Thursday, September 1, 2016

Giunta M5s Rome, the coup of the “magic range.” Then the mayor collapses and cries, now defends only Di Maio – The Republic

ROME. As he tries to explain why it has once again chosen to defend his loyalists and abandon the work of people like the chief of staff Carla Raineri and the Councillor for the Budget and Participate Marcello Minenna, lips Virginia Rays have a tremor. Uncertainty in his voice that becomes acute, then disappears. Here come the tears. The breakdown. It’s in a meeting on Capitol Hill with the remaining sections of the junta and its majority, the mayor. “Those fears most – tell the leaders of the movement – it is the city councilors. They are the ones who can remove the trust. Not the minidirettorio. Not the staff, it would have to support it and now everything is against you.”

the most furious are the Roman parliamentary Carla Ruocco, Paola Taverna, Roberta Lombardi. Convinced that the common work he could find the right people to administer Rome and that the “magic range” is not doing nothing but sabotage the job. “There are no current or girts – vents the Lombardi with a deputy – from us there are only two parts: those who work with the Movement 5 stars method and who is not.” In the focus are the deputy mayor Daniel Frongia; the deputy chief of staff – former right-hand man, Gianni Alemanno and Renata Polverini – Raffaele Marra; the Capitol employee promoted to head of Salvatore Romeo political secretariat. It is once more from them than you have to start to understand what has happened in the last 24 hours. For it was Raffaele Marra to draft the request for an opinion on the contract of ANAC chief of staff Carla Raineri. Request then forwarded from Virginia Rays, along with all the others. Was his response to the controversy of August against Salvatore Romeo salary. “You say that the appointment is irregular? What an employee of the municipality can not go on leave and to be taken three times the salary? – Asked the mayor to those who criticized – ANAC We ask you to check all the resolutions and see what happens” .

on the appointment of Raineri, on the article under which it and on his salary, had already been applied for the advocacy of common opinions, which had given the green light. ANAC has instead regarded as unlawful. But instead propose the judge on the basis of a proper procedure, Virginia Rays decide to send her away. “We hallucinated”, says more than one in the Roman staff. “Opinions do not ask after, how can unseat an anti-corruption court Carla Raineri caliber with a post on Facebook at five in the morning? How is it possible that we are all on one side, and she always goes the opposite side ?. “

” The real problem is Marra and Juliet “, said to be in Roman circles that those close to Casaleggio Associati. Without having the courage to speak clearly, though. Because Luigi Di Maio decided that Virginia Rays must be defended. That there is no other way. Although the morning, when he speaks with his closest collaborators, already she knows of having to prepare for what it calls. “A domino effect”

Carla Raineri did not trust his deputy Raffaele Marra. He had tried to counter him and Romeo precisely with the help councilor Marcello Minenna. The two wanted to put its beak on subsidiaries and the supertecnico did not intend to accept it. For this, once put away the Raineri, he has decided to leave too. Followed by two people whom he had chosen, the president and general director of Ama.

But while – at the top of the 5 stars – Robert Fico is careful not to answer the phone, Alessandro Di Battista continues its tour no to the referendum for the silence of Rome and Beppe Grillo (on holiday in Olbia) deserting an appointment in Sassari which was well expected, Luigi Di Maio did not hesitate. From the first moment, he was the one having to defend the actions of the mayor. A role in which his domestic opponents have crushed willingly. But feeling obligated. If you screw up in Rome, it fails the idea of ​​a five-star Movement Ready to rule. For this, in Sassari, responding to the question that dry on his Facebook page had more like: “What’s going on in Rome?”. “I say only one thing – responded the candidate for prime minister in pectore – this is just the beginning, those who think that grooming Roma is a simple thing has totally wrong. We all against all lobby. Tomorrow we name the new commissioner,

the new chief of staff, the new leaders of the companies and move on. We in Rome want to change everything, and we will. ” Because it’s true, he himself had to sign the final agreement with Minenna, at the time of his appointment. But then he realized that the commissioner thought he could lead the council more than was called to do. “The mayor is Virginia”, keeps saying the vice president of the Chamber. No one should forget that.

junta M5s
movement 5 stars
virginia rays
raffaele mattock
carla raineri
savior romeo


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