 euro monthly the possible extent of amount that could be paid in a lump sum that is not smeared month to month but with one additional check. In the pension package, confirms Renzi, there will also be the Bee, the opportunity to leave work three years before accepting a lower allowance. How much lower? The matter is still being studied by the government but Renzi minimizes and says that you will have to “give up little bit,” which “will cost a pittance.” In any case it is likely to remain out of free reunion, ie the possibility of adding paid to various entities contributions without having to pay figures are often unsustainable.
on public employees, the Prime Minister reminded that “their contract is blocked by seven years’ and promises to” work because the salary adjustment is unlocked. ” Nothing increases the same for everyone, however, no rain awards as announced. But “incentives of merit, as for executives.” In the study by Bruno Vespa, Renzi also promises a discount on contributions paid by self-employed non-members of professional associations, an audience “of 500 thousand people.” For these workers, enrolled in the INPS separate management, according to the calculations of the Prime Minister will come a savings of “about a thousand euro a year,” more or less the 80 euro they perceive, in another form, employees. The project should result in a reduction in the contribution from about 27% to 25%. Just over € 80, returning on the controversies of recent months, the President of the Council ensures that “there is to be returned to 80 euro». He explains: “Those who are not entitled to stay in the bands must return them if they asked for it” but “for the 80,000 who have them due to return there are 160,000 more who have taken them.”
The problem, as usual, is where to get the money for all these measures , much more with the economy slowing down by the end of the year. “Not sforeremo 3%”, the European limit of the ratio of deficit to GDP, gross domestic product, guarantees the president of the Council. “We will stay on the 2.3% -2.4%. It is a matter of credibility and reputation. We need to change the economic policies and we are doing it. But also say that you can no longer borrow, we should not spend the money of our children and grandchildren, because it would not be serious. ” From here a dig at Spain, where, without a government, the economy takes a lot more than us: “It grows 3% but has a 5% deficit” that is worth “50 billion euro”. “They gave me 50 billion to be given to citizens or to reduce taxes. I also would have increased by 3%. ”
6 September 2016 (modified September 6, 2016 | 22:46)
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