Friday, September 2, 2016

IXE: Pd forward to 5S, Fi and the League “to its knees”. Wide confidence Mattarella – Intelligonews

IXE: Pd forward to 5S, Fi and the League “to its knees”. Wide confidence Mattarella

The Democratic Party would be slightly ahead compared to 5stelle Movement, However, a gap of just two points.

the confirm the results of a survey of Ixe for Agora, the RAI 3 program.

The poll released the morning of September 2, 2016 confirms that in the event of the game you would play all elections between Pd and 5stars.

The Democratic Party stood at 32, 6% while grillini would just below, to 30.3%.

perhaps the fault of the last Roman events that have invested the junta Rays cracking confidence that until a few weeks ago a majority of Italians seemed entertained about the Grillo movement.

however as mentioned detachment is minimal, but the decline in 5S sobering.

growing Fratelli d ‘ Italy, Rifondazione Comunista and Popular Area.

It should be rather bad for Forza Italy 10% and the League Salvini 13% who lose points.

For more Silvio Berlusconi Matteo Salvini they are also lower in the ranking of personalities that would inspire greater confidence that is headed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella at 57%, followed by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to 32% and the Vice-President of the Chamber Luigi Di Maio to 28% of the vote.

Matteo Salvini is 19% while Silvio Berlusconi to 14%.

the center according to these numbers would be so out of play .


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