Friday, September 2, 2016

Rays, resignation chaos: Shared leave in 5 – The Messenger

ROME The escape from the Capitol side at night. When Virginia Rays, with a post on Facebook, announces its intention to terminate the appointment of the Cabinet headed by Carla Roman Raineri: an appointment that had created controversy with the base of the Five stars for the salary (193 000 euro per year), but also tensions between the different souls of M5s. The news, anticipated yesterday by messenger, creates an unpredictable domino effect: in the morning are announced the resignation “irrevocable” Raineri – who distrust anyone who advances the hypothesis that his resignation is linked to any of its compensation reductions – and Marcello Minenna , councilor for the budget and key man of the junta Capitoline, sponsored precisely by the now former head of the Cabinet. “I have served the state once again, as always,” he says the man came by Consob, that leaves at odds with the magical ray that he had decided to unseat Raineri. The collaboration between the two was established already in the technical secretariat of the former special commissioner of the City of Rome, Francesco Paolo Trim.


 What’s more, to feed the Roman chaos arrive in sequence three more heavy resignation. First leave the ATAC vertices (the municipal transport) – the sole director Armando Brandolese and general manager Marco Rettighieri – after days of controversy with the Campidoglio, accused of “meddling and interference.” Then it’s up to Alexander Solidoro, sole director of Ama, came less than a month at the helm of waste and loyalist Minenna, who “felt longer fulfills the conditions for the task entrusted to him.”


 “We are working to identify the important people who can contribute to the revitalization of the city: we do not stop,” he assures the mayor to his majority, immediately met in the Senatorial Palace. “Everyone is talking about chaos and blizzard, but this is only the beginning – says the vice president of the Chamber, Luigi Di Maio, the Minenna sponsors – Who thought that rule Rome would be a cakewalk she was wrong. We made so many enemies. ” The top parliamentarian M5s assures: “Rome will rule.” But the atmosphere is anything but peaceful: astonishment among the councilors, rumors of internal strife in pieces administration Capitoline, frost in mindirettorio 5 Stars. There is concern in the corridors of the Capitol and in the base pentastellata, in turmoil. On the appointment of Carla Raineri comes a complaint filed yesterday by Brothers of Italy. For the parent company FDI Fabrizio Gera, who signed the complaint with Andrea De Priam, on the appointment of Raineri ‘choosing Article 110 of Tuel evaded two important requirements of the standard: the first, to ensure that no one within the administration he had the required qualifications; the second, to banish a public notice. ” And the Democratic Party in the attack: “After less than two and half months, Virginia is already at the last stop.” Vote to understatement the words of Matthew Renzi: “I respect the work of the mayor, won her, her honors and duties, do not put your mouth on the team, who wins has the responsibility and the duty to govern.” Also identical words expenses for the then mayor Ignazio Marino, who after a few days he saw her come down. Ray resists, but in less than three months after his election has already undergoing the first shock.



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